
  • 网络self-protection
  1. 他们已具有的知识保证了他们的自我保护能力。

    The knowledge they have acquired ensures their ability of self-protection .

  2. 第二部分是幼儿安全意识和自我保护能力概述。

    The second part is the pre-school safety awareness and self-protection ability overview .

  3. 留守儿童还存在许多其他问题,如没有自我保护能力、生活方式不健康、花太多零花钱、上网时间过长等。

    There are also many other problems of the left-behind children , such as having no ability to protect themselves , unhealthy lifestyles , spending too much pocket money and too much time on the Internet and so on .

  4. 巨蟹座的人自我保护能力很强,县具有传统及情绪化的特征。

    Sometimes Cancers can be aggressive in getting what they want .

  5. 谈学生体操自我保护能力的培养

    The Training of Students ' Gymnastic Self - protection Ability

  6. 谈大学生体育锻炼自我保护能力

    Discussion of the Undergraduates ′ Self-Defend Ability During Physical Exercise

  7. 例如用户的背景知识,抵抗病毒的自我保护能力和用户间的信任度等。

    For example , background knowledge of users , the ability of self-protection and trust level among users .

  8. 一个被法院指定来履行维护未成年人和丧失自我保护能力的人的利益的人。

    Someone appointed by a court to assume responsibility for the interests of a minor or incompetent person .

  9. 加强自我保护能力和医务监督等方法能起到很好的预防作用。

    The method of supervising etc. can play very good prevention function to strengthen self-protection ability and medical matters .

  10. 回文序列上经常发生臂间基因转换,使Y染色体具有自我保护能力。

    There are abundant gene conversion between arms of palindromes in Y chromosomes of human which caused powers of self-preservation .

  11. 结论:必需加强艾滋病防范意识的宣传教育,把增强男性责任、提高女性自我保护能力与行为干预结合起来。

    In females , the consciousness of self-protection was weak , and the capacity and ability to enhance self-protection are lacking .

  12. 我们的目的就是测定孩子自我保护能力发展水平,给幼儿教师及家长提供教育建议。

    The arm is to test the developing level of the kids'ability to show education advice to the parents and the kindergarten .

  13. 为此,本文基于用户对病毒的自我保护能力和信任度提出一种新的交互式传播模型。

    Therefore , this dissertation presents a novel interactive email virus propagation model based on users ' ability of self-protection and trust level .

  14. 对幼儿、幼儿安全意识和自我保护能力的概念进行界定,介绍了幼儿安全自护的内容。

    For children , children safety awareness and self-protection ability , the paper defines , this paper introduces the contents of preschool safety since armor .

  15. 因此,在广泛的社会和心理学背景下,在强大的技术背景下,我们开发幼儿自我保护能力测评系统。

    So , under the very circumstance of the society and the psychology , the powerful technical condition , the testing system of baby 's self-protection .

  16. 生物免疫系统天生具有很强的自我保护能力,它可以通过自身的学习来保护自体不受细菌、病毒等外来有害物质的侵害。

    Biology immune system naturally has strong ability of self-preservation , which can protect itself from external harmful substance such as bacteria and virus by learning .

  17. 从业人员的自我保护能力和意识比较薄弱,但接受艾滋病和性病知识宣传教育的意愿较强烈。

    Most of marketers lacked protective abilities and consciousnesses on AIDS prevention , but a great number of marketers would like to accept AIDS / STDs education .

  18. 相关监管部门有必要通过持续的投资者教育,帮助投资者熟悉市场、认识规律、增强自我保护能力,大力倡导理性投资策略。

    Regulators should help the investors understand market , recognize rule , enhance the self-protection ability through investor education , in order to promote rational investment strategy .

  19. 朝向反应的削弱提示脑力疲劳后可能会对危险信号的觉察判断能力下降,自我保护能力缺乏。

    The impairment of orient response indicated that the awareness and judgment of the signal of danger were damaged after fatigue , and the self-protection was also absent .

  20. 有专家指出,通过安全教育,提高我们小学生的自我保护能力,80%的意外伤害事故是可以避免的。

    Some experts point out that the adoption of safety education , improving our self-protection ability of primary school students , 80 % of the accident injuries are avoidable .

  21. 在刑事责任能力的评定中,疾病严重程度、作案时的诱因、作案后对后果认识、作案后对自我保护能力等因素对刑事责任能力评定有重要贡献率。

    The factors such as severity of the disorders , the criminal motivation , recognition of the consequence and the ability to self protection made important contribution to the responsibility .

  22. 在社会关系日益依赖于法律的社会控制手段时,社会弱势群体显然最缺乏自我保护能力,而现实生活中,又恰恰是他/她们的合法权益最容易受到侵害。

    They are in the greatest lack of ability to protect themselves when social relation relys on law day by day which is one of means to control the society .

  23. 评估维持性血液透析病人出血危险因素,设计个体化健康教育方案,提高病人自我保护能力。

    Objective : To evaluate the risk factors of hemorrhage in maintenance hemodialysis patients and to design a scheme of individualized health education , so as to promote their self-protection ability .

  24. 幼儿自我保护能力测评系统,是以心理学知识为依据,以软件系统为依托,对幼儿的自我保护能力进行评定并给予建议的测评系统。

    The testing system of the self-protection of the baby is the system which assesses the baby 's self-protection ability and gives suggestion basing on the knowledge of psychology and software system .

  25. 因此,企业还需要在实践中不断强化合同意识、索赔意识,增强自我保护能力,以适应经济发展的需要。

    So enterprises will also need to strengthen the contract consciousness , claim consciousness unceasingly in practice , to enhance ability of protecting oneself , to meet the requirements of the economic development .

  26. 不过农民的传统性依然不同程度地存在着,他们对政策信息的关注度低、法制观念不强,自我保护能力比较弱;

    But peasant traditional still exist to some degree , they don 't care about the information of policy , their concept of law is not strong , their self-protection ability is weak ;

  27. 通过对建筑物鉴定工作中的一些经验和体会,探讨了建筑物鉴定工作中的一些常见问题,并阐明了增强检测、鉴定科技人员自我保护能力及风险意识的重要性。

    Combined with experiences in building security appraisal according to the problems encountered in appraisement work some suggestions are proposed to intensify checking and appraise the self protection ability and risk consciousness of technologists .

  28. 结论实施新的入出院护理,履行告知义务,既保障家属的知情同意权,又提高自我保护能力,提高护理质量,密切医患关系,减少医疗纠纷的发生。

    Conclusion To apply the new admission and discharge nursing can promote the ability of protecting himself and nursing quality and decrease the incidence of medical disputes and promote relationship between patients and doctors .

  29. 通过上述的评析,从法律的完善、加强网络监管、行业自律,提高消费者的自我保护能力等方面提出了减少网络虚假广告的对策。

    Through the above assessment , from the perfect law , strengthening the network of regulatory , industry self-regulation , increasing consumer self-protection and other aspects of the countermeasures to reduce the network of false advertising .

  30. 而且非智力能力(比如:职业规划能力、城市生活适应能力、抗挫折能力、团队合作能力、自我保护能力)的掌握情况也相对比较薄弱,不太符合社会的需求。

    And non-intelligence capabilities ( such as : career planning capacity , urban life adaption , anti-frustration ability , teamwork ability , self-protection ) is also relatively weak , do not meet the needs of society .