
  • 网络great expectation;The Great Expectations
  1. 今年早些时候,查尔斯狄更斯(CharlesDickens)写《远大前程》(GreatExpectations)时所用的桌子要出售了。

    Earlier this year the desk on which Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations went up for sale .

  2. 在《远大前程》中雾是危险和不确定性的象征。

    Mist is a symbol of danger and uncertainty in Great Expectations .

  3. 这张大碟收录了“远大前程”全天秀的现场录音。

    The LP features live recordings from the ' Great Xpectations ' all-day show .

  4. 一个如此年轻就有远大前程的年轻人。

    A young man whose promise at such a young age .

  5. 亨利·福特为汽车设想了一个远大前程。

    Henry Ford envisaged an important future for the motor car .

  6. 从《远大前程》看可靠叙事中的修辞交流关系

    Rhetorical Communications in Reliable Narratives : Great Expectations as an Example

  7. 改编自查尔斯•狄更斯同名小说的影片《远大前程》;

    another film adaptation of Charles Dickens " Great Expectations ;

  8. 你看过查尔斯.狄更斯的小说《远大前程》吗?

    Have you ever read the novel Great Expectations by Charles Dickens ?

  9. 他是一个有着远大前程的青年演员。

    He is a young actor of great promise .

  10. 比如,远大前程公司已经从事约会安排有25个年头了。

    For example , Great Expectations has been organizing dates for about 25 years .

  11. 超前的思想意识象征的艺术手法&《远大前程》与《了不起的盖茨比》之比较

    Ideas Ahead of Time and Symbolic Method

  12. 格尔金先生,对于你来说快餐事业可谓蒸蒸日上,也有着远大前程可以期待呢

    Mr. Gerkin , the fast food industry is booming and offers a bright future .

  13. 赫薇香小姐是查尔斯·狄更斯《远大前程》中的独特人物之一。

    Miss Havisham is one of the special characters in Charles Dickens 's Great Expectations .

  14. 我不是代表我自己讲话,这个年轻人要有远大前程啦。

    I don 't speak for myself , is that this young man has great expectations .

  15. 我的室友似乎也没觉得这个毛病对我的远大前程起了多大作用。

    They just were-and my roommate didn 't seem to appreciate their contribution to my bright future .

  16. 对我来说,这是一张有象征意义的照片,象征着年轻一代的远大前程。

    and for me it 's a symbolic picture of an open future for a young generation .

  17. 第二章是针对狄更斯在《远大前程》中描述的社会环境进行的分析,将影响主人公性格发展的环境因素归结为七大类;

    Chapter Two discusses the seven factors of social circumstances on the development of Pip 's character .

  18. 《远大前程》是狄更斯晚期的作品,也是他最成熟的作品。

    " Great Expectations " is the late works of Dickens , but also his most mature work .

  19. 狄更斯在小说创作中的潜意识的宣泄&解读《远大前程》的自传色彩

    The Expression of Dickens 's Subconscious in His Novel Creation & Interpretation of the Autobiography of Great Expectations

  20. 所幸你还能够知耻而后勇,那之后的远大前程尚有可期。

    Fortunately you can hope to be brave after feeling ashamed , then there is still bright future to anticipate .

  21. 《远大前程》是其后期作品,展示了狄更斯对19世纪英国上层社会的尖锐批判。

    Great Expectations is his post-stage work , which shows Dickens ' sharp criticism to the upper-class society of England .

  22. 他的作品包括《圣诞颂歌》,《大卫。科波菲尔德》,《远大前程》,《雾都孤儿》等等。

    His works include A Christmas Carol , David Copperfield , Great Expectations , Oliver Twist , and numerous other novels .

  23. 三年后的1998年,根据查尔斯·狄更斯的小说《远大前程》改编的现代版影片在电影院上映。

    Three years later , in 1998 , a modern adaptation of Charles Dickens 's novel Great Expectations appeared in cinemas .

  24. 展望远大前程,╗要我们为了实现共同的愿望相互合作。

    look to the future that can be built if we partner on behalf of the aspirations we hold in common .

  25. 《远大前程》是狄更斯在1860-1861年间写的,它首先被写为一家报纸的期刊。

    Great Expectations was written by Charles Dickens around the time of1860-1861 and was initially written as a periodical for a newspaper .

  26. 贾格斯告诉他们皮普将有一位匿名施主帮助他实现自己的远大前程,这让皮普以为是哈维沙姆的恩惠。

    Jaggers relates to Pip and Joe that Pip has great expectations through an unnamed benefactor which Pip assumes is Miss Havisham .

  27. 《远大前程》的故事情节有它的独特之处,读来让读者有一种欲罢不能的感觉。

    " Great Expectations " The story has its unique features ; there is a time to let the reader unable to stop feeling .

  28. 这次会面我不高兴,想想真奇怪,我的远大前程的消息没有让我更快乐一点儿。

    I was not pleased with this interview , and thought it was strange that the news of my expectations had not made me happier .

  29. 作为他神秘的远大前程的情况的一部分,皮普不许去寻找他的施惠主。

    As part of the mysterious circumstances of his great expectations Pip is told that he is not to try to discover who his benefactor is .

  30. 第二部分主要从成长主题,人物形象以及人物性格等方面来论述《远大前程》与《简·爱》互文性的体现。

    The second part treats the intertextuality between Jane Eyre and Great Expectations from several aspects such as themes , images , characters and so on .