
  • 网络Leviticus;Book of Leviticus;Leviticus, Lev
  1. “耶稣没有从十字架上下来。他知道从他额头,他的手和脚所流出的血将成为为我们赎罪的代价。利未记17章11节说:”我把这血赐给你们,可以…为你们的生命赎罪。

    Jesus used His power to stay on that cross . He knew the blood that came from His head , His hands and His feet would be the payment for your sin . Leviticus 17 : 11 says , ? " for it is the blood that makes an atonement ( or payment ) for your souls . "

  2. 利未记19:11你们不可偷盗,不可欺骗,也不可彼此说谎。

    Leviticus 19:11 Do not steal . Do not lie . Do not deceive one another .

  3. 在利未记里这些话反覆述说了有九次之多。

    Nine times these words are repeated in Leviticus .

  4. 粗心读者以为保罗在此推翻了利未记11章的教训。

    NKJV Some think that Paul overthrew all that God said in Lev.11 .

  5. 的确,利未记是旧约的第三卷书,可是,它却预表了基督。

    It is the third book of the Old Testament but it speaks of Christ .

  6. 在利未记,他是大祭司。

    He 's the high Priest .

  7. 单是看它的书名「利未记」,就知道它的内容与作祭司的利未支派有关。

    The name'Leviticus'means the things which had to do with the Levites , the priestly tribe .

  8. 利未记里说穿不同布料缝成的衣服是上帝憎恶的。

    The book of Leviticus says that wearing clothing of mixed fiber is an abomination unto God .

  9. 从十戒到蓄起胡须--因为《利未记》要求人们不许剔除胡须。

    And from the Ten Commandments to growing my beard -- because Leviticus says you cannot shave .

  10. 这些是在利未记中的律法--“胡须的周围不可损坏。”

    There is the law in Leviticus , " You cannot shave the corners of your beard . "

  11. 在过去的几周内,我们的读经一直是围绕出埃及记和利未记展开的。

    Our readings over the past few weeks have been taking us through the books of Exodus and Leviticus .

  12. 说这些的不止利未记一篇,也不只是旧约里的篇章。

    And it 's not just the book of Leviticus , and it 's not just the Old Testament .

  13. 利未记甚至说,触碰死去的猪的遗骸是上帝憎恶的。

    The book of Leviticus says that touching the carcass of a dead pig is an abomination unto God .

  14. 旧约信徒不搞同性恋,因为这是写在利未记不是为了取悦耶和华。

    Torah followers do not practice homosexuality as it is written in Leviticus that it is not pleasing to Yahweh .

  15. 利未记17章11节说:“我把这血赐给你们,可以…为你们的生命赎罪。”

    Leviticus 17 : 11 says , ? " for it is the blood that makes an atonement ( or payment ) for your souls . "

  16. 当然,利未记中也把其他的一些行为叫做“可憎恶的”,而这些人们却常常视若不见。

    Of course , the book of Leviticus calls a number of other things abominations that we don 't tend to pay attention to quite as often .

  17. 有人说也许他意在映射妥拉的五经,它们是创世纪,出埃及记,利未记,民数记和申命记。

    Some people say maybe he meant to reflect the five books of Torah the Pentateuch is the Genesis , Exodus , Leviticus , Numbers , and Deuteronomy .

  18. 所有这些,路加告诉我们,是为了符合圣经,符合法律,还提到了利未记。

    All of this , and Luke even tells us , this is to fulfill the scripture and to fulfill the law , and he 's referring back to Leviticus .

  19. 好,我来给你读一下:利未记25:44-46:“至于你的奴仆、婢女,可以从你四周的国中买。

    And I say , " Okay , I 'll read to you . " This is from Leviticus 25:44-46 : You may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are round about you .