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xì zuò
  • secret agent;spy
细作 [xì zuò]
  • [spy] 密探;间谍

  • 如今我特地来做细作,有一包金银相送与你。--《水浒传》

细作[xì zuò]
  1. 经过深耕细作,蔬菜长势良好。

    The vegetables are growing well through deep plowing and careful cultivation .

  2. 快速消费品分销渠道的深耕细作

    The retail channel 's Deep cultivate and fine operation of fast moving consumer goods

  3. 这块地精耕细作,盛产棉花。

    The land is richly cultivated with cotton .

  4. 通过深耕细作,我们一定可以提高土地产量。

    We can certainly increase the productivity of land through deep ploughing and careful management .

  5. 为本土文化深耕细作,塑造民族动漫的新特色。

    Deep secret agents for the local culture , shaping the nation 's new feature animation .

  6. 深耕细作,多打粮秣。

    Plough deeper and harvest more .

  7. 精操细作降低铜电解电耗铜电解过程中的节能措施与效益

    DISCUSSION ON REDUCING POWER CONSUMPTION DURING COPPER ELECTROLYTIC PROCESS The energy saving measures and benefits of copper electrolytic process

  8. 精工细作,追求更优,竭诚服务,用户至上,是工厂多年的生产销售宗旨。

    " Intensive and meticulous producing , Seeking finer quality , Wholeheartedly service , Consumer utmost " is our guidance .

  9. 现在他有了精细的规格说明。湖笔以选料严格、精工细作而著称。

    He now had an expertly detailed specification . Huzhou writing brushes are famous for their material selection and elaborate craftsmanship .

  10. 选择配套的专用染料、精工细作是高档蓝狐皮染色的关键,同时还能降低染色成本。

    Selection of matched special dyes and careful operation in dyeing are the keys to produce high-grade blue fox fur , and the cost of dyeing is decreased .

  11. 我们奉行“用户至上、量第一”的宗旨,精工细作,工艺严格,质量稳定,信守合同,交货迅速,竭诚为用户优质的产品和一流的服务。

    The factory pursues the aims-High Quality , Good Service and always tries its best to provide the best products and the first class service for all the users .

  12. 2013年,施坦威以5.12亿美元出售给保尔森。音乐人们担心他为了提高收益,会干预施坦威不辞辛苦的精工细作流程。

    In 2013 , Steinway was sold for $ 512 million to Mr. Paulson , and musicians worried he would interfere with Steinway 's painstaking production process to increase revenue .

  13. 顺德人的确“食不厌精”,善于把普普通通的家常材料,精工细作,炮制成妙不可言的美味佳肴,颇谙美食之道的真谛。

    Shunde 's people are really " great gastronomes " . they are good at cooking mediocre homely materials into high-class delicacies , and they know the true meaning of gastronomy .

  14. 我公司经营的石英玻璃水位管,是采用纯天然水晶为原理,经过加压熔炼,精工细作而成,其性能稳定、质量可靠。

    I operated quartz glass water tube , are used for the principle of natural crystal , after pressure melting , Seiko secret agents from its stable performance and reliable quality .

  15. 当初竞选艰难的时候——当对手强悍时,他做了伟大领导人所做的事:他深耕细作、勤奋努力,渐入佳境、越战越勇。

    When the primaries got tough and they were tough , he did what any great leader does . He dug deeper , worked harder , got better and became stronger .

  16. 因为有火山灰的覆盖,所有东西都保存完好,挖掘人员刨开火山灰,发掘出街道、房屋、公共澡堂以及精工细作的壁画、珠宝和家具。

    Excavators have uncovered streets , homes , public baths and detailed frescoes as well as jewelry and household objects from this city buried by a volcano , which preserved everything so well .

  17. 这种装饰作风到春秋中、晚期又有了新的变化,伴随着各种金属细作工艺的发展,出现了工整细密的图案式装饰风格。

    This decorative style had a new change to the late Spring and Autumn Period . Along with the development of various metal technology , a neat and meticulous style of decorative style formed .

  18. 斯巴鲁使自己跻身一线车企的努力可以称之为“精工细作”&专心致志、注重个性,特别精于某些方面。

    What Subaru has done is to make itself into the first automaker that could be described as " artisanal " & focused , individualistic , and really good at a very few things .

  19. 财富联合集团除在节能环保与新能源领域进行深耕细作之外,本着集团一贯的“精品”理念,在其他多个业务领域也不断推出精品项目。

    Financial Joint Group , besides working on the energy-saved and environment protected and the new energy , has also been launched boutique items in many other businesses with the " boutique " concept .

  20. 提出渠道管理的实质是教育全体渠道成员正确认识和合理享有相应的渠道价值,并激励他们全力以赴地精耕细作市场,为消费者提供优良服务。

    Proposed the channel manages the essence is educates all channel member correctly to understand and reasonably to enjoy the corresponding channel value , and drove their whole-heartedly careful and intensive cultivation market , provides the fine service for the consumer .

  21. 电信市场重组后,具有移动通信业务经营权的三大运营商之间竞争进一步加剧。如何将存量市场深耕细作,如何有效地发掘潜在市场是各运营商都着重考虑的问题。

    With the mature of telecom market and the increasing competitiveness among the three major telecom companies empowered with mobile service , how to further cultivate current market and to effectively explore potential market have become the primary concern for the trio after reshuffling .

  22. 实现甜菜生产过程机械化,不仅能促进农艺措施的实施,减轻劳动强度,而且能够做到不误农时,深耕细作,提高耕作栽培质量,大幅度提高劳动生产效率。

    Mechanization of sugar beet production would be realized , it not only promoted agronomic measures to be used , relieved intension of labor , but also assured to cultivate on time and to till well , raised quality of cultivation and efficiency of labor greatly .

  23. 由于受西方造型观念及艺术观念的冲击,当代不少画家刻意的追求事物的表相的真实而精工细作,丧失了中国画的艺术精神&写意性。

    Many current artist pursue the real of the things sedulously to be crafted , and lost the spirit of the art of the Chinese paintings & freehand brushwork . These all due to the influence of Western modelling of ideas and the concept of art .

  24. 战国时,铁制农具已代替木、石农具普遍用于生产之中,不仅有利于砍伐树林、兴修水利、开垦荒地和深耕细作,而且促进了农业生产的大发展。

    During the Warring States Period , iron farm tools were in common use , replacing wooden and stone implements , which not only helped to fell trees , construct water conservancy , reclaim wastelands and practice deep ploughing and intensive cultivation , but to promote the agriculture greatly as well .