
  • 网络the four pillars
  1. 1998年,不丹总理吉格梅·廷里确立了GNH的“四大支柱”,这如今成为不丹发展的总指导方针。

    In1998 , Bhutan 's Prime Minister , Jigmi Thinley , identified the " Four Pillars " of GNH , which today form the overall guiding principle for development in Bhutan .

  2. 保险是安全生产的四大支柱之一。

    Insurance is one of four pillars of work safety .

  3. 从产出规模来看,江苏省四大支柱产业中只有化学工业对GDP贡献较大,其余规模偏小;

    In light of input and output scale , only chemical industry out of the four pillar industries in Jiangsu Province has a big contribution to its GDP while the other three have not ;

  4. 重新解读了国际公认的教育理念和教育的四大支柱;

    The internationally recognized educational philosophy and the four pillars of education ;

  5. 煤炭是天津港的四大支柱货类之一。

    The coal is one of the four pillars cargo supply in Tianjin port .

  6. 银行、证券、信托和保险构成金融业四大支柱。

    The bank , bond , trust and insurance compose the financial industry 4-big pillar .

  7. 成功协同教育的四大支柱

    Four Pillars of Successful Cooperative Education

  8. 设计创新产业业已成为深圳经济四大支柱之一。

    The design and innovation industry has become one of the four pillars of Shenzhen 's economy .

  9. 而居四大支柱之首的是如何培养学生学会认知、学会继续学习的本领。

    First-line is how to educate students to grasp the ability of learning to know and learning away .

  10. 论现代营销的四大支柱

    Supporter of modern marketing

  11. 饭店、交通、旅行社和旅游商品被称为旅游业的四大支柱行业。

    Hotel , traffic , travel agency , tourist merchandise are known as tourism industry four major pillar trades .

  12. 信托与银行、证券、保险在国际上并称现代金融业的四大支柱。

    Trust , Banking , Securities and Insurance are four major pillars of the modern financial industry in the world .

  13. 公共关系、资金、技术、人才,是现代企业经营管理的四大支柱。

    Public relations , capital , technology and persons with ability are the four major factors in modern enterprise administration .

  14. 法律、会计、税务和监管是融资租赁行业健康发展的四大支柱。

    Legal , accounting , tax and regulation are the four pillars for the healthy development of financial leasing industry .

  15. 能源是构成现代文明社会的四大支柱之一,是推动社会发展和经济进步的主要基础。

    Energy is one of the four parts to conceive a modern civilized society it can promote social development and economic progress .

  16. 信仰在,爱共的友谊力,忠诚,共享知识,是现实生活的四大支柱!我的朋友我欢迎你到我的中国的小角落!

    Belief in and love a total power of friendship , loyalty , sharing knowledge , is the four pillars of real life !

  17. 油价的大幅上涨以及亚洲国家贸易顺差的不断扩大,意味着四大支柱资产规模的增长主要体现在主权财富基金和各央行身上。

    Huge oil price rises and continued growing trade surpluses in Asia meant SWFs and central banks accounted for most of the growth .

  18. 轮胎、工业橡胶制品、鞋类和合成胶乳产品已成为创造橡胶商品价值的四大支柱产品。

    Tire 、 industrial rubber goods 、 shoesand synthetic latex goods have become the four key products in the value of rubber commodity .

  19. 高校信息化体系应该包括组织体系、政策体系、技术体系,以及培训体系四大支柱。

    The Information System of Universities and Colleges should consist of four pillars : organizational system , policy system , technical system and training system .

  20. 数据挖掘与知识发现是一个以数据库、人工智能、数理统计、可视化四大支柱技术为基础,多学科交叉、渗透、融合形成的新的交叉学科,其研究内容十分广泛。

    Data digging and knowledge discovery is a new cross-discipline mainly based on the technologies of database 、 AI 、 data statistics and visualization as well .

  21. 作为温州四大支柱产业之一的服装业,其对温州经济的发展起着举足轻重的作用。

    As one of four major pillar industries in Wenzhou , clothing industry plays a very important role in the development of the economy of Wenzhou .

  22. 我们研发团队的指导方针是,大家都要专注以下四大支柱:安全性、隐私性、效率和协作。

    The guiding principle of our development teams is that everybody is focused on the following pillars : security , privacy , productivity , and collaboration .

  23. 梅耶尔提出的愿景欣然接纳移动革命,而且基于四大支柱:搜索、通讯、数字化杂志(稍后会展开谈谈这一点)、视频。

    It fully embraces the mobile revolution and is based on four pillars : search , communications , digital magazines more on this in a moment and video .

  24. 尽管出现了信贷危机,但在2007年,私人投资群体(包括主权财富基金)四大支柱所管理的资产规模仍取得飞速增长。

    The four pillars of private investment groups , including sovereign wealth funds , saw rapid growth in assets under management in 2007 in spite of credit turmoil .

  25. “家庭、宗教、教育和网球是这个家庭的四大支柱,”已经做了维纳斯三年指导的施赖弗说。

    " Family , religion , education and tennis are the four spokes of this family ," says Shriver , who has been Venus ' mentor for three years .

  26. 本文从融资租赁业的四大支柱&法律法规、会计准则、税收鼓励、监管制度出发,详细分析了融资租赁业在我国的发展障碍。

    This paper analyzes the obstacle to its boom in the terms of the 4 big mainstays of laws and regulations , accounting standards , tax incentives and supervision system .

  27. 针对这一结论,找出影响普洱市工业发展的制约因素,并且通过影响四大支柱产业的市场和资源状况做详细的分析。

    For this conclusion , identify the impact of industrial development in Pu ' er City , and analysis the impact of the four pillar industries for markets and resources .

  28. 四大支柱性国际海事条约以船舶和船员为中心,对海上安全、海洋环境以及船员权益的保护都做出了详细规定。

    Ship and crew , the four pillars of international maritime treaties , have made detailed provisions on maritime safety , marine environment , and crew protection of the rights .

  29. 可编程逻辑控制器作为现代工业控制四大支柱之一,在各种工业过程控制及各类机电一体化设备控制中得到极为广泛的应用。

    As one of the four pillars of modern industrial control , Programmable logic controller ( PLC ) is widely used both in various process control industry and mechatronics equipment .

  30. 全县已经初步形成了核桃、双孢菇、煤焦、建材四大支柱产业,县域经济蒸蒸日,人民生活幸福美满。

    County has begun to take shape a walnut , Agaricus bisporus , coal , building materials four pillar industries , steam distilled on the county economy , people 's lives happier .