
  • 网络captive insurer
  1. 第二,本文对在我国建立专属自保公司的必要性进行了分析。

    Secondly , this paper discusses the necessity of the captive insurance in our country .

  2. 保险和再保险业的创新方式主要有如下几种:融资再保险、自保公司和保险证券化等。

    Innovation composed of finance reinsurance , captive company , and securitisation , etc.

  3. 目前在ART市场中风险自留组织和自保公司成为佼佼者,发展异常迅速。

    Today , risk retention organizations and captive insurance companies are leading the ART market which is expanding rapidly .

  4. 我国发展专业自保公司的几点思考

    Some Thinking on the Development of Specific Self-Insurance Company in China

  5. 企业风险管理创新与中国海油自保公司案例研究

    Innovative risk management and case study of CNOOC Insurance Limited

  6. 自保公司的优势与缺陷

    Self-insurance Company the advantages & disadvantages

  7. 在财务安排上,自留风险可以将损失摊入营业成本,或建立意外损失基金,还可以组建专业自保公司。

    Considering risk financial treatment arrangement , we could record loss into operational expense , or contingency fund , or set up captives .

  8. 对其避税行为的分析有助于了解自保公司面临的挑战并找出反避税措施。

    An analysis of its tax avoidance helps to under-stand the challenges for captive insurance company and work out anti-tax & avoidance measures .

  9. 了解如何在避税天堂拥有自己的国家自保公司可以帮助您节省税钱,降低您的保险费。

    See how owning your own captive insurance company in a tax haven country can help you save money in taxes and reduce your insurance costs .

  10. 专业自保公司具有风险管理效率高、保险费率低、承保范围广等一系列的商业保险无法比拟的特点,也有一些固有的缺点。

    Professional insurance companies have the characteristics such as high risk management efficiency , low insurance fee and wide insurance scope which are better than that of commercial insurance companies but have some defects .

  11. 到2004年,全球自保公司数量已达4800余家。

    There were as many as 4800 self-insurance companies in the world in 2004 . CNOOC Insurance Limited , the only self-insurance company in China , was founded in August , 2000 , in Hong Kong .

  12. 1974年《风险管理报告》第一次对全球的专业自保公司数目作一次调查,当时设立在美国和加勒比地区的专业自保公司达316家。

    According to " A Report of Risk Management " in 1974 , the first survey into captive insurances all over the world , there had been 316 captive insurances in the USA , Caribbean Sea and other " off shore " areas .

  13. 由此可见,专业自保公司是全球保险市场上的一分十分重要的力量,它在保险业掀起了一场革命,促使各个商业组织寻找一条更为有效地安排、组织、分散风险的途径。

    It follows that the captive insurance is a force on the global insurance market . It triggered one revolution in insurance industry , which makes all business organizations seek one more effective way to arrange , organize , and disperse the risk .

  14. eBay声称出台这个政策的目的不仅在于保护买家免遭假冒卖家欺骗,而且是为了自保,防止公司因其保护买家计划而蒙受损失。

    The company says the policy is aimed at protecting buyers from bogus sellers and to stem potential losses it incurs from its buyer protection program .