
liè kǒu
  • stomium;chop;cleft;split head;breach;gap;split;vent;rift;hole;burst;crevice;tear;nick
裂口 [liè kǒu]
  • (1) [breach;gap;split]∶裂开口儿

  • 手冻得裂口

  • (2) [vent] [地]∶火山口

裂口[liè kǒu]
  1. 裂口:孢子囊或花粉囊的开裂位置,小孢子或花粉粒从中散出。

    Stomium ( pl. stomia ) The site at which a sporangium or pollen sac ruptures to release the spores or pollen .

  2. 成熟花药开裂的能力与花药裂口细胞的大小、形态有关,同时又与成熟花粉囊壁的表皮细胞和纤维层细胞的可塑性结构功能有关。

    The capacity of dehiscent anther was determined to the size and the morpha of anther stomium cell , epidermal cell and fibrous stratum 's plastic property of the pollen sac wall .

  3. 水管上有个裂口。

    There is a break in the water pipe .

  4. 水从管子的裂口喷出。

    Water spouted from the break of the pipe .

  5. 他继续往前走,直到能明显看出冰上有裂口的地方才停下来。

    He continued forward until a break in the ice was clearly visible .

  6. 树脂从树皮的裂口自然地流出来。

    Pitch bleeds freely from break in the bark .

  7. 如果认为那个裂口可以补好的话,那你就把事搞糟了。

    If that tear is supposed to be mended , you 've made a right pig 's ear of it .

  8. 这些火山爆发时很猛烈,它们会冲破巨大的裂口并留下一个大洞,那就是火山口了。

    These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack , leaving behind a vast hole , the caldera .

  9. 蒲公英区”在这四个活裂口中是发育最差的一个。

    The Dandelion Patch is the least developed of the four active vents . “

  10. CT不仅可以明确诊断膈疝,还可判断膈破裂口的位置、大小、疝入物内容。

    CT could also judge the location and size of the fissures and the contents .

  11. RICHOZMINKOWSKI:“海因茨想把多种不会裂口的西红柿种在一起。”

    RICH OZMINKOWSKI : " Heinz had set about trying to put together a variety of tomatoes that would resist that cracking . "

  12. 手术在全麻下进行:降主动脉植入规格为34-34-100mm的直管型Talent移植物,封闭夹层裂口;

    A 34-34-100 mm tube Talent graft was inserted into the descending aorta to block the tear of the dissection ;

  13. CT对膈肌损伤显像清晰,尤其对于膈肌裂口较小者,应作为首选检查手段。

    CT imaging is clear to the diaphragmatic injury , especially for the smaller one , should be used as the preferred check .

  14. 6.riftn.裂口,空隙他们之间一度有过裂痕。

    There was once a rift between them .

  15. n.裂口,违背你违反了你签的合同。

    You are in breach of your contract .

  16. 世界石油市场现在陷入了剑桥能源研究协会(cambridgeenergyresearchassociates)两年前描述的“全球裂口”(globalfissure)衰退情景。

    The world oil market is caught in what Cambridge Energy Research Associates two years ago described as a " global fissure " recession scenario .

  17. 有pdf的工作记录扫描,注解,填写表格,裂口,合并并且更多的。

    Work with PDF documents to scan , annotate , fill forms , split , merge and more .

  18. MSCT对主动脉夹层的诊断分型以及破裂口的定位是有效无创的方法。

    MSCT is an effective and non-invasive method in diagnosis , classification and location of intimal rupture of AD.

  19. 疝囊位于纵隔内的膈疝,CR胸片3/4例误诊。②CT不仅可以明确诊断膈疝,还可判断膈破裂口的位置、大小、疝入物内容。

    Out of 4 cases whose vesicle was in mediastinum were misdiagnosed through CR film . ② CT could also judge the location and size of the fissures and the contents .

  20. 负载体系中,TiO2以薄膜的形式包覆在ACF的表面,在ACF条带状沟槽处的薄膜煅烧时容易开裂,裂口处是负载体系结合性的薄弱环节。

    TiO2 film located groove in ACF easy to craze and the crack was the combination weakness of support system .

  21. 通过OCT成像清晰地显示8处纤维斑块、3处钙化斑块、9处富含脂质斑块、2处血栓形成、斑块破裂3处及血管壁上夹层、粥样硬化斑块微小裂口和夹层等。

    Two thromboses , 8 fibrous , 9 lipid-rich and 3 calcium plaques as well as 3 plaque ruptures were visualized by OCT.

  22. 目的:建立跨越断裂点的PCR技术(也称裂口PCR、gap-PCR)为α-地贫血基因诊断提供良好的方法。

    Objective : In order to provide a kind of good method for Mediterranean anemia diagnosis PCR across gap point named gap-PCR was founded .

  23. 利用Instron万能拉伸试验机测试所得试件的拉伸负荷、0.2%屈服负荷,用扫描电镜分析断裂口性状。

    The tensile strength and 0.2 % yield strength were measured on Instron universal testing machine .

  24. 扼要介绍了微观显微裂口生成抗力R_(MC)和电镜疲劳试验装置等测试技术在钢铁研究中应用情况。

    This article 、 dealt with the application of measuring techniques such as RMC ( resistance to microcracking ) and fatigue testing apparatus of electron microscope to the iron and steel research work .

  25. 6眼在CCC制作过程中有多处放射状撕裂口,CCC失败,扩大手术切口,改做白内障囊外摘除术。

    Failure CCC with several tears was in 6 eyes and the procedure was converted to conventional extracapsular cataract extraction ( ECCE ) .

  26. 聚藻属水生草本植物的任一种,生有羽状、带小裂口的水下叶片和完整或状的伸出水面的叶片。南水北调大口径PCCP管道漏水风险分析

    An aquatic plant of the genus Myriophyllum having feathery underwater leaves and small inconspicuous flowers . Analysis on leakage risk of large diameter PCCP pipeline for South-to-North Water Transfer Project

  27. 结果:24例行脾裂口修补或部分脾切除术,8例保守治疗,其中1例失败后经DSA诊断并行脾动脉栓塞治愈,无围手术期死亡。

    Result : Twenty_four cases were performed the repair of spleen rupture or splenectomy partly , 8 of conservative treatment , which of one failed of that was cured by the splenetic artery sponge_tent infarction with the help of DSA , and no perioperative death .

  28. 结论DHCA和RCP技术是手术治疗升主动脉和弓部瘤的安全、有效方法,急性A型夹层动脉瘤的手术方式取决于内膜破裂口的位置;

    Conclusions DHCA and RCP is a safe and effective method for the surgery of ascending aorta and aortic arch aneurysm . The surgical types depend on the location of intimal tear in acute type A dissection .

  29. LSA外侧缘与主动脉弓的交汇点到高速血流区中心点或内膜撕裂口的距离数值(BD)的变化,反映了主动脉弓降段形态扭曲度的改变情况。

    LSA lateral margin of the aortic arch and the intersection of the high-speed flow of endometrial district center or tear away from the mouth numerical ( B D ), reflecting a drop of the aortic arch shape distortion of the change .

  30. 她很快把她衣服上的小裂口缝补好了。

    She soon ran up the small tear in her dress .