
xì jūn ɡuò lǜ qì
  • Bacterial filter;bacteriological filter
  1. 将感染蚕的中肠组织研磨后,10000g离心10min,上清液经过细菌过滤器过滤,滤波直接用蛋白酶K消化,再用酚/氯仿抽提,即可高效获得家蚕浓核病毒DNA。

    The procedure is as follows : the midgut tissue infected by densovirus is rubbed , centrifuged at 10 000 g for 10 minutes ; then the supernatant is filtered with a germ filter ; finally , the filtrate is directly digested by proteinase and extracted with chloroform .

  2. 使用一次性病毒/细菌过滤器的病例,术后从麻醉机内和一次性病毒/细菌过滤器麻醉机采样未捡出细菌;

    No bacteria growth was found in anesthetic machine and disposable virus / bacteria respiratory filter used after operation .

  3. 每例患者术中口腔、支气管分泌物及术后病毒/细菌过滤器均分离出相同细菌;

    All sides of virus / bacteria respiratory filter , and buccal and bronchial secretion of patients during operation had same ( bacteria . )

  4. 未使用一次性病毒/细菌过滤器的病例,术后麻醉机内可分离出与口腔相同的细菌。

    The same bacteria as from buccal secretion were isolated from anesthetic machine in patients ( without ) using virus / bacteris respiratory filter .

  5. 方法从麻醉机回路内、病毒/细菌过滤器和气管插管全身麻醉患者口腔和支气管内吸取的分泌物做细菌培养。

    METHODS Using bacterial culture and identification technique to detect the samples collected from pipe and the sides of anesthetic machine , from disposable virus / ( bacteri ) a respiratory filter and buccal and bronchial secretion of patients with general anesthesia through trachea ( intubation . )

  6. 它的作用就像一个防御空气变应原的天然屏障,在鼻道里形成一层无色的、粘液样的、凝胶层,其作用就像一个灰尘和细菌的过滤器。

    It acts as a natural barrier to airborne allergens , forming a colourless , mucus-like gel lining in the nasal tract that acts as a filter for dust and germs .