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yuǎn zǔ
  • remote ancestor
远祖 [yuǎn zǔ]
  • [remote ancestor] 远代的祖先

远祖[yuǎn zǔ]
  1. 刚果民主共和国是它们仅存的自然栖息地。倭黑猩猩是我们最亲近的动物亲属(与我们的DNA有99%相同),在行为举止上与我们的远祖十分相似。

    Its only natural homeland is now the Democratic Republic of Congo . Bonobos are our closest animal relative ( sharing about 99 per cent of our DNA ) and physically resemble our distant ancestors .

  2. 它承载着个人及家庭的记忆,以及对远祖、对宗族和村落的集体记忆。

    To villagers , their collective memory encompasses the past of the lineage and the village .

  3. 但它们仍记得远祖的那份盟誓和对我们的约定,那些神圣的约定。

    But they remember their ancient pact and their pledge to us , which is sacred .

  4. 它是一种天赋,来自于我们远祖的智慧和丰富的情感生活。

    It 's a gift handed down from the intelligent skills and rich emotional lives of our most ancient ancestors .

  5. 所有的亲属都是土著,不管是与他们合住的还是同远祖一般生活在野外的。

    All Wendigo kin are native peoples , whether huddled on reservations or living in the wilds as their ancestors did .

  6. 我们的远祖来自中东,更具体的说是西南亚,也就是现在的以色列。

    Our ancient roots are from the area now called Israel , part of Middle East , specifically it is southwestern Asia .

  7. 这些发现也许能在一定程度上说明我们的远祖是如何转舵走上人性的道路。

    The findings might reveal in part how the minds of our distant ancestors shifted gears to embark on the road toward humanity .

  8. 要知道,我从雅达利和任天堂远祖时代玩到几个月前。

    Understand that I 've played videogames my entire life starting with Atari & Nintendo right up till just a few months ago .

  9. 我渴望着,一种歌声从神秘的殿堂走出来那信仰的歌声仿佛五色的海子山依然躺在远祖的记忆里

    I long for a kind of songwalking from the mysterious palacethat song of faithis like the five-colored Mt. Haizistill lying in the ancestors ' memory

  10. 祖先崇拜经历了从原始女性祖先到男性祖先的远祖崇拜,又到各个宗族和家族的近祖崇拜等形式。

    The Worship to Ancestors had developed from the Worshipping to the Female Ancestors to the Male Ancestors , from the Closing Ancestors of Clans and Families .

  11. 古典诗词是当代流行歌词的远祖,两者间有着一脉相承的关系,这些传承既有内容上的,也有形式上的。

    The classical poetry is ancestor of contemporary popular songs and there exists a relation of call and response between them as regards both the contents and the form .

  12. 关于背部流汗,威尔金森表示,我们的远祖在靠四肢行走时,有可能体毛过盛,因此背部排汗很多。

    Asked about sweaty backs , Wilkinson says our early ancestors probably had too much hair when they walked on all fours to have sweated much through the back .

  13. 迄今为止发现的最早的一具330万年前的幼童化石显示,现代人类的远祖已经直立行走但还可能(象猿那样)爬树,科学家周三宣布。

    A3.3 million-year-old skeleton of the earliest child ever found shows the ancient ancestor of modern humans walked upright but may also have climbed trees , scientists said on Wednesday .

  14. 论战的一个阵营认为他们已经完全转变为陆地生活,其上肢对于树的适应特征只是来自树栖远祖的进化残留。

    One camp held that a.afarensis had transitioned fully to terrestrial life , and that the tree-friendly features of the upper body were just evolutionary baggage handed down from an arboreal ancestor .

  15. 当进化心理学专家研究人们如何感知世界的时候曾经做过一个假定:人类的各种天性必然和我们的远祖匹配。

    When evolutionary psychologists notice a universal aspect of how people perceive the world , they make an assumption : that slice of human nature must have been adaptive for our distant ancestors .

  16. 本文从文献学、文体学的角度,辨析了诏书文体的涵义、名称,考察了汉前诏书的流变,认为上古歌谣中一些带有咒语性质的歌谣是诏书的远祖。

    From the philology and stylistics study , this article analysed the meaning , name and history of the edict style , which drew a conclusion that some spell songs of Paleozoic songs were ancient ancestors of imperial edict .