
  1. 现代城市的大教室&成都图书馆公益讲座

    The Big Class in Modern City & The Public Lecture of Chengdu Library

  2. 本文论述了图书馆公益讲座要成为现代城市大教室的几个要素,并以成都图书馆公益讲座为案例,对各要素进行了分析和介绍。

    The article discusses several elements that turn library 's public lecture into the big class in modern city , analyzes and introduces these elements on the case of Chengdu library 's public lecture .

  3. 成都理工大学图书馆;

    Library of Chengdu Technology University ;

  4. 关于成都中医药大学图书馆新馆设立开放式阅览区的探讨

    A Tentative Exploration of Setting Up Open Reading Service Area in New Library of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  5. 论述了成都理工大学图书馆合并后的图书馆网络结构、实施方案及网络安全措施;

    This paper discusses the library network structure , implementation scheme and network security measures of Chengdu University of Technology library .

  6. 谈高校图书馆过刊装订新模式自助过刊胶装以成都信息工程学院图书馆为例

    A New Binding Model of Back Issues in University Library : Self-help Glue Binding & Taking the Library of Chengdu University of Information Technology as an Example

  7. 成都理工大学图书馆还建立了两个院资料室的分馆系统,初步实现了全校图书、资料计算机一体化管理的运行机制。

    Chengdu University of Technology library established the sub-library system for two reference rooms of departments , realizing the integrated management and motion patterns of books and data for the whole university by computer .