
chénɡ nián qī
  • adulthood
  1. 一个人成年期的情感压抑似乎很明显是其童年时期经历的反映。

    Inhibition in adulthood seems to be very clearly a reflection of a person 's experiences as a child .

  2. 但是专家称,这些行为通常持续到成年期。

    But experts say the behaviors often last into adulthood . VOICE TWO :

  3. 现在她将迈入成年期。

    Here she is on the threshold of womanhood

  4. 目的:用cDNA微阵列技术克隆和筛选成年期与胚胎期睾丸差异表达基因,以进行睾丸发育及精子发生的调控研究。

    Objective : To identify gene differential expression in embryo and adult testes by cDNA microarray techniques .

  5. 成年期大鼠性腺的各部位内,5α还原酶Ⅱ型的活性在C、D和ID组各组间差异无显著性(P均>0.05)。

    In all sexual glands of adult rats , there is no difference in the activity of 5 α reductase type ⅱ among these groups .

  6. 在《正向心理学杂志》(TheJournalofPositivePsychology)于2009年发表的一篇研究论文中,研究人员采访了806名青春期少年和成年期前后的人,询问他们的人生目标。

    In a 2009 study published in The   Journal of Positive Psychology , researchers interviewed 806 adolescents , emerging adults and adults about their purpose in life .

  7. 联合作用分析发现:儿童期肥胖和成年期肥胖联合作用对CAS预测风险有统计学意义。

    Interaction analysis found that childhood obesity and adult obesity had the interaction effect on predict CAS in adulthood , P0.05 .

  8. FGF和EGF及其受体在胚胎期和成年期表达各异。

    The expression of FGF and EGF and their receptors vary in the embryonic and adult brain .

  9. 在对未成年期ETS暴露调整后,发现成年期ETS暴露不会产生附加危险度。

    After adjustment for ETS in childhood , there was no excess risk from adult ETS exposure .

  10. 人β-珠蛋白基因主要在成年期的骨髓中表达,在胎儿肝,成年肝和K562细胞中则处于关闭状态。

    Human β - globin gene mainly expressed in the adult bone marrow , while not expressed in fetal liver , adult liver and K562 cells .

  11. 母亲孕早、晚期BMI与子女成年期糖负荷后2小时血糖浓度呈负相关。

    BMI of mothers in their early and late pregnancy correlated reversely with blood glucose levels two hours after sugar load for their children in adulthood .

  12. 结论未成年期(18岁以下)非吸烟人员受ETS暴露,肺癌相对危险度明显增大。

    Conclusions Excess risks of lung cancer are limited to ETS exposure in childhood ( ≤ 18 years of age ) .

  13. 较之成年期,幼年期雌性大鼠摄入酒精更易导致血清PRL水平升高。

    Compared with adult rats , a increased serum prolactin level could be more easily caused by alcohol consumption in juvenile rats .

  14. 成年期甲减大鼠海马SynaptotagminⅠ表达和甲状腺素替代效果研究

    Effect of Adult-onset Hypothyroidism on the Expression of Synaptotagmin ⅰ in the Hippocampus

  15. 研究背景:在成年期疾病的病因研究中,Barker提出宫内发育迟缓可能引起成年期的高血压。

    Background : The theory of fetal origins of adult disease raised by Barker suggests that fetus retarded development may contribute to adult 's hypertension .

  16. 在发育过程中,小肠内SST含量逐渐增加,成年期时达最高水平(120.1±35.3)ng/mg蛋白,较胚胎6月显著增加(P<0.01)。

    The intestinal concentration of SST increased gradually with macaque development and reached to the peak [ ( 120.1 ± 35.3 ) ng / mg protein ] in adult . It was significantly higher than that in fetus ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 与在成年期所见相反:血总蛋白与血压、尿内尿素氮均呈负相关,身长、体重与尿Na、Ca、Mg等亦呈负相关。

    Was also implicated , blood total protein was associated inversely with BP and urinary urea nitrogen , the end metabolite of protein , and height , body weight and Q. I. correlated inversely with urinary Na , Ca , Mg , being wholly contrary to those in adults .

  18. 目的探讨大鼠大脑皮质神经元驱动蛋白超家族(KIF)基因在脑发育时期和成年期表达的差异,揭示KIF在脑发育和神经功能维持方面的作用。

    Objective To investigate the expression of kinesin superfamily ( KIF ) genes in cerebral cortex of adult and newborn SD rats .

  19. Popkin说,肥胖和饮食不良导致了高血压、中风和成年期发作的糖尿病大量增加,为卫生系统带来了压力。

    Obesity and poor diet are resulting in large increases in hypertension , stroke and adult-onset diabetes , putting pressure on the health system , Popkin explains .

  20. 目的探寻既能保证宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)大鼠生长追赶又可避免或减轻其在成年期产生胰岛素抵抗(IR)的早期营养干预措施。

    Objective To look for an appropriate dietary pattern of early nutritional intervention , which does not only meet the need of catch-up growth but also avoids or reduces the incidence of insulin resistance ( IR ) in adulthood of rats born with intrauterine growth retardation ( IUGR ) .

  21. Martyn认为,可能的机制是,在宫内发育阶段,营养不良等因素影响了动脉壁弹力蛋白的发育异常,降低了动脉顺应性降低,从而导致了低出生体重儿童进入成年期后容易发生高血压。

    Arterial compliance may be affected by the retarded uterus growth through lowering the accumulation of elastin scleroprotein in the aorta wall , and the reduced arterial compliance perhaps causes adult 's hypertension in the babies with low birth weight .

  22. 脑白质病变分幼儿期、青少年期和成年期。

    There are infantile , juvenile and adult forms of leukodystrophy .

  23. 生理上的成年期开始的年龄继续大幅下挫。

    The age of onset of biological adulthood continues to plunge .

  24. 而现在我们所经历的成年期的苦难要痛苦得多。

    The tribulations of our adult lives feel much graver now .

  25. 这与苏格兰法中的未到法定成年期相适应。

    This corresponds to the period of minority in Scots law .

  26. 男性在成年期必须应对很多压力,如他们要为养家糊口挣得基本工资,就得找重活干。

    Men must cope with several kinds of stress as they age .

  27. 成年期自我概念的年龄差异研究

    A study of age differences of self-concept in adulthood

  28. 宫内发育迟缓与成年期糖代谢异常

    Intrauterine growth retardation and abnormal glucose metabolism in adulthood

  29. Synaptotagmin1在成年期甲减大鼠海马内表达变化及甲状腺素治疗效应

    Thyroid hormone regulates synaptotagmin 1 expression in the hippocampus of adult-onset hypothyroidism rats

  30. 试述当代西方成年期人格发展的研究进展

    New Development of the Western Personality Development in Adulthood