
  • 网络protective jurisdiction;protective principle
  1. 该章论述了六个问题:第一,国际刑事管辖原则,即属地管辖原则、属人管辖原则、保护管辖原则和普遍管辖原则。

    Six issues are discussed in this chapter . 1 . The international criminal jurisdiction principle , which comprises territory , nationality , protection , and universal jurisdictions .

  2. 从国际消费合同纠纷这个角度,阐析了国际消费者保护的管辖权、法律适用的理论和实践及其相关问题。

    Especially from the case of international consumer contract , practice and related questions of the jurisdiction and the application of law of international consumer protection .

  3. 海牙《关于未成年人保护的管辖权和法律适用的公约》(1961年)是迄今世界为解决国际未成年人保护法律冲突问题而签订的一个重要的统一冲突法公约。

    The Ninth of Hague Convention on Private International Law passed an convention about the jurisdiction and law application of minor protection ( 1961 ), which is an important convention of united conflict of law for solving the problem of law conflict about minor protection in the world .

  4. 禁诉命令有利于保护美国法院的管辖权和重要公共政策,维护美国国家利益,却有悖于国际礼让原则,损害外国国家主权。

    It is benefit to protect the jurisdiction of American court , important public policy , and American national interest . But it is against to the doctrine of international comity and foreign national sovereignty .

  5. 涉外刑事管辖权的原则主要有属地原则、属人原则、保护原则和普遍管辖原则等,这些原则在各国司法实践中起着重要的作用。

    The major principles of the criminal jurisdiction concerning foreign affairs are : the principle of possession , the principle of the person , the principle of protection and the principle of common jurisdiction , which play an important part in the practice of justice in various countries .

  6. 国际未成年人保护统一化运动的里程碑&海牙《关于未成年人保护的管辖权和法律适用的公约》评析

    Milestone in the unified movement of International Minor Protection Lis Pendens Under Convention on Jurisdiction and Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters