
  • 网络CDFI;rheography;CFM
  1. 彩色多普勒能量图及血流图对移植肾检测的价值

    Doppler ; Evaluation of CDE and CDFI on renal transplantation

  2. 椎动脉型颈椎病患者的脑血流图分析

    Analysis on REG of Patients with vertebral artery type cervical spondylopathy

  3. 脑血流图:温浴和冷浴均无显著变化(P>0.05)。

    Cerebral blood flow : no obviously changes either warm-bath or cold-bath .

  4. 以CT灌注软件绘出每个时间点的脑血流图。

    CBF maps were obtained by CT perfusion software .

  5. 基于血流图DCT域PCA和FLD的红外人脸识别

    Infrared Face Recognition Based on Blood Perfusion Model PCA and FLD in DCT Domain

  6. 分块PCA加权与FLD结合的血流图红外人脸识别方法

    Weighted Block-PCA and FLD Infrared Face Recognition Method Based on Blood Perfusion Image

  7. 采用LVEF和二尖瓣血流图评价时,术前A、B两组间均存在显著差异(P<0.05);

    When evaluated using LVEF and mitral spectral , these patients showed significant difference between two groups before surgery ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. PPARγ和MMP-9在慢性阻塞性肺病肺血管内皮细胞的表达及意义肺阻抗容积描记图,肺阻抗血流图

    The Expression and Significance of PPAR γ and MMP-9 in Pulmonary Vascular Endothelial Cells with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  9. 方法应用彩多多普勒功率显像(CDPI)和彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)观测50例(66个病灶)肝癌血流分布情况。

    Methods Blood flow characteristics of66 hepatocellular carcinoma foci in50 patients were studied by CDPI and color Uoppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) .

  10. 运用小波分析理论和MATLAB软件的小波分析工具,对61例异常病例的肢体血流图样本数据进行分析和对比,提取信号的频率、波幅等特征值,发现异常病例的肢体血流图变化的基本规律。

    Analyzing and comparing 61 exceptional cases by using wavelet theory and MATLAB wavelet toolbox , including eigenvalue computing . And finding the basic rule of blood-flow curve of exceptional case .

  11. 模拟海拔4000m和5000m停留72h人体肺血流图的变化

    Pulmonary rheography at simulated altitudes of 4 000 and 5 000m in human beings

  12. 脑血流图(REG)、脑多普勒(TCD)、神经行为功能等检验指标,对锰中毒的诊断有一定参考价值。

    Rheoencephalography ( REG ), transcranial doppler ( TCD ) and neurobehavioral function were of certain reference value for diagnosis .

  13. 心阻抗血流图法测Valsalva和Mueller实验状态下的收缩间期和每搏量

    Measurement of Systolic Time Intervals and Stroke Volume by Impedance Cardiography at Valsalva Maneuver and Mueller Maneuver

  14. 积累膀胱肿瘤33例,记录PDI和CDFI血流图并进行血流分级评定。

    Thirty three bladder tumor cases were collected and their PDI and CDFI blood flow images were recorded and flow grades were evaluated .

  15. 前言:目的:探讨彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)三维成像在腹部、小器官、浅表肿块及大血管等方面的临床应用价值及有关成像的技术性问题。

    Objective : To study the use of tri dimensional color Doppler flow imaging ( 3D CDFI ) in abdomen , small organs , superficial mass , and large blood vessels .

  16. 腹壁静脉血流图与MIBI对肝硬化门脉分流检测的比较研究

    Comparative evaluation of the Doppler ultrasonography of abdominal wall vein flow and 99mTc-MIBI per rectum to detect portal hypertension in cirrhosis

  17. 目的:探讨肝阻抗血流图及其二维彩色环反映脂肪肝血流动力学状态的综合指标及参数,及其与甘油三脂(TG)的相关性。

    Objective : To study synthetic indexes and parameter of liver impedance rheograph and its two dimensional colored cycle , which reflect the state of fatty liver hemodynamics and heir correlativity with triglyceride ( TG ) .

  18. 该仪器应用四电极法从人体检测出肢体阻抗血流图,应用MCS-51单片机对每一个心动周期实时计算出变动阻抗峰峰值ΔZpp和心动周期时间T。

    The instrument detects impedance plethysmography in human limbs and calculates Δ Zpp and T with a MCS-51 single-chip-computer system .

