
sì jiù
  • “four olds”
  1. 解放以后兴起的破四旧运动,使得一些历史性建筑被人为摧毁。

    After the Liberation , some historical buildings were damaged in political movements .

  2. “破四旧”:破除旧思想、旧文化、旧风俗、旧习惯。

    Attack on the Four Olds : old thoughts , old culture , old habits , old customs .

  3. 压力比想象中的大很多,古玩稀瓷器是才子佳人的玩意儿,是四旧要破的产物,只有偷偷干,小心干。

    Pressure in the imagination than a porcelain is rare , antique beauties stuff , is the product of capitalism to break , only secretly dry , be careful dry .

  4. 然而,由于中国近代的战争以及新中国成立初时的破四旧运动,使得很多城隍庙建筑遭到了严重的破坏。

    But because of Chinese recent war and the movement of breaking away form The Four Old when Chinese New Republic City was found , many city god temples were badly destroyed .

  5. 第三,商业地产,第四,旧城区改造。

    Third , the commercial estates . Fourth , the old downtown area transformation .

  6. 在过去的两年里,她收集了四吨旧电池。她的事迹引起了主管废旧电池处理项目但一筹莫展的官员们的注意。

    Over the past two years , she collected four tons of batteries and drew the attention of officials , who were in charge of a battery recycling programme but had made little progress .

  7. 第四章论述旧剧改革的得失与启示。

    The fourth chapter discusses the gain and loss and revelation of the ancient drama reform .

  8. 到了公元四世纪,旧的象形文字的意义已经完全被遗忘了。

    By the middle of the 4th century AD , the meanings of the old hieroglyphs were completely unknown .

  9. 科技英语新词的构成方式主要有四种:旧词生新义、杜撰新词、构词法构成新词和外来词。

    This paper first introduces the four ways to originate the technical neologisms : old words with new meanings , new coinages , words formed by some rules , and the loan words .

  10. 从旧义与新义知晓率关系看,四类群体旧义知晓率均高于新义。

    From the relationship of the recognition rate of the old meaning and new meaning , the recognition rate of the old meaning is higher than that of the new meaning in each group .