
  • 网络gather write;gathering-write
  1. 过了几分钟,她便集中写她的小说。

    A few minutes later she was concentrating on her novel .

  2. 信里就集中写你能为老板的成功做点什么,避免加入下面这些蠢东西。

    Concentrate on showing how you can contribute to the employer 's success while avoiding these mistakes .

  3. 《第三代》是一部集中写胡子生活的小说,塑造了海交、刘元等具有反抗精神的胡子形象。

    The Third Generation is a novel mainly focused on the life of bandit , moulding some bandit characters with rebellious spirit like Hai Jiao and Liu Yuan .

  4. 他们并不集中写人物之间的关系或彼此的怀念,而是着力于相聚或分别时的场景,以景托情。

    They do not focus on the relationship between poets or their yearning each other , but rather focus on the scenes of being together or separate , situation bringing emotions .

  5. 斯蒂芬正集中精力写一部名为《蓝色》的小说。

    Stephen is channelling his energies into a novel called Blue .

  6. 不管冯·诺伊曼是受到了谁的启发,总之《关于EDVAC的报告草案》是第一次将这些想法集中地写出来。

    Whatever ideas had flowed westwards , the Draft Report on the EDVAC was the first to put them together in writing .

  7. 他决定暂时不表演,集中精神写音乐。

    He decided to take a break from performing and concentrate on writing music .

  8. 我得集中精神写我的申请书。

    I need to concentrate on my applications .

  9. 集中精力写上一章,一节,甚至拟个草稿,也要比试图完成一整篇论文要合适。

    Instead of writing an entire thesis , focus on the goal of writing a chapter , section , or outline .

  10. 前者集中在写什么即文体规范的本位坚守,怎样写即叙说方式的创新实验,以及作家型与记者型、大众型与军旅型写作主体对文体的影响等问题;

    The former centralizes " what to write " ( stick to the standard style ), " how to write " ( the innovation experiment of narration );

  11. 换句话说,你集中于写什么,而写博客工具剩下的站点管理。

    In other words , you get to focus on what you want to write , and the blogging tool takes care of the rest of the site management .

  12. 以苦吟著称的中唐诗人李贺在前人咏马的基础上,集中笔墨写下了优秀组诗《马诗二十三首》,借马抒慨。

    Based on the former odes to the horse , the famous single-minded poet Li he , who lived in the mid-Tang dynasty , wrote many excellent series of lyrics twenty-three lyrics about horse to express himself .

  13. 当前主要的研究集中在隐写术和数字水印技术的使用和检测上。1997年RowlandC.H提出可以基于TCP/IP协议构建隐秘信道【11】之后就出现了很多基于网络通讯模型的隐秘信道技术。

    Current major research focus in the using and detecting of steganography and digital watermarking technology . 1997 , Rowland C. H made can build covert channels based on TCP / IP protocol . After that appeared a lot of covert channel communications technology base of network model .

  14. 为了节约时间,集中更多的精力写报告,所有的英文都使用谷歌翻译,如有英文语法或词汇错误,请各位谅解。

    To save time and energy to write more reports , all using Google English translation , if any English grammar or vocabulary mistakes , please understand .