  19. 结果:A组的高血压患病率、甲襞微循环和脑血流图异常率都明显高于B组,两组间差异明显(P<0.01)。而血沉异常在两组间差异不明显(P>0.05)。

    Results : Numbers of abnormality in group A with hypertension , microcirculation of fingertip and TCD are higher than those in group B. there have significant differences between the two groups ( P < 0.01 ), ESR has no difference in two groups ( P > 05 ) .

  20. 将前列腺腺体及结节CDE血流图分别进行0~3级分级评定,并与彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)比较。

    The vascularity on CDE of prostates and prostatic nodes was graded respectively on a scale of 0 ~ 3 and compared with color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) .

  21. 方法检测37例冠心病患者(试验组)与26例健康成人(对照组)的血中内皮素(ET)、一氧化氮(NO),同时做冷激发试验并描记末梢动脉血流图。

    Methods Thirty-seven patients with coronary heart disease ( experimental group ) and 26 healthy people ( control group ) were examined for endothelin ( ET ) and nitric oxide ( NO ), and took cold pressor test at the same time .

  22. 同时测定左室等容舒张期时间(IVRT),二尖瓣血流图E峰与A峰的比值(E/A)。

    The left ventricular isovolumetric relaxation time ( IVRT ) and the ratio of peak E and A wave velocities of mitral valve rheography ( E / A ) were also determined .

  23. 目的:观察慢性肾病患者的彩色(CDFI)及能量多普勒血流图(CDPI)变化并与病理结果进行对照分析。

    Purpose : To compare the color Doppler flow image ( CDFI ) and color Doppler power image ( CDPI ) of diffusive renal parenchymal disease and pathological changes .

  24. 体弱组患有心理障碍、神经衰弱严重,脑血流图(HS)异常率占70%以上,通过综合治疗.体育锻炼显示出重要的作用。

    Students with psychic hindrance , heavy neurasthenia and abnormal rheoencephalography accounted for more than 70 % in the weak group . Physical training played an important role in the comprehensive treatment of the mental diseases .

  25. 对198例各类脑血管病患者进行了头颅CT、脑电地形图(BEAM)和局部脑血流图(rCBF)检测结果显示脑卒中病人rCBF平均值异常率为75%,有局部区域异常者达100%;

    Abstract BEAM and rCBF examinations were made in 200 CVD patients . The results showed that the abnormal rate of average value of rCBF in brain stroke is 75 % . The abnormal rate of affected regional areas is 100 % .

  26. 目的探讨流产术后微量胎物残留彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)表现与病理改变关系,以寻求一种诊断微量胎物残留的特征性方法。

    Objective To investigate the relationship between color Doppler flow image ( CDFI ) display and pathological changes during diagnosis of micro-embryo remains after abortion operation , in order to find characteristics method of diagnosing micro-embryo remains .

  27. 方法:应用经阴道超声(TVUS)彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)和能量图(CDE)显示子宫内膜和肌层。

    Methods : Using transvaginal ultrasound ( TVUS ) color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ) and color Doppler energy ( CDE ) to detect the focus on endometrium and myometrium .

  28. 材料和方法:应用二维超声、彩色多普勒血流图(CDFI)、彩色能量多普勒血流图(PDI),结合脉冲多普勒频谱对25例肾血管平滑肌脂肪瘤进行研究。

    Materials and Methods : 25 renal angiomyolipoma ( RAL ) were studied by two dimensional ultrasonography , color Doppler flow imaging ( CDFI ), power Doppler imaging ( PDI ) and pulsed wave Doppler ( Pw ) .

  29. 本文报道28例肝包虫病的肝血流图(RHG)变化,其中24例有波型异常,占86%。

    This paper reports the changes of Rheohepatogram ( RHG ) of 28 patients with hepatic hydatid disease . The abnormal rate is 24 / 28 ( 86 % ) .

  30. 结论阻抗血流图能反映单纯性肥胖儿童的血液动力学变化,SBP、QS2、PEP、IVCT指标更敏感。

    Conclusion impedence cardiogram can reflect the hemodynamic changes in the children with simple obesity and SBP , QS2 , PEP and IVCT are better indexes than the others .