
  • 网络territorial jurisdiction
  1. 东道国监管是国家单独监管,其主要理论依据是基于属地管辖权。

    The host supervision is individual supervision . The main theory is territorial jurisdiction .

  2. 国内法是各主权国家在各自的主权国家管辖范围内制定的法律,其依据是国家主权原则和属地管辖权原则。

    Domestic law of sovereign states in their sovereign state within the jurisdiction of the laws , is based on the principle of national sovereignty and the principle of territorial jurisdiction .

  3. 程序管辖遵循属地管辖原则和独立管辖原则。

    The procedure jurisdiction complies with the principle of regional jurisdiction and independent jurisdiction .

  4. 属地管辖权破产程序它们的有形资源可以按照属地原则进行管理,无形资源却是共有的,具有社团产权的特征。

    Domiciliary insolvency proceedings Their tangible resources are managed on apanage principle , but their intangible resources are mutual and have communal property rights .

  5. 该章论述了六个问题:第一,国际刑事管辖原则,即属地管辖原则、属人管辖原则、保护管辖原则和普遍管辖原则。

    Six issues are discussed in this chapter . 1 . The international criminal jurisdiction principle , which comprises territory , nationality , protection , and universal jurisdictions .

  6. 它是由国家主权引申出来的一项国家属地管辖权,是沿海国管辖权在领海以外的扩大和延伸,是公海自由的一种例外。

    It is a national territorial jurisdiction extended out from national sovereignty , it is expansion and extension of coastal states territorial jurisdiction beyond territorial waters , it is an exception of high seas freedom principle .

  7. 由于世界各国大都采用属地管辖原则,对犯罪地的认定标准也类似,所以刑事管辖权冲突问题的出现就不是偶然。

    Because the principle of territoriality is pursued in most of countries in the world and the standards used to identify the venue of crime are similar , the conflict of criminal jurisdiction happens not by chance .

  8. 由于网络犯罪中的犯罪行为多为抽象越境行为,对该类罪的刑事管辖权认定上理论界也存在不同观点,在属地管辖原则外提出了多种新理论,具有一定的借鉴意义。

    Since most behaviors of cyber crime are abstract cross-border behaviors , some new theories in identifying criminal jurisdiction except territorial jurisdiction appear . Due to these varieties theories , there is some significance to research partition-space offense .

  9. 行政区域以特定辖区为载体、以行政层级为依托、以属地管辖为原则的管理特点,使得政府的行政管辖权仅限于特定的地域范围之内。

    Administrative Region in a specific area as the carrier , based on the principle of territorial jurisdiction , to the management to the administrative level , make the administrative jurisdiction of the government is limited to a specific geographical area .

  10. 在互联网案件中,面对互联网的无边界性所带来的传统属地和属人管辖规则难以确定的情况,协议管辖尽显其在互联网案件中管辖权确定的确定性和可预见性的优势。

    Among the Internet-related cases , agreement jurisdiction reveals its advantages of determinacy and predictability determined by jurisdiction owing to the traditional dependency brought by Internet non-boundaries and the indeterminacy brought by personal jurisdiction rules .