
  • 网络social novel
  1. 《岛国的法利赛人》是高尔斯华绥第一部引起公众和批评界关注的社会小说。

    The Island Pharisees is regarded as his first important social novel which arouses the attention of the public and the critics .

  2. 《官场现形记》开创了晚清旨在揭露官场腐败及其原因的写实派社会小说的典范。

    His novel Officialdom True Features started the model of social novel to set aim to disclose the officialdom rottenness and its reason .

  3. 《春明外史》与二十世纪二十年代社会小说潮

    An Unofficial History of Chuming and the Trend of Societal Fictions of 1920s

  4. 皆在1903年开始连载的四大谴责小说是中国现代型社会小说的启端。

    Four satirical novels published in 1903 is a beginning of Chinese morden social fictions .

  5. 新闻性:现代社会小说的重要特征&兼及大众传媒对其影响

    Quality of News : an Important Character of Modern Social Fictions & On the Effects of Mass Communication on Them

  6. 其中政治小说、社会小说、历史小说、短篇小说以及翻译小说显得特别突出。

    Among them , political fiction , social fiction , historical fiction , short stories and translated fiction turned out to be distinct .

  7. 首先对涵秋时代的社会小说分野进行概述,主要从近代谴责小说和政治小说方面。

    Firstly , the paper carries on the outline into the social novel in the time of Hanqiu , mainly from latter-day condemnation and political novel aspects .

  8. 晚清社会小说观念产生于作家、理论家对现实的思考,现实品格成为这类小说的突出特征,或抨击时弊,揭露官场丑行;

    The conception of the social novels in the late Qing Dynasty stemmed from the writers ' examination on the reality , which was the prominent feature of this kind of novel .

  9. 中国传统的思乡恋土的乡土根性以及近现代社会小说、国民小说的兴起为现代乡土小说的出现提供了一个广阔的背景。

    China tradition homesick to love soil root as well as the emergence of the near modern society novel and the common people novel provided the vast background for the modern countryside novel .

  10. 他摈弃了美国文学上流社会小说一向重情节的传统格局,另辟一条创作风格,通过深入挖掘人物的内心世界,开拓了自然主义的新疆域。

    He dismissed the traditional structure of the upper class that attached importance to the plot , and departed from it Through digging into the inner world of characters deeply , he opened up a new area of naturalism .

  11. 《掌舵的男人》(ManAtTheHelm),妮娜·斯提布(NinaStibbe)著(Little,Brwon出版社,25美元)。这是一本快活的英国社会讽刺小说,两姊妹努力让她们离婚的母亲结婚。

    By Nina Stibbe . ( Little , Brown , $ 25 . ) Two sisters try to marry off their divorced mother in this jaunty British social satire .

  12. 这是一部反映现实社会的小说。

    It is a novel that mirrors the real society .

  13. 论李涵秋社会言情小说的特点

    The Discussion about the Characteristics of Li Hanqiu 's Social Love Story

  14. 我的朋友想看一本社会风俗小说。

    My friend wants to read a novel of manners .

  15. 男性叙事与张恨水社会言情小说的一种模式

    Male Narrative and a Mode of Zhang Hen-shui 's Social and Loving Fiction

  16. 表现19世纪纽约富裕社会的小说。

    A novel portraying wealthy society in19th-century new york .

  17. 有吉佐和子和她的社会问题小说

    Sawako Ariyoshi and Her Novels about Social Problems

  18. 反映现代社会的小说。

    A novel that mirrors modern society .

  19. 社会风俗小说详细地描述了某一社会阶层的行为方式和风俗习惯。

    The novel of manners pictures in detail the manners and customs of a certain social class .

  20. 论清代仿《聊斋》派传奇小说的文学观试论清末民初社会言情小说的时代思想

    On the Qing Dynasty 's Literary Concept of the Legendary Novel Modeled after " Strange Stories "

  21. 由此开创了五四以来文学创作“社会剖析小说”的新范式。

    He initiated the new paradigm of " social anatomy novel " since the May Fourth Movement .

  22. 他的社会写实小说的特色是批判现实意义的现代版、香港版;

    The feature of his factual fictions is the modern edition and Hongkong edition with critical realist meaning ;

  23. 答:我最初的想法是写一部关于中国工厂工人的社会结构小说。

    A. My original idea was to write a kind of social fabric novel about Chinese factory workers .

  24. 我最初的想法是写一部关于中国工厂工人的社会结构小说。

      My original idea was to write a kind of social fabric novel about Chinese factory workers .

  25. 他的作品主要可以分为航海小说,丛林小说和社会政治小说三大类。

    Conrad 's works mainly fall into three categories : sea fictions , jungle fictions and social political novels .

  26. 社会情爱小说、当代女性作家、爱情至上、女性主义、两性关系;

    Social Love Stories ; Contemporary Female Vlriters ; Love Is Supreme ; Feminism ; Relation Between Both Sexes ;

  27. 其理论是对前代小说理论的继承吸纳,并在特定的时代背景下完成了对于社会传统小说理论超越。

    This theory had accomplished a surpass in a given time for its absorption and inherit of novel theories of past times .

  28. 明显与一个爱情故事和盗窃案无差别的《月亮石》,实际上是严肃的社会批评小说。

    The Moonstone , apparently concerned with little more than a love story and a theft , is actually a novel of serious social criticism .

  29. 她的思辩风格和夹叙夹议,集社会心理小说、哲理小说和风俗小说之大成的风格,来自于湖湘文化的思辩传统。

    She has thought style and saying to debate , gathers societal mental story , philosophic story , custom story , origins Hunan culture thinking tradition .

  30. 批评家大都认为《可食用的女人》是一部女权主义社会讽刺小说,从女权主义的角度批评了20世纪60年代的北美消费社会。

    Most critics regard The Edible Woman as a feminist social satire criticizing North American consumer society in the 1960s from a feminist 's point of view .