
  • 网络Pauline epistles
  1. 从保罗书信看早期基督教婚姻伦理

    On the Marriage Ethics of Early Christianity by Studying the Pauline Epistles

  2. 这几乎是对保罗书信的引用。

    Now that 's actually almost a quotation from Paul 's letter .

  3. 保罗书信里则完全不是这样的。

    Well the Paul of his letters doesn 't like that at all .

  4. 今天我们会讨论头两封信,我们要谈谈保罗书信。

    Today we get to the first two letters we 're going to talk about of the Pauline Corpus .

  5. 如果我们心里有这样一个问题的话,我们就会在今天的福音书和保罗书信的经文中得到启发。

    If we keep this question in mind , we will find the inspiration from today 's gospel and epistle readings .

  6. 事实上,除了保罗书信之外,新约的其他书信,用此观念的仅有一至两次。

    In fact it is only found once or twice elsewhere in the New Testament other than in Paul 's writings .

  7. 注意这位作者认为律法没问题,不像在保罗书信中看到的那样。

    Notice this guy doesn 't have really a problem with the law that we 've seen sometimes in Paul 's writings .

  8. 他把路加,及其福音包括在自己的正经版本中,还包括了保罗书信。

    Remember he included Luke as his Gospel in his own edited version of it and he included the letters of Paul .

  9. 显然,雅各认为,他反对的是某种基督精神,这种精神非常像保罗书信中提及的。

    Clearly , James thinks he 's disagreeing with some kind of version of Christianity that looks an awful lot like Paul 's letters .

  10. 我认为也许这个写《启示录》的人,正是在攻击保罗书信里代表的,那种基督教义。

    I 've suggested that maybe this guy is writing Revelation precisely to attack the kind of Christianity we see represented in Paul 's own letters .

  11. 先允许我往回讲一下,我想简单地回顾一下保罗书信,谈谈保罗对家庭的观点。

    First let me back up because I want to go through Paul really quickly and talk about what Paul 's own view of the household is .

  12. 注意,《希伯来书》篇幅很长,我们已经注意到,在新约里,保罗书信的正典经文的顺序,是取决于书信的篇幅。

    Notice how Hebrews is a long document and we 've noticed that the order of canonicity in Paul 's letters in the New Testament is by length of book .

  13. 因此马吉安抨弃了整本希伯来《圣经》,所有犹太人信奉的经文,他用以取代犹太圣经的是,他编辑的《路加福音》和保罗书信。

    So Marcion threw out the whole Hebrew Bible , the scriptures of Jews entirely , and substituted for Jewish scripture his own edited version of Luke and the letters of Paul .

  14. 比方说,你可以用保罗书信来证明,其中用它来指代外邦人和犹太人,但必须都是基督徒。

    For example , I think you could definitely prove it with letters of Paul , who specifically uses it for both Gentiles and Jews but only within the body of Christ .

  15. 它就像一条末世时间线,保罗书信中的水平轴,在《歌罗西书》和《以弗所书》中竖了起来,这是一个主要区别。

    It 's almost as if the eschatological timeline , the axis in Paul 's letter , has been just flipped up like this in Colossians and Ephesians , so that 's one major difference .

  16. 它们不是按照时间顺序排的;,他们把《罗马书》放到最前面,因为它是最长的,然后在正典圣经里是保罗书信,差不多都是根据篇幅来排序的。

    They didn 't follow a chronological order ; they put Romans first because it 's the longest and then the letters of Paul come in the Canon , more or less with some exceptions , by length .

  17. 注意他是怎么写的,他把保罗的书信称作经文。

    Notice what he 's doing , he actually calls Paul 's letters scripture .

  18. 我们讲过《彼得后书》的作者,把保罗的书信称为经文。

    We 've seen how the writer of2 Peter will talk about Paul 's letters as scripture .

  19. 保罗在书信的一开始,自称是「仆人」(或奴仆)。

    How does Paul start his letter ? He begins with his own name followed by the word'slave ' .

  20. 最喜欢保罗的书信,这包括两部分,理论和实际的。

    Like most of Paul 's epistles , this consists of two parts , a doctrinal and a practical .

  21. 我希望按时完成并附加约翰和保罗的书信。

    I hope to complete it in due time by an additional volume containing the writings of John and Paul .

  22. 在保罗的书信中,《帖撒罗尼迦后书》,一些学者认为它确实是保罗所写,而另一些学者认为并非他所写。

    Thessalonians is one of these letters of Paul that some scholars believe Paul actually wrote and other scholars believe he did not write .

  23. 保罗写作书信的方式,几乎像是某人在说话,而不是结构如此精巧的句子。

    But Paul writes his letters almost more the way you would expect somebody to talk , not like this , which is very elaborate in its construction .

  24. 所以我们看到保罗的书信集开始形成,我们也讲过福音集,在二世纪开始形成。

    So we 've seen a collection of Paul 's letters coming about , and we 've seen the Gospels coming about as a collection in the second century .

  25. 因为我们可以时不时在保罗的书信中看到,一些类似于哲学的东西,算是斯多葛派的吧。

    Every once in a while you can see stuff in Paul 's letters that looks a bit like what you 'll see in say philosophy , stoicism perhaps .

  26. 如果你只看过保罗的书信,你会怎么看待罗马?,怎么看待政府?,怎么看待君主?

    If all you had was the letters of Paul , what might you think about Rome , what might you think about the government , what might you think about the emperor ?

  27. 换言之,《彼得后书》的作者不仅知道保罗的书信,他还知道《犹大书》,把《犹大书》当资料来源,他抄了其中一些内容。

    In other words , the author of2 Peter doesn 't only know the letters of Paul , he knows Jude also , and he 's using Jude as a source , and he copies some of that out .

  28. 他死后不久,我们通过保罗的书信看到了,最早的新约文献耶稣的福音,他宣称的好消息成为讲述耶稣的福音。

    Very quickly after his death , as we see already by the letters of Paul , the earliest material in the New Testament , the gospel of Jesus , the good news he proclaimed became the gospel about Jesus .

  29. 保罗写他的书信时,他认为自己在写命令式的书信,它们是命令式的是因为,他是创立了教会的使徒。

    Now Paul , when he was writing his letters , he thought he was writing authoritative letters , but they were authoritative because he was an apostle who had founded the churches .

  30. 圣灵激励使徒保罗写这封书信给所有世代的信徒。

    The Holy Spirit inspired the Apostle Paul to write this letter for believers of all time .