
  • 网络Container liner routes;container shipment route
  1. 中国/波斯湾航线是全球一条非常重要的次干航线,也是C公司的一条传统集装箱班轮航线,C公司一直非常重视中国/波斯湾航线的经营。

    China / Persian Gulf service is one of the important trade lanes for all global carriers and is also supposed to be one of the long-established service loops for C Container Lines Company .

  2. 本文正是在这种情况下,试图对C公司的中国/波斯湾航线进行系统的探讨和研究,以得出最优航线方案,进而为集装箱班轮航线优化问题提供普遍的思路和优化方法。

    This paper tries to make a systematic study and research to obtain the optimization scheme for the China / Persian Gulf service of C Container Lines Company , and this study can also provide a general method of the issue of international container trade lane optimization .

  3. 集装箱班轮航线配船模型的优化研究

    Optimization Research about Fleet Deployment Model for Liners Container Marine Lines

  4. 对于一家开辟并经营若干条集装箱班轮航线的船公司而言,每条航线的经营效果,直接关系到其主营业务的效益。

    It is critical to its core business for a container line company to ensure the profit from its operated container lanes .

  5. 论文提出的解决航线优化问题的基本思路与基本方法、程序与手段,对班轮公司的集装箱班轮航线优化具有一定的理论意义与较强的实际指导意义。

    The paper puts forward the general views , principles , models , methods and procedures , which can be served as guidelines to the practice of a container trade lane optimization .

  6. 锦州港拥有许多家船公司开设的多条集装箱班轮航线,已经构成了贯通南北沿海主要港口、全面辐射珠江水系和长江水系的两个T型集装箱运输网络。

    Jinzhou Port has many of the company opened container liner routes , constitute the two T-type container transportation network through the main port in the north and south along the coast , full radiation of the Pearl River and Yangtze River .

  7. 集装箱班轮公司航线配箱问题研究

    A Study on Container Allocating in Shipping Routes for Liner Company

  8. 集装箱班轮运输航线结构模式选取研究

    Study on the Route Structure Model Decision of Container Liner Transportation

  9. 我国集装箱班轮运输中日航线负运费价格竞争分析运输费用的核实应仅与销售合同中列明的、出口国中运输方式的议定价格有关;

    Study on the China s Container Shipping Route between China and Japan " Negative Freight " Price Competition ; The verification of transportation charges shall relate only to the agreed price of the mode of transport in the country of exportation as indicated in the sales contract ;

  10. 将天津港和黄骅港之间的竞争作为案例进行测算,得出黄骅港目前不适宜投资集装箱码头,因为其无法满足开辟集装箱班轮航线的最小箱量。

    Competition between Tianjin Port and Huanghua Port is used as the examining case . It is found out that , under all scenarios , Huanghua Port is not suitable to invest container terminals in that it does not attract sufficient containers to provide feeder services .