
  1. 马丁肯尼迪(martinkennedy)和他的同事分析了数百件来自南澳大利亚的远古海洋沉淀物样本。

    Martin Kennedy and colleagues analysed hundreds of samples of ancient marine sediments from South Australia .

  2. 北部冰冠的含水量只不过是注满一个远古海洋所需水量的1/10。

    The northern cap contains no more than one tenth the amount of water needed to fill an ancient ocean .

  3. 通过荧光的效果将远古海洋、现代海洋以及未来海洋的景象栩栩如生地展现。

    By means of fluorescence effect , the ancient oceans , modern oceans and future oceans are presented true to life .

  4. 在远古海洋的最底部存在着被一个科学家称之为生命最古老、最确切的证据,而它们被火山爆发后的杂物遮蔽起来。

    Formed at the bottom of an ancient ocean , this volcanic material shelters what one scientist calls the " oldest robust evidence " of life .

  5. 科学家们利用光谱仪来测量钾、钍和铁的分布,看它们是高于还是低于他们认定的远古海洋的海岸线。

    Scientists used the spectrometer to measure the amount of potassium , thorium , and iron above and below what they thought to be the shoreline of ancient oceans .

  6. 当然在早期历史上的火星上发生了一些事件,使大量的水被释放,使人猜想没有大量的水就没有这远古的海洋,

    the certainly something happened early history on mars that left greatly release of water and of cause people wonder without much water could there been ancient oceans ,

  7. 在这一学术缺陷下的结论,有悖于自远古以来亚澳间海洋地带土著民族文化发展与空间传播的历史事实。

    As a result , the theory runs counter to the historical fact from remote antiquity about the cultural development and diffusion in the area between Asia and Oceania .