
  1. 城镇集体所有制经济

    Collective economy in cities and towns

  2. 集体所有制经济是我国的基本经济形式之一,是社会主义公有制经济的重要组成部分,在国民经济中占有重要的地位。

    Congregate ownership economy is the basic economic form of China and an important part of public ownership economy , playing a great role in our national economy .

  3. 所以,今天需要重新认识有关城镇集体所有制经济的三个问题:马克思恩格斯有关合作制理论的启迪;

    Today , we should re-consider the three points about town collective ownership economy hereinafter over again : what is the inspiration of Marx and Angels ' cooperation theories ?

  4. 城镇集体所有制经济体制改革难以深入的浅层次原因是制度缺失,而深层次原因首先存在于思想观念上。

    S : The superficial reason the reform of city and town collective ownership economy system is difficult to deepen is from the faulty system , while the deep-seated reason is from the wrong idea .

  5. 自20世纪九十年代以来,我国所有制结构变动中,城镇集体所有制经济无论是企业数量还是从业人员数量,下降幅度都是最大的。

    Why has the decline range of town collective economy , whether in the number of enterprises or in the number of their employees , been most radical in our ownership structural change since the nineties of the twentieth century ?

  6. 新苏南模式经过对原有苏南模式的两次改制,变革了原有单一的集体所有制经济,大力发展股份制企业、私有企业以及外资、合资企业,实现了生产力的大幅提高。

    Having being restructured twice , the new economic mode in South of Jiangsu has transformed the original simplex collective ownership , and enforced the stocking system , private enterprises and Sino-foreign joint ventures , which contributed to the tremendous increase of the productive force .

  7. 第八条农村人民公社、农业生产合作社和其他生产、供销、信用、消费等各种形式的合作经济,是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。

    Article 8 Rural people 's communes , agricultural producers cooperatives and other forms of cooperatives economy , such as producers ' , supply and marketing , credit and consumers cooperatives , belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people .

  8. 城镇中的手工业、工业、建筑业、运输业、商业、服务业等行业的各种形式的合作经济,都是社会主义劳动群众集体所有制经济。

    The various forms of cooperative economy in the cities and towns , such as those in the handicraft , industrial , building , transport , commercial and service trades , all belong to the sector of socialist economy under collective ownership by the working people .

  9. 农村土地集体所有制是计划经济时代的产物,也是我国半个世纪以来城乡社会经济二元化体制的制度基础。

    The system of ownership of collective land is the product of planned economy , and the base of city-rural system of social and economic institution .