
yónɡ jiǔ xìnɡ jiàn zhù
  • Permanent buildings;permanent construction
  1. 相应地,基坑工程向大深度、大面积方向发展,而且,经常在密集的建筑群中施工,场地狭窄,临近常有必须保护的永久性建筑和市政公用设施。

    Accordingly , the project of foundation pit goes into lager scale and depth . Meanwhile , it is generally surrounded by dense buildings . The working space is very narrow and there are always some permanent construction and public service which must be protected .

  2. ABS的固体墙添加到现有的或新的结构增强了结构的整体效果给予了与被轻易地重新构造可灵活永久性建筑的感觉。

    Adding ABS solid walling to your existing or new structure enhances the overall effect giving the structure the feel of a permanent building with the flexibility of being easily relocatable .

  3. 并主要分析集装箱住宅用于震后临时建筑的适应性以及CSI住宅用于震后永久性建筑的适应性。

    Container housing is used to shock the adaptability of the temporary buildings and residential CSI for the adaptability of the permanent building after the earthquake .

  4. 没有永久性建筑的一块地皮。

    A lot on which there are no permanent buildings .

  5. 该建筑将设计为引人注目的永久性建筑,且将在堤道竣工后继续扮演这一角色。

    This structure will be designed as an eye-catching permanent structure which will continue to act in this capacity after the causeway has been completed .

  6. 因此,充分利用地下空间的深基坑工程不断增加,其中作为辅助工程的支护结构是保证深基坑工程开挖及永久性建筑正常施工的关键环节。

    Therefore , making full use of underground space of deep excavation engineering , including increased as the assistant engineering supporting structure is the guarantee of deep foundation pit engineering excavation and permanent building normal construction key link .

  7. 人们回忆那种永久性的建筑风格

    People recall the timeless style of architecture .

  8. 联合国难民署两年来敦促肯尼亚政府开放伊福二号营地,但肯尼亚政府以安全理由拒绝让难民住在永久性的建筑。

    The UNHCR has been urging the Kenyan government to open Ifo II for the past two years . But , the government has refused to allow refugees to live in permanent structures , citing security concerns .