
  • 网络Clive Barker's Jericho
  1. 立时,耶利哥那厚厚的城墙倒塌了。

    And immediately the high thick walls of Jericho fell down .

  2. 但即便在耶利哥,仍有一大群人围在基督身边。

    But even in Jericho there was a crowd surrounding Christ .

  3. 你们过了约旦河,到了耶利哥。

    Then you crossed the Jordan and came to Jericho .

  4. 因着耶利哥人的罪,神的审判已经临到这座城。

    God 's judgment upon Jericho 's sin had come .

  5. 这个降服带来耶利哥一场极漂亮的胜仗。

    That surrender led to a stunning victory at Jericho .

  6. 耶利哥希伯来文的意思是:棕榈城。

    Jericho in Hebrew means : City of the Palms .

  7. 约书亚派这两个探子进耶利哥城把喇合和家人带出来。

    Joshua sent these spies into Jericho to bring out Rahab and family .

  8. 于是百姓在耶利哥的对面过去了。

    And the people crossed over from opposite Jericho .

  9. 《希伯来圣经》中耶利哥被称作棕榈树之城。

    In the Hebrew Bible it is called the City of Palm Trees .

  10. 古时的耶利哥不是一个大城市。

    Ancient Jericho was not a large city .

  11. 而现在耶利哥却只是一座人口仅20000的小城镇。

    But nowadays Jericho is a small town with the population of 20000 people .

  12. 耶稣将近耶利哥的时候,有一个瞎子坐在路旁讨饭。

    35as Jesus approached jericho , a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging .

  13. 所以他们两个人都到了耶利哥。

    So they both went to Jericho .

  14. 上帝叫约书亚带领百姓绕耶利哥城,绕七日。

    God ordered Joshua to command the Israelites to march around the city seven days .

  15. 耶利哥也曾荒废了几个世纪。

    Jericho had been deserted for centuries .

  16. 有些评鉴学者认为,福音书记载基督来到耶利哥的部份,好像有出错的地方。

    Critics have found fault with the Gospel records concerning Christ 's visit to Jericho .

  17. 毕竟,以色列人还没有办法攻破耶利哥的城墙。

    After all , the army of Israel still couldn 't get past their great wall !

  18. 第一个是耶利哥,第二座城是一个小城叫艾。

    The first city was Jericho , and the second was the little city of Ai .

  19. 在20世纪时,耶利哥曾为约旦和以色列瓜分。

    Over the 20th century the territory of Jericho has been occupied by Jordan and Israel .

  20. 当约书亚派两个探子去耶利哥的时候,他们住在谁的家里?

    When Joshua sent the two spies into Jericho , in whose home did they stay ?

  21. 耶利哥城似乎住了很多祭司和富裕的犹太人及罗马人。

    Jericho seemed to have been the home of many priests , wealthy Jews and Romans .

  22. 太二十29他们出耶利哥的时候,有大批群众跟着他。

    Mt.20:29 And as they were going out from Jericho , a great crowd followed Him .

  23. 于是二人到了耶利哥。

    So they went to Jericho .

  24. 他们去了耶利哥城,在那里偷偷地探听情况。

    They were to go to the city of Jericho , and secretly investigate the land .

  25. 耶和华在摩押平原约旦河边,耶利哥对面晓谕摩西说

    And the LORD spake unto Moses in the plains of Moab by Jordan near Jericho , saying

  26. 因着约书亚的顺服,神把耶利哥城的胜利赐给他们。

    Because Joshua had carefully obeyed the Lord , the Lord had given the victory over Jericho !

  27. 可是,真的没有人注意吗???很快,耶利哥城就被毁灭了,成了一堆废墟。

    Or did they ? ? ? Soon Jericho was destroyed to nothing but a burning heap .

  28. 神可能是为了拯救喇合的缘故,感动约书亚的心,让他派两个探子到耶利哥城侦探。

    Then God must have moved the heart of Joshua to send out spies because of Rahab .

  29. 当耶利哥王派士兵去搜寻探子的时候,喇合是怎么保护他们的?

    When the king sent soldiers to search for the spies , how does Rahab protect them ?

  30. 以色列人一丝不苟地按上帝说的去做了,结果耶利哥城不攻自破。

    The Israelites did exactly as God had told them and finally they broke into the city .