
  • 网络our mutual friend
  1. 她是我们共同的朋友。

    She is our mutual friend .

  2. 来跟我们共同的朋友斯帕洛船长做生意。

    In a business transaction with our mutual friend Captain sparrow .

  3. 那个把我们共同的朋友送进医院的家伙

    And the guy who put our mutual friend in the hospital ...

  4. 我是经由我们共同的朋友介绍而来的

    I 'm here on the recommendation ... of a , mutual friend of ours .

  5. 我们共同的朋友怎样在暗中操纵,我是无法告诉你的。

    How our mutual friend worked the ropes is more than I can tell you .

  6. 我来关心一下某位我们共同的朋友

    Sharing concern about a mutual friend .

  7. 我前妻和我的社交圈子都是我们共同的朋友或有业务往来的人,而上周末则是令人厌倦的狂欢。

    When my ex-wife and I socialised it was with mutual friends or business contacts , and last weekend was an orgy of boredom .

  8. 您的参加本身既是对我们共同的朋友邓煜女士的告慰,也是对她的家人的安慰。

    It means a lot to the family that you are here , and it would have meant a lot to our friend Emily too .

  9. 我在公众面前只谈论她,方方面面以她为中心,在她和我们共同的朋友面前称赞她。

    I spoke in public only about her . I incorporated all themes in her direction . I praised her in front of her own and our mutual friends 。

  10. 我们一个共同的朋友介绍我们认识了。

    We were introduced by a mutual friend .

  11. 我们共同的一个朋友几十年前曾变身当了伊普斯维奇球迷。

    One of our friends changed allegiance to Ipswich decades ago .

  12. 呃,事实上我们有个共同的朋友。

    Uh , we have a Dearfriend in common who wants us , actually .

  13. 他上的课程和我的大同小异,且我们有很多共同的朋友。

    He attended most of the same classes and had many of the same friends .

  14. 我们有位共同的朋友,我觉得她可以和你详细说明。

    We have a mutual friend that I think could ... talk you through it .

  15. 我们有个共同的朋友。

    We have a mutuai friend .

  16. 事实是,我们有一些共同的朋友,如果我们真的想联系对方,我们可以马上联系得到。

    The truth is , we have a few mutual friends , and if we had really wanted to contact each other , we could have .

  17. 然后,我接着写道,不幸的是,年轻的哈罗德上周过世了,我们俩一位共同的朋友建议由你来接替哈罗德。

    Then I said that , unfortunately , young Harold died last week , and a mutual friend had suggested that you might be a replacement for him .

  18. 乔布斯的故事发生在2010年10月底的一个清晨,当时他和我们共同的一位朋友坐在旧金山四季酒店的餐厅里。

    The Jobs portion of the story occurred on a late-October morning in 2010 , when he was sitting with a mutual friend in the restaurant of the Four Seasons hotel in San Francisco .

  19. 我们有一个共同的朋友约翰。怀特,他也许提过我。

    We have a mutral friend , John white , who may have spoken .

  20. 在与这两位导师交谈的过程中,我们提到一位共同的朋友。她是被收养到丹麦的韩国孤儿。

    During a welcome dinner we mentioned a KaosPilot graduate who had been adopted as a child from Korea and all her life she had been educated and raised in Denmark .

  21. 他离开麻省理工学院之前,我已经从哈佛毕业几年了。我们不但有一些共同的朋友,也有一些共同的小爱好:体育,晚场泡酒吧的不归人,大屏幕电视前的常客。

    I had graduated from Harvard a few years before he left MIT , and we shared a few mutual friends as well as a few minor interests : sports , late nights at college pubs , widescreen TVs .

  22. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。

    We found that we had a mutual friend .

  23. 我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。

    We happened to discover we had a friend in common

  24. 碰巧;凑巧我们凑巧发现我们有一个共同的朋友。

    We happened to discover we had a friend in common .

  25. adj.共同的;相互的,彼此的我们很高兴让他成为我们共同的朋友。

    mutual We were happy to have him as our mutual friend .