
  1. 在利益多元化的条件下,信息是非对称的。

    Under the condition of multi aspect of interest , information is unbalanced .

  2. 利益多元化对政府行为的影响

    The effects of diversified profits on governmental behaviors

  3. 经济利益多元化视角下的思想政治教育研究

    A Research on Ideological and Political Education from the Viewpoint of Diversification of Economic Interests

  4. 现代市场经济在经济全球化过程中拓展,改变的只是利益多元化的实现形式。

    Modern market economy ' expanding in economic globalization changed only the realization of pluralistic interests .

  5. 利益多元化与价值多元化对政府治理模式提出了新的课题和挑战。

    Interests and the value of diversity raised new issues and challenges on the mode of governance .

  6. 近现代后,社会生态的变化使得利益多元化逐渐生成,公法在中国逐渐由道德向法律转变。

    After modern the change of social ecology made public law diverse from morality to the law in China .

  7. 在利益多元化格局下,股市中利益各方可分为政策制定者和政策接受者。

    Under the situation of interests multiplicity , different interests parts could be classified as policy designers and policy acceptors .

  8. 利益多元化的格局要求政府从资源配置的主体,转换成宏观调控的主角。

    It demands that government should transit its roles from main body of resources allocation to leading role in macro-adjustment and control .

  9. 高校财务工作面临财务管理多层次、经济利益多元化、财务关系复杂化的局面。

    The financial work of colleges and universities are faced with the multi-level of management , diversity of economic benefits , and complexity of financial relations .

  10. 在利益多元化的社会,行政听证本质上就是使各种利益得以实现的一个平衡过程。

    In the interests of a wide range of social , administrative hearing in essence is to make the various interests can be realized an equilibrium process .

  11. 区域协调发展是幅员辽阔、人口众多、区域发展不均衡、利益多元化的国家面临的重要经济问题、社会问题和法制问题。

    Regional development is a important economic issues ; social issues and legal issues in countries of the vast territory , large population and unbalanced regional development .

  12. 尤其是在社会转型期,各种社会矛盾和利益多元化冲突明显,出现了媒体监督的异化。

    Especially in the period of social transformation , the society is full of various social contradictions and diversified interest conflicts , in the media supervision process occurs alienation phenomenon .

  13. 随着混合经济的发展,利益多元化的趋势更加突出,劳动关系中的深层次矛盾逐渐显露。

    Along with Mixed-ownership economy development , labor management relation complicates in our country day by day , and the labor conflict intensifies also . Benefits diversified trend is more outstanding .

  14. 随着我国的市场经济的深入和社会的转型,尤其是各种阶层的逐渐复杂化和利益多元化,这种类似问题的争论将会越来越多。

    Along with our country market economy development and the transformation of the society , especially the various segments of the increasingly complex and diverse interests , similar issues will be more and more .

  15. 但是,随着社会的转型,利益多元化趋势使得民众表达利益诉求、维护自身权益的需求越来越强烈。

    However , with the transform of the society and the diversification of the interests of Chinese people , their needs to claim and uphold their own rights and benefits have also been intensified .

  16. 我国正处于社会转型期,由于社会利益多元化以及利益冲突加剧带来的行政权限纠纷正成为我国建构法治政府的巨大阻碍。

    The dissension of administrative competence which is brought by the diversity of social interests and the clash of interests is becoming a enormous holdback to the building of our rule of law country .

  17. 当前,中国正处在社会转型的关键时期,各种新问题、新矛盾层出不穷,价值、利益多元化特征日益明显。

    At present , China is in a critical period of social transformation , all kinds of new problems and new conflicts emerging that interest and value pluralism is becoming one of an evident features .

  18. 在利益多元化的当今社会,通过合作治理,有可能走出公民权利与政府权力二元对立的困境。

    In the present-day society in which interests have become more and more pluralistic , we can hope to get out of the dilemma of binary opposition between civil right and government power through cooperative administration .

  19. 随着社会转型期的利益多元化和市民维权意识的高涨,听证活动正在成为城市规划管理过程中利益表达的重要途径和形式。

    With the benefit diversification and citizen consciousness in the social transition period is rising , the hearing activities are becoming an important way and form of fight for the interests in the city planning and management process .

  20. 随着社会主义市场经济体制的确立和加入WTO,我国的经济结构呈现出利益主体多元化。

    When China establishes socialist market economy and joins WTO , economic identity becomes more diversified .

  21. 利益主体多元化背景下的区域经济一体化

    The regional economic integration under the background of benefit main bodies diversity

  22. 在一个利益主体多元化的社会中,各种社会矛盾日益增多。

    In a society of diversity benefits , various social conflicts are increasing .

  23. 分析了利益群体多元化对公民参与公共决策影响。

    Besides , this paper also analyzes the impact of the diversity on citizen participation in public decision-making .

  24. 随着改革开放的深入,利益主体多元化已经成为社会现实。

    With the deepening of reform and opening-up , the interest of diversification has become a social reality .

  25. 经济结构调整,分配方式改变,利益主体多元化,均在不同程度上导致道德的衰退。

    Economic restructuring , distribution modes transition and interest entity diversification , all of this lead to moral decline .

  26. 这种格局呈现利益主体多元化、利益差距扩大化和利益冲突激烈化的特点。

    This pattern presents the interests of diversification , interest and conflict of interest enlarged the gap between the intensification of features .

  27. 随着电力工业的发展,电厂产权多元化以及由其造成的利益主体多元化的出现;

    With the development of electric power industry , property right of power plant becomes diversified and principal interests body arising from it diversified ;

  28. 社区中的下岗职工多了、流动人口多了、老龄人口多了、无单位人员多了,社区的人群与利益开始多元化。

    The community of laid-off workers , the floating population ageing population much , much , no unit personnel , community crowd and benefit began to diversification .

  29. 利益群体多元化背景下,社会公众参与公共决策的意识逐步增强,参与公共决策的方式也更显多样化。

    Under the pluralism of interests groups , public awareness of participation in public decision-making gradually increases , and the ways of participation are more and more diversified .

  30. 随着改革开放的深入,出现了社会利益主体多元化的新特征,这也深刻影响着大学生的价值观。

    With the deepening of reform and opening up , new features of the social diversity of interests have emerged , it also profoundly affects college students ' values .