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  • seal of a commander-in-chief
  1. 马斯内女士于2000年创办NAP,费德里科氠切蒂(FedericoMarchetti)也于同年创办了Yoox。2010年,总部位于伦敦的NAP以3.5亿英镑卖给瑞士历峰集团(Richemont),但马斯内女士一直执掌NAP帅印。

    Ms Massenet , who founded Net-a-Porter in 2000 - the same year that Federico Marchetti set up Yoox - had stayed at the helm of the business after selling it in 2010 to Switzerland 's Richemont in a deal that valued the London-based group at 350m .

  2. 但这位主帅却在随后的地区性杯赛中失去了帅印。

    But poor results in a regional tournament would later cost him his job .

  3. 2008年,尚未证明自己执教能力的传奇球员迭戈•马拉多纳从阿足协手中捧得帅印。

    In2008 the AFA handed the reins to Diego Maradona , a legendary player but an unproven coach .

  4. 很多员工都推迟了离职计划,决定再等一等,且看执掌帅印的杨致远能采取些什么行动。

    Many decided to delay decisions to leave , waiting to see what he could do with the reins .

  5. 今天之前,他还是这家银行的首席执行官,执掌帅印已达18个月之久。

    Until today , he was the CEO of the bank , a position he held for 18 months .

  6. 当哈克特于2003年12月执掌帅印时,他制定了每周与高级经理开会一到两次的制度。

    When he took the reins in December 2003 , Mr Hackett instituted once - or twice-weekly meetings with senior managers .

  7. 不过自从去年拉里•佩奇重掌帅印以来,谷歌清理次要服务的速度似乎加快了。

    But since page returned to the role of chief executive last year , the pace of executions has seemed to be on an upswing .

  8. 此前就有传闻称因马拉多纳与阿根廷足协意见不一,将不再担任阿根廷国家队主教练。马拉多纳于2008年11月接掌阿根廷国家队帅印。

    Rumours had swirled ahead of the announcement that Maradona would not continue as Argentina 's coach , a position he has held since November 2008 , because of a disagreement with the AFA .

  9. 他认为,在球场外混乱局势的笼罩下,无论是谁执掌帅印,霍奇森、达格利什或者其他人,都很难带领球队稳步向前。

    He believes that whoever is in charge , be it Hodgson or Dalglish or anyone else , would find it hard to bring stability and success to the club while off-field chaos reigns .