
  • 网络social isolation;Segregation;social segregation;social exclusion
  1. 长久以来,孤独一直是困扰日本人的问题,经常和生活在极端社会隔离环境中的“蛰居族”一同被讨论。

    Loneliness has long been an issue in Japan , often discussed alongside " hikikomori , " or people who live in extreme social isolation .

  2. 不同发育阶段社会隔离对成年大鼠潜伏抑制的影响

    Effects of Pubertal and Adult Social Isolation on the Latent Inhibition of Rats

  3. 布朗大学的社会学家约翰•洛根(JohnLogan)认为,曼哈顿政策研究所的这份报告高估了实际情况,社会隔离的现象仍然十分普遍。

    Still , John Logan , a Brown University sociologist , thinks the Manhattan Institute 's assessment is over the top . Segregation is still pervasive , he reckons .

  4. 与社会隔离是错误的。

    It is not right for you to shut off from society .

  5. 社会隔离度的上升,部分缘于教育系统。

    The increasing social segregation has partly been blamed on the education system .

  6. 罹患产科瘘的妇女受到经常尿失禁、羞耻、社会隔离和各种健康问题的困扰。

    Women who experience obstetric fistula suffer constant incontinence , shame , social segregation and health problems .

  7. 与社区融合不同,一些黑人社区的消亡,也成为社会隔离程度降低的因素之一。

    Depopulation of ghettos , rather than integration of them , has also contributed to the decline in segregation .

  8. 不管怎样,闯祸的人应该被美国社会隔离。

    Any failure to do that and that person should be removed from American society * one way or the other .

  9. 我现在是一个孤独的人,与社会隔离了。对少数民族进行隔离的社会制度。

    I am now a lonely being , disunited from society . a social system that provides separate facilities for minority groups .

  10. 他们必须是管理者和领导者,在政治和文化上有头脑,能够处理无情的审查和社会隔离。

    They have to be managers and leaders , politically and culturally savvy , able to handle relentless scrutiny and social isolation .

  11. 而老年患者抑郁、孤独感、家庭应付能力低下和社会隔离相对较多。

    There were relatively more cases in old age who were depressive , lonely , unable to adapt family and solitude in society .

  12. 一种可能的解释是社会隔离——我们更喜欢独立做事,也鼓励在比过去更小的团体内工作。

    One possible explanation is social isolation - we tend to do more things on our own and engage in fewer group activities than we used to .

  13. 但是,正因为如此,患者也更倾向于将自己和社会隔离起来,从而加重疾病。

    However , there is a potential for such a person to isolate him / herself from social activities which could escalate the severity of the disease .

  14. 瑞典是个先进的国家,教育程度与学术水平都较高,并且非常注重不与外界社会隔离。

    Yet Sweden is a sophisticated society with extremely high educational and academic standards , and very concerned not to be cut off from the rest of the world .

  15. 北京儿童研究所的一位心理学家告诉我们不应该让孩子与社会隔离&医生警告我们,让非留在家里可能使他的“适应不良症”变得更加糟糕。

    A psychologist at the Beijing Child Research Institute advised us not to isolate him socially-in fact , we were warned that keeping him at home might worsen the maladaptation .

  16. “沉默咖啡馆”的概念利用了年轻日本人日益强烈的独处欲望,经济不稳定、传统家庭支持模式的转型以及日益严重的社会隔离更是加剧了这种情况。

    The concept taps into a rising desire among young Japanese to be alone , a situation fuelled by economic uncertainty , a shift in traditional family support structures and growing social isolation .

  17. 来自东北区域的癫痫病患者的社会隔离感最强。结论:影响癫痫病患者的非医疗因素是多方面的,可能是多个因素的交叉或者叠加。

    Patients from the Northeast had the strongest feelings of social isolation . Conclusion : There are various non-medical factors that affect the epilepsy patients . They might be the intersections or overlaps of multi-factors .

  18. 社区矫正是一种不使罪犯与社会隔离并利用社区资源教育改造罪犯的方法,是所有在社区环境中管理教育罪犯方式的总称。

    Community corrections , a means of punishing criminals by using community recourses and without falling the criminals apart from the society , is the sum of the management and educate criminals within the surrounding of community .

  19. 社会隔离感、理想住房类型、家庭规模与是否重视住房户型质量、住房位置、产权和居住稳定性对住房保障方式选择模型具有显著影响。

    Sense of social isolation , the ideal type of housing , family size , the emphasis on house location , quality , design , equity and residential stability have a significant impact on the choice of supportive patterns .

  20. 由此可以发现青年农民工就业中存在的主要问题,即受教育程度偏低,相互关联的就业隔离与社会隔离,针对流动人口中青年人的就业扶助政策还不够等。

    Several problems of the employment of the young floating population pop up in this study , for example , poor education , employment and social segregations which are closely related , inadequate employment supporting system from city governments , etc.

  21. 它不仅指经济上生活资源的匮乏,还会因此产生社会隔离、两代贫穷以及诸多严重的社会问题。多年来,个人、家庭、政府等方方面面都在探索着反贫困策略。

    Poverty not only refers to the lack of resources of life , but also accompanied by social isolation and inter-generational poverty . Therefore , it will have a certain impact on person , family , society or even government policy .

  22. 在这个密切联系的社会,隔离却讽刺性地成了一个新标志。

    Isolation is a new hallmark of our paradoxically connected society .

  23. 空间隔离包括物质空间隔离、社会空间隔离、心理空间隔离。

    The spatial segregation includes physical spatial segregation , social spatial segregation and mental spatial segregation .

  24. 通过对上海市静安区南京西路街道地区的案例,研究了大都市核心区的社会空间隔离。

    The paper demonstrates the case of Nanjing Xilu Street areas to study the socio-spatial segregation in nuclei areas of Metropolis Shanghai .

  25. 这种暂时性的禁令立刻让人们担忧,伊朗科学家可能会由于该国的铀浓缩活动遭受国际社会的隔离。

    The temporary ban has raised concerns about the international isolation that Iranian scientists could face over their country 's uranium enrichment programme .

  26. 由于少年自身生理心理的特点,与社会进行隔离教养不能收到良好的矫正效果,现代社会越来越倾向于这种做法。

    Because of their physiological and psychological characteristics of children , and social isolation rearing can receive good correction effect , modern society more and more tend to the practice .

  27. 第三部分分析了黑人居住隔离的一些新特征,重点论述了黑人居住隔离下的贫困化和社会群体隔离。

    The third part analyse the some new features of the Black ′ s residential segregation , focusing on the residential segregation of black poverty and social groups under the isolation .

  28. 城市社会空间的隔离也是人们自我选择的结果。

    Urban social isolation is also roomed in the self-selection of people .

  29. 穆斯林人口经常受到迫害,在社会中处于隔离。

    The Muslim population is often persecuted , and is socially quite marginalized .

  30. 失足青年就像浮在水面的油,被社会群体所隔离。

    A group society is like a river while deviant youths are oil , being isolated .