
  • 网络sulfurization
  1. 元古代岩浆作用、硫化作用和蛇纹石化作用是煎茶岭镍矿床主要的成矿作用方式;

    Proterozoic magmatism , sulfurization , and serpentinization are the main metallogenic ways of the nickel sulfide deposit .

  2. 源自上地幔局部熔融的母岩浆,在通过上地幔岩石圈上升侵位过程中,就地发生硫化物熔离作用和硫化作用,形成早期的富镍矿体和部分贫矿石;

    Parent magma which originated from partial melting of the upper mantle generated sulfide melting segregation and sulfurization to form early rich nickel ore bodies and some poor ore during rifting through the upper mantle lithosphere to emplace .

  3. 当水体中溶解氧的含量减少时水体中的反硝化作用强度反硫化作用强度反而大大增加。

    When the dissolved oxygen was decreased , the nitrate reduction intensity and sulfate reduction intensity were significantly increased .

  4. 稀土在金属与合金的高温氧化与硫化作用中具有明显的抗蚀特性。

    It is obvious that rare earths can suppress the oxidation and sulfuration of metals and alloys at high temperatures .

  5. 硬质橡胶的由硫化作用制成的硬质橡胶在高温下用硫磺处理橡胶或橡胶类物质以提高它们的弹性、强度或硬度的过程。

    Process of treating rubber or rubberlike materials with sulphur at great heat to improve elasticity and strength or to harden them .

  6. 由于硫化作用,静态床沙粒的膨胀和膨胀床的高度主要取决于硫化速度。

    Due to fluidization , the static bed of sand particles expands and the height of the expanded bed depends upon the fluidizing velocity .

  7. 结果表明,硼酚醛树脂可以显著提高烧蚀材料的耐烧蚀性能,同时对材料的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率有相反的影响,并对胶料具有延迟硫化作用。

    The results show that boron phenolic resin can obviously improve ablative properties of material , but it has inverse effect on tensile strength and elongation-to-break of materials and prolongs curing time of matrix material .

  8. 目的利用基因表达谱芯片对NB4细胞在硫化砷作用前后基因表达的差异性进行比较。

    Objective To compare the gene expression status of NB4 cells before and after arsenic sulfide treatment by cDNA microarray .

  9. 结果基因表达谱芯片杂交显示,硫化砷作用于NB4细胞后,PNAS-2基因表达下调;

    Results The study of gene chips revealed that in arsenic sulfide treated NB4 cells the expression of PNAS-2 gene was down regulated .

  10. 利用球-盘试验机研究了40Cr钢表面氧氮处理层对添加剂硫化烯烃作用效果的影响,并利用多种表面分析仪器分析了其机理。

    A ball on disc machine was employed to study the effect of oxidized steel surface on the lubricating performance of sulfurized olefin . Mechanisms of the effect were discussed based on the analysing results obtained with several surface analysing instruments .

  11. 以营养基因体策略来探讨食物活性成分对人体硫化代谢作用之影响。

    Effects of sulfuration metaboly of active ingredient in food were inquiried by tactic of nutritional genosome .

  12. 具有橡胶硫化促进作用的金属含硫配合物的合成与应用研究

    Study on Synthesis of Complexes with Ligands Containing Sulphur Atoms and Their Applications in Rubber as Vulcanization Accelerators

  13. 用能带模型研究了黄药与硫化矿物的作用机理,说明了硫化矿物表面捕收剂膜的稳定性与半导体能带结构的关系,并推导出黄铁矿Barsky关系式。

    The interaction mechanism between xanthate and sulphide minerals was discussed by means of energy band model , and the correlation of stability of collector 's coating with energy band structure of semiconductor was also illustrated , meanwhile the Barsky formula was deduced from theory .

  14. 厌氧条件下氨氧化、反硫化及其相互作用基础研究

    The Basic Study on Ammonium Oxidation 、 Desulfidation under Anaerobic Conditions

  15. 煤气含有的水分对氧化铈脱硫剂的还原与硫化有抑制作用。

    The presence of water vapor always inhibited reduction and sulfidation process .

  16. 过渡金属化合物对P(SBR/N330)硫化胶的增强作用

    Reinforcing Effect of Transition-metal Compounds on P ( SBR / N330 ) Vulcanized Rubber

  17. ZJ捕收剂的选择性较好,对易浮硅质矿物的捕收弱,同时ZJ捕收剂与硫化矿物的吸附作用不是很牢,精选时捕收剂较易脱落,有利于抑制硫铁矿;

    While the ZJ collector have better selectivity and weak collection to the easy-floating silica minerals , simultaneously , the adsorption of ZJ collector and sulfide minerals is not very firm , thus the collector can easily shed when refining and benefits to restrain sulfurous iron ore ;

  18. 实验结果表明,基础油中的碱性氮化物有一定的抗磨作用;在392N负荷下,它和喹啉都增强了硫化烯烃的抗磨作用,但却减弱了氯化石蜡的抗磨作用。

    The results showed that these nitrogen compounds in base oils have some antiwear property at 147N and 392N load and that these compounds and quinoline enhance the antiwear ability of sulfurized alkene but reduce that of chlorinated wax at 392N load .

  19. 橡胶合成的试验方法-用振动圆盘硫化计测量硫化作用

    Test method for rubber compound-vulcanizing characteristics using oscillating disk cure meter

  20. 亚硫酸氢钠和石灰组合剂与铜镍硫化矿表面的作用机理

    Mechanisms of the interaction of combined reagent of sodium hydrogen sulfite and lime with the surfaces of copper & nickel sulfide

  21. 氢氧化镁属于添加型无机阻燃剂,与同类无机阻燃剂相比,具有更好的抑制发烟和硫化氧生成的作用,且无毒害、无腐蚀、价格低廉。

    Compared with other flame retardants , it has better function on restraining of the producing of smoke and sulfureted hydrogen , with the advantage of no contaminate , no corrosion and low cost .

  22. 在热力学理论分析基础上提出了纳米氧化锌在橡胶硫化过程中的作用机理,为纳米氧化锌减量60%替代普通氧化锌提供了理论依据。

    Based on the analysis of thermodynamic theory , an action mechanism of nano-zinc oxide in rubber vulcanization was proposed to provide the theoretic basis for replacing common zinc oxide with nano-zinc oxide by 60 % less weight .

  23. 所采用的硫化剂可以使PP/EPDM共混物中的EPDM发生动态硫化作用,且使PP接枝于EPDM交联网络上。

    The vulcanizing agent used could result a dynamic vulcanization to the EPDM in the PP / EPDM blend , and make PP graft onto the crosslinked network of EPDM .

  24. 根据颗粒物表面成分的能谱分析,对矿物颗粒类型和颗粒的硫化特征进行了详细的讨论,提出了矿物颗粒硫化成盐作用的3种机理。

    According to the EDX analysis performed on the surfaces of the particles , mineral-based particles and sulfurated particulates were identified and discussed in detail , with three possible mechanisms for the sulfuration of salt or mineral particles suggested .

  25. 几种不同防焦剂在硫黄硫化天然橡胶共混胶料中,随着促进剂的品种和几种促进剂并用的变化,在硫化系统中的作用机理和大小是不同的。

    A few Kinds of anti-scorcher in NR blend cured with sulphur have a different mechanism of effect along with the change of accelerator type and blend of accelerators in curing System .