
  • 网络split-brain;Split brain;schizencephaly
  1. 对裂脑人手术前后心理活动变化的研究

    Studies of The Psychological Changes in Patients Before and After Split-Brain Operation

  2. 发生裂脑之后,同步存储最简单的方法是在链接出现故障时其中一个节点没有发现改变。

    The simplest approach to synchronizing storage after split-brain is when one node saw no changes occur while the link was down .

  3. CT诊断单侧双裂脑裂畸形1例

    CT diagnosis of unilateral schizencephaly with two clefts : report of one case

  4. 左右侧海马体积、侧脑室颞角宽度、外侧裂脑沟根部宽度AD组与正常对照组之间存在着显著性差异(p<0.01)。

    Both the volume of HF and width of the temporal horn , width of lateral showed significant differences between the patients of AD and the control subjects ( p < 0.01 ) .

  5. 同时应用MRI测量颅腔结构,线性测量包括侧脑室颞角宽度、外侧裂脑沟根部宽度;体积测量包括海马体积、杏仁核体积,并进行统计学分析。

    Volumetric measurements of hippocampal formations ( HF ), amygdala ( AMY ), linear measurements of width of the temporal horn , and width of lateral were detected with MRI .

  6. DRBD可以从多种错误中恢复,但是一个最严重的错误就是所谓的“裂脑(split-brain)”。

    DRBD can recover from a wide variety of errors , but one of the most insidious is the so-called " split brain " situation .

  7. 在这个共识的基础上的概念是很多年严格的科学的研究裂脑人使成为两个分裂的脑半球。

    The concepts underlying this popular awareness are the result of many years of rigorous scientific research on the effects of splitting the brain into two separate hemispheres .

  8. 结果:MR成像能很好地显示某些脑裂、脑沟及脑回按时间依次出现的过程;

    Results : Various fissures , sulci and gyri of the fetal brain appeared sequentially according to the chronological stages and were demonstrated very well on MR imaging .

  9. 外侧裂区脑挫裂伤伴侧裂静脉损伤的手术治疗

    Surgery Treatment of Peri-sylvian Area Contusion of Brain and Vein Injury

  10. 外伤性侧裂区域脑挫裂伤54例临床分析

    Analysis of 54 Cases of Brain Injury in the Lateral Fissure Part

  11. 用B超检查并诊断86例胎儿畸形,表述了无脑儿、脊柱裂、脑积水、胎儿多囊肾、胎儿内脏外翻、胎儿臀部畸胎瘤、联体畸形等多种畸形的声像图表现。

    Eighty-six cases of fetal malformation were diagnosed by B -

  12. 交通伤致对冲性侧裂区脑挫裂伤的早期处理

    Early treatment of sylvian fissure contusion of brain caused by traffic accident

  13. 外侧裂区脑挫裂伤31例临床分析

    The clinical analysis of peri-sylvian area contusion of brain

  14. 浅议路基拓宽结合处纵裂的原因与防治措施扩大翼点入路手术治疗对冲性侧裂区脑挫裂伤

    Shallow to discuss roadbed broaden combinative crack creating reason and prevention and cure measure

  15. 目的总结外侧裂区脑挫裂伤的手术治疗效果。

    Objective To summarize the surgery treatment experiences of cerebral contusion in lateral fissure area .

  16. 目的分析交通伤致对冲性侧裂区脑挫裂伤发病机制、早期处理与预后的关系。

    Objective To analyze the relationship of pathogenesis and early management with prognosis of sylvian fissure contusion of brain caused by traffic accident .

  17. 外侧裂及脑池增宽29例,23例呈普遍性脑萎缩。

    The dilatation was occurred in lateral fissures and cerebral cisterns in 29 cases . Extensive cerebral atrophy was visualized in 23 cases .

  18. 方法回顾性分析我科收治的交通伤致对冲性侧裂区脑挫裂伤36例,根据伤情和受伤机制,早期改善呼吸,处理危及生命的合并伤;

    Methods A review was done on 36 cases with sylvian fissure contusion of brain caused by traffic accident , in which early improvement of respiration and management of combined injuries were performed according to injury severity and pathogenesis .

  19. 侧裂周围区脑胶质瘤的MRI诊断

    MRI Diagnosis of Peri-sylvian Fissure Gliomas

  20. 叶酸是一种维生素B,它可以明确降低神经管疾病的发生,如脊柱裂和无脑畸形等。

    Folic acid , a type of vitamin B , has been shown to reduce neural tube birth defects , such as spina bifida or anencephaly .

  21. 结论:侧裂周围区脑胶质瘤是颅内特殊部位的肿瘤,MRI对该类肿瘤的诊断和鉴别诊断具有重要临床价值。

    Conclusions : PSFGs are intracranial tumors with special location . MRI has significant value in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of PSFGs .

  22. 侧裂池及脑沟出血16例、天幕区出血4例,常累及几个部位;

    16 cases in lateral fissure cistern and sulcus ; 4 cases in tenting area , often invaded into several position ;

  23. 神经管畸形儿中有17%伴有脑积水,其中有2759%脊柱裂儿伴有脑积水。

    17 % of neural tube defects are accompanied with hydrocephaly and 27.59 % of spina bifida are accompanied by hydrocephaly .

  24. 脉络膜裂是位于侧脑室内穹窿和丘脑之间的一条呈C字形的自然裂隙,分为体部、房部和颞部。

    The choroidal fissure is the C-shaped natural cleft between the fornix and the thalamus in the lateral ventricle , and is divided into body , atrial , and temporal parts .

  25. 彩超诊断胎儿颅裂畸形伴脑膜脑膨出1例

    Color ultrasonic diagnosis of fetal skull crack deformation with encephalocele : a case report

  26. 报道3例分别被诊断为食道裂孔疝、脑震荡后遗症、冠心病和频发室性期前收缩的老年高血压病人服用吲哒帕胺引起的低血钾。

    It is reported that three patients with hypokalemia of geriatric hypertensive patients who has been diagnosed respectively as Esophageal hiatus hernia , postconcussional syndrome and coronary heart disease , frequently ventricular premature beats caused by taking indapamide .

  27. 这四年,长春市几大高发出生缺陷类型为:多指(趾)、先天性心脏病、唇裂合并腭裂、脊柱裂、先天性脑积水和唇裂。

    During the four years , the five high-risk birth defects in the city of changchun are : the congenital hydrocephalus , much point to ( foot ), congenital heart disease , spina bifida and cleft palate with cleft lip .