
  • 网络concentration risk;Concentrated Risk;concentration of risk
  1. 完善商业银行贷款集中风险监管法律制度

    On Improving the Legal System of Loan Concentration Risk Regulation in Commercial Banks

  2. 集中风险也一样。

    Nor does concentration risk .

  3. 信贷集中风险有可能使国有商业银行的不良贷款比率呈U形走势,应当引起有关部门的足够重视。

    The relative departments should pay more attention to the problem of loans ' concentration because it can make the NPLs ' ratio fluctuating as " U " in the future .

  4. 银行信贷集中风险监管的比较研究

    The Commercial Bank Credit Centralized Comparison of Legal Structure of Risk

  5. 整个银行体系采用集中风险的手段来降低风险,使那些更原意承担风险的人去承担风险。

    Fifth , the banking system as a whole reduces risks through aggregation and enables them to be carried by those more willing to bear them .

  6. 与此同时,所谓的城市商业银行承受的地域与行业集中风险最多,感受到的痛苦可能较全国性银行更深。

    Meanwhile , so-called city commercial banks are most exposed to concentrated geographic and industry risk and could feel more pain than those with a nationwide reach .

  7. 他说国家银行业监管机构总是特别着重于集中风险的预防并严格控制发放给特定客户的贷款额度。

    He said the country 's banking regulator had always attached great importance to the prevention of concentration risks and strictly control the size of loans given to a particular customer .

  8. 贷款集中风险可被视作银行发生问题最重要的原因,它可以产生于银行资产、负债或表外项目(无论产品或服务)。

    Credit concentration risk is regarded as the most important reason of banking problems . It can be produced in bank assets , liabilities or off-balance-sheet items ( Whatever the product or service ) .

  9. 另外,由于汽车供应商在多个品牌、汽车和产品周期上进行扩张,通过投资于它们获得该行业的敞口,有助于分散原始设备制造商(OEM)或品牌集中度风险。

    Additionally , since auto suppliers expand across multiple brands , vehicles and product cycles gaining exposure to the sector through them can help diversify OEM or brand concentration risk .

  10. 数据的大集中带来风险的大集中。

    The data focus on bring the large concentration of risk .

  11. 英美资源正好反映了地理上过度集中的风险。

    Anglo American illustrates the dangers of geographical concentration .

  12. 外界环境的变化对商业银行加强集中度风险管理提出了要求。

    So the local banks are under pressure to strengthen their concentration risk management .

  13. 信贷悖论一直以来使商业银行不得不承受信贷资产集中的风险。

    Credit Paradox has long made concentration risk a potential burden on commercial banks .

  14. 关注商业银行的贷款集中度风险

    Concern on loan concentration risk of commercial banks

  15. 蒙罗表示,很多多重经理人将注意力集中在风险方面,而不是如何产生回报。

    MS Munro says many multi-managers focus on risk rather than trying to generate returns .

  16. 为防范授信组合的集中性风险,本行实施风险限额管理策略。

    In order to guard against credit portfolio concentrated risk , the Bank implements risks limit management strategy .

  17. 在我国商业银行运行所面临的所有风险中,最突出和最集中的风险就是信贷风险。

    Of the various risks confronted by commercial banks , credit risk is the most outstanding and concentrated one .

  18. 它们还必须在集中管理风险与给予公司前哨自主权之间取得恰当的平衡。

    They must also achieve the right balance between managing risk from the centre , while providing corporate outposts with autonomy .

  19. 其次归纳总结了信贷组合中集中度风险的相关内容,针对客户集中度和行业集中度给出了一般的解决方法。

    Secondly , the contents of concentration risk have been introduced and a general solution is given to customer concentration and industry concentration .

  20. 可以肯定的是,最富有的艺术品买家们把投资集中在风险较低的少数几个蓝筹艺术家身上。

    What is certain is that the wealthiest art buyers are concentrating their investment on a narrow range of low-risk blue chip names .

  21. 目前对于地铁项目的风险管理和预警系统的研究,集中在风险因素的识别和预警诊断方法的研究。

    The current researches on risk management and the early-warning system of metro project concentrate on the recognition of risk factors and early-warning diagnostic methods .

  22. 第三、资金集中管理风险控制能力不强,资金集中后,集团公司因此聚集了巨大的财务风险。

    Third , the capability of risk-control of centralized funds management is not strong . The groups thus gathered a huge financial risk , after funds centralized .

  23. 在上述内容的基础上结合组合优化理论,建立了基于违约相关性的集中度风险控制组合优化模型。

    A default correlation based on the degree of concentration risk control portfolio optimization model is built on the basis of the above combining with portfolio optimization theory .

  24. 然而,随着全球需求平衡的重新调整,在某个时刻,他们将要求更高的回报率,以抵消汇率和资产集中的风险,这一结果看来将不可避免。

    But as global demand rebalances , it seems inevitable that at some stage they will demand higher rates of return to offset exchange rate and concentration risk .

  25. 这能提高项目的成功率,它把项目细分成更加独立的领域,这样能帮助敏捷等方法的应用,也可以在项目集中分散风险。

    That will help project success rates increase as it breaks projects down into more independent areas which helps approaches like agile and also compartmentalizes risk within programs .

  26. 她说,苹果公司和谷歌公司的联合项目“似乎减轻了最严重的隐私和集中化风险,但仍有改进的空间。”

    She said that the joint Apple and Google project " appears to mitigate the worst privacy and centralization risks , but there is still room for improvement . "

  27. 从共性风险来看,分为贷款集中度风险、电力体制改革引起的政策性风险、担保方式引起的风险和经营风险。

    In common sense , the risk could be labeled as loan concentrate risk , policy risk leaded by power system reform , guarantee risk leaded by collateral method and dealing risk .

  28. 这是种常见但不明智的做法:这种做法没有缘由地集中了风险,一旦企业破产,采用这种做法的投资者可能同时失去工作和积蓄。

    This is common , but unwise : it reduces diversification for no good reason , and exposes people to the risk that they lose both job and savings if the employer seeks bankruptcy .

  29. 目前国际学术界已对风险管理的内涵在理论研究上达成了一致的看法,目前的争论主要集中在风险识别和风险评价的方法上。

    Currently , in the international academic community it has agreed on the theoretical research of the connotation of risk management , argument now is concentrated on the method of risk identification and risk assessment .

  30. 中小企业客户也日益成为各家商业银行调整客户结构、增加市场竞争力、分散集中性风险、实现稳定发展、拓展新的盈利空间的战略选择。

    Middle and small firms customers also increasingly become strategic choices for all commercial banks to adjust structure of customers , increase market competitiveness , scatter centralized risks , realize stable development , expand new profit space .