
  • 网络protection level;LEVEL OF PROTECTION;ALOP
  1. 中国入关后,知识产权保护水平要与Trips保持一致。

    After china taking part into WTO , intellectual property protection level of China should keep up with Trips .

  2. 另外FDI的资本生产率明显高于国有资本生产率,表明FDI在一定程度上促进了我国环境保护水平。

    Additional FDI capital productivity is obviously higher than that of state-owned capital productivity , to a certain extent , to promote FDI in China environmental protection level .

  3. 吸附菌苗在影响保护水平和时间的能力上可能不同。

    Adsorbate bacterins can vary in potency , which affects the level and duration of protection .

  4. 传统的位置K-匿名模型必须确保提交服务请求的位置区域内至少有K个移动用户,系统的匿名度即K值代表位置隐私保护水平。

    The traditional position K-anonymous model must ensure submission service request position within the region at least K users visited .

  5. 浅析SPS协议中的风险评估与适当保护水平

    Risk Assessment and Proper SPS Protection in SPS Agreement

  6. TRIPS协定下中国知识产权保护水平和实际保护强度

    Nominal Level and Actual Strength of China 's Intellectual Property Protection ( IPP ) Under the TRIPS Agreement

  7. 目前郑州市农业保护水平较低,与WTO的有些政策措施规则相抵触,入世后,郑州市亟待按照WTO的有关规则,调整和完善农业政策。

    At present , the agricultural protection in Zhengzhou is rather weak , which contradicts with the related policies and measures of WTO . After china entered WTO .

  8. 对具有不同敏感等级和不同的保护水平要求的生态区域,应采用不同的生态敏感度,即CAT敏感度或种敏感度。

    The different idea of CAT - sensitivity and species - sensitivity may be applied to different areas with different ecological stabilities and different protecting needs .

  9. 结果显示3种不同的方法在第0、7天时的体内中和抗体均未达到保护水平(<0.5IU/ml);

    Results It showed that on day 0 and 7 , the antibody by the three methods did not reach the protective level ( 0 5IU / ml );

  10. 管道的密间隔电位测试(CIPS)的数据,能有效评价管道的阴极保护水平。

    CIPS survey data about pipeline can be used to effectively evaluate the level of pipeline cathodic protection .

  11. 其中,《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(简称TRIPS协议)是现有已经生效的知识产权国际条约中标准最高、保护水平最强、影响最大的国际条约。

    Among them , the Agreements on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights ( TRIPS ) are already and the most influential international treaties of the highest level of protection .

  12. TRIPS协议为地理标志规定了两种保护水平,给予葡萄酒和烈酒地理标志额外保护,把对其他农产品和食品的保护手段的选择留给成员方政府来决定。

    TRIPS Agreement mandates a two-tiered model of regulation , giving enhanced protection to wines and spirits but leaving means of protection to national government for other agricultural products and foods .

  13. WTO成员要想成功援引《卫生和动植物检疫措施协定》必须满足以国际标准为基础、以科学证据为基础的风险评估、保护水平适当和有关同等待遇的规定等适格性条件。

    The successful adoption of SPS for members of WTO requires such proper conditions as the risk evaluation based on the international ( criterions ) and scientific evidence , the proper protection level and the regulations as to the equal treatment .

  14. 总结了目前电石法PVC树脂生产过程中的环保技术,介绍了其发展方向,以便于提高电石法生产PVC树脂的环境保护水平,促进企业的健康发展。

    The present environmental protection technology and development direction for PVC production by carbide process are summarized in order to improve the environmental protection level of PVC production by carbide process and promote the enterprises healthy development .

  15. 西部地区作为不发达地区,其知识产权保护水平较低,目前尚不具备统一适用TRIPS协定的条件。

    The Western regions is a underdeveloped area of China , its protective level of intellectual property is low compared with the eastern regions , and still has not satisfied requirements for unified enforcing Trips now .

  16. 免疫后6个月,凝集抗体GMT仍维持在保护水平以上,证明DPTw是有效的。

    Six months after injection of DPTw , GMT and agglutinin antibody were still above protective level .

  17. 在Trips协议的约束下,同时也为了吸引更多、更高质量的FDI,发展中国家,如中国,努力提高自身知识产权保护水平,但若东道国知识产权保护程度过强,又会阻碍技术的扩散。

    Under the pressure of Trips , and in order to attract more high quality FDI , developing countries , including China , make efforts to strengthen their intellectual property rights protection . But stronger protection will impede the diffusion of technology .

  18. 205名育龄妇女免前血清破伤风抗毒素达到自然保护水平者占37.56%,抗毒素GMT(滴度倒数,下同)为3.88±5.12HAu/ml。

    The tetanus anti-toxin ( TAT ) titers of 205 ( 37 . 56 % ) women of childbearing age before immunization reached natural protective level , and GMT was 3 . 88 ± 5 . 12HAU / ml.

  19. 近年来,我国专利工作取得显著成效,连续两次修改后的《专利法》与WTO规则下的Trips协议基本一致,但是专利保护水平和专利审查制度的科学性还有待提高。

    In recent years , although our Patent Authority is improving on patent law system in order to adapt to the rules of WTO and the Agreement of Trips , the level of patent protection and the patent censor system is not perfect , and should be improved continuously .

  20. 投资者保护水平越高的地区,上市公司的过度投资程度越低,投资者保护水平与L市公司的过度投资负相关。

    The higher level region of investor protection have a lower level of over-investment . The level of investor protection have an negative correlation with over-investment in listed companies .

  21. 同时,本文也注意到了在知识产权保护水平上各国间的差异,以及TRIPS协议在知识产权保护某些方面有意不去明确规定的特点,因此对于TRIPS协议的适用,主张采取非直接适用原则。

    At the same time , this thesis also takes notice of the difference among various Countries'law protection level and the characteristics that TRIPS Agreement vaguely stipulates some items on purpose . Thus , in my opinion , TRIPS Agreement should be indirectly applied to our country .

  22. 发达国家借TRIPS协议力推UPOV方式,尤其是保护水平更高的1991文本,这给我国等发展中国家带来了严峻挑战。

    Through implementation of TRIPS , developed countries preferably promote the UPOV system , especially the version of the 1991 Act with higher standard . China and other developing countries are thus meeting with great challenges in PVP legislation .

  23. 然后借鉴LLSV的一个理论模型,从理论上推导出股权集中度和投资者保护水平对会计信息披露质量的影响,并从微观层面构建了一个投资者保护指标体系以刻画上市公司的投资者保护水平。

    Then , we take example of a theoretical model of LLSV to deduce how the ownership concentration and investor protection affect the disclosure quality . Furthermore , we have constructed a micro-level investor protection index to describe the listed companies ' investor protection level .

  24. 对尘肺预防措施效果评估及保护水平的探讨

    Exploration on the Effect Assessment of Pneumoconiosis Preventive Measures and Protection Level

  25. 用户能选择根据他们的需要的正确的保护水平。

    Users can select the right protection level based on their needs .

  26. 政府主导下我国证券市场投资者保护水平的选择

    The Choice of Investor Protection Levels in the Government-pushed Chinese Security Market

  27. 中国工业贸易保护水平与结构的估算与分析

    Protection Level and Structure of China 's Industrial Trade : Estimate and Analysis

  28. S省卫生筹资风险保护水平不佳。

    Level of protection of health financing risk was poor in S province .

  29. 风险评估和适当的卫生与植物卫生保护水平的确定

    Assessment of Risk and Determination of the Appropriate Level of Sanitary or Phytosanitary Protection

  30. 欧盟关于跨境资料转移的资料保护水平适当性制度述评

    A Study of the EU System of Adequate Data Protection Concerning Transborder Data Flow