
  • 网络Attribute data;Property Data;Datasets
  1. 硐室GIS子系统中属性数据不确定性分析与质量控制

    Uncertainties and quality control for attribute data in a dit GIS

  2. 基于一般抽样原理的GIS属性数据质量评定方法

    Quality Assessment for Attribute Data in GIS Based on Simple Random Sampling

  3. GIS图形数据与属性数据连接的研究

    Study on the Connection of GIS Graphic Data with the Attribute Data

  4. GIS属性数据精度的缺陷率度量统计模型

    Statistical Model of Rate of Disfigurement for Attribute Data Accuracy Assessment in GIS

  5. 由于GIS数据的管理方式改变为属性数据和空间数据一体化存储,GIS应用系统的开发方法也随之发生了根本性的变化。

    Due to the progress in managing GIS data , the developing method changes enormously .

  6. NET作为开发平台,采用关系型数据库进行设备属性数据和拓扑连接关系数据的存储。

    NET , and the devices ' basic parameters and topological connection relations are stored in relational database .

  7. GIS属性数据编辑界面编程

    GIS Attribution Data Edition Interface Programming

  8. XML编码的钻孔属性数据的Oracle管理

    Oracle management of XML coding drill attribute data

  9. GIS处理的数据类型分为两类,属性数据及空间数据。

    The data processed by GIS technology consists of two categories : attribute data and spatial data .

  10. GIS中专题属性数据综合的若干问题

    Thematic Data Generalization in GIS

  11. Oraclespatial推出后,空间数据和属性数据可实现一体化存储。

    After Oracle Spatial being introduced , the spatial data and attribute data can be stored together .

  12. 一个事件包含事件类型、事件ID、项目信息和属性数据。

    An event contains event type , event ID , item information , and attribute data .

  13. 并充分发挥GIS在管理空间数据和属性数据、空间叠加分析、统计分析及制图输出方面的作用。

    The functions of GIS such as managing spatial and attributive data , spatial overlap , statistical analysis is used efficiently .

  14. 利用该方法,在嵌入式农田信息采集系统中成功地实现了对基于GPS的空间位置数据和属性数据的采集管理。

    The embedded field information collection system proves that above method is success to manage GPS spatial position data and property data .

  15. 惜助MIS,实现了对属性数据、图形数据的管理。

    With MIS , the attribute data and graphic data are managed . GRAPHIC DATABASE attribute set ;

  16. 地理信息系统(GIS)的发展要求数据库系统不仅能够存储属性数据,而且能够支持空间数据。

    The development of GIS needs the database system which can not only memorize the attribute data , but also the spatial data .

  17. 基于SDE的GIS空间和属性数据在RDBMS中的集成

    SDE Based Integration of Spatial-data and Attribute-data in RDBMS

  18. 即地理标记语言:是一种用于空间地理信息传输和存储的XML应用,能够表示地理空间对象的空间数据和非空间属性数据。

    The advent of XML gives an effective way . GML ( Geographical Markup Language ) is a XML application used for transmission and storage for geographical information .

  19. 利用OracleSpatialJavaLibrary空间数据引擎对空间数据进行操纵,将地理数据和属性数据相结合,采用地理标记语言GML进行标准化的编码,有利于地理信息的共享和互操作性;

    Using Oracle Spatial Java Library operating spatial data and encoding them into GML format , which benefits geography information 's sharing and interactions .

  20. 对地形的查询建立在DEM数据结构基础上,而对地物的查询主要是采用ADO技术连接地物的属性数据实现查询。

    The queries about terrain were based on DEM , but the queries objects were realized by ADO .

  21. 首先,用GIS管理规划所需的空间数据和属性数据,将需规划的电网直观地显示于规划人员面前,使规划过程更具交互性;

    First , use space data and attribute data needed by GIS planning and show the power network to the researchers directly , which makes the communication possible ;

  22. 研究了数据处理方法,对车载GPS采集到的道路数据进行处理,包括粗差剔除、坐标转换、空间属性数据与非空间属性数据的匹配、线路偏心改正、曲线拟合等;

    At the same time , study the data processing methods including gross error rejection , coordinate conversion , data match , partiality correct , and so on .

  23. 换句话说,就是从UserTable组件向三个Noteswidget预定义的动作发送信息(属性数据)。

    In other words , you are going to send information ( property data ) from the User Table component to the predefined actions in the three Notes widgets .

  24. 利用地理信息系统(GIS)在空间数据输入与处理方面的优势,分析了渭河流域污染负荷分布特征,计算了渭河流域各地区污染负荷量,并建立了空间与属性数据相统一的地理信息数据库。

    With the help of GIS , the geo-database is established , the distribution of pollution load is described and the value of pollution load in every region is calculated .

  25. 在用面向对象技术开发分布式GIS系统时,要实现图形对象空间几何数据序列化和图形对象属性数据存储。如何实现图形对象空间数据的分布式存储是实现分布式GIS系统的关键所在。

    The serialization of the graphics data to the databases is the key technology of OOP ( Object Oriented Programming ) to develop distributed GIS ( Geographical Information System ) .

  26. 将研究区剖分成195个评价单元格,借助GIS强大的数据管理功能,建立与空间数据和属性数据相互关联的生态环境脆弱性数据库;

    The study area was partitioned to 195 cell griddings for assessment . The ecosystem vulnerