
  1. 传承与创新:新疆山水画艺术的发展《类篇》对《集韵》反切注音的继承与革新

    Inherit and Innovation : the Development of Xinjiang Landscape Paintings

  2. 《切韵指南》较《五音集韵》又更接近于宋金时代的实际语音。

    Qie Yun Zhi Nan is nearer to the actual language of Song and Jin Dynasty than Wu Yin Ji Yun .

  3. 本文将以历史比较法的理论为指导,全面比较《五音集韵》和《切韵指南》的音系。

    The thesis compares the sound systems of Wu Yin Ji Yun and Qie Yun Zhi Nan based on the theory of historical comparison .

  4. 南宋明州刻本《集韵》是现存《集韵》的最早版本和最早刻本。

    The Ji Yun ( Collection of Rhymes ) inscribed in Mingzhou in the Southern Song dynasty is the earliest existing edition and earliest inscribed copy of Ji Yun .

  5. 《类篇》反切注音在《集韵》基础上有所继承和革新,反映了唐宋时代语言研究和辞书编纂领域的进步成果,具有重要的研究价值和重要的现实意义。

    Leipian inherits the achievement in the Fanqie phonetic transcription in Jiyun with innovation , showing the progress in language research and lexicography in the Tang and Song Dynasty .

  6. 确定韵字的归部,主要以《广韵》为据,必要时辅以《集韵》。本文共分为四章。

    Identifying rhyming word to the Department , mainly in the " Guangyun " according to , if necessary supplemented by " Jiyun " . This article is divided into four chapters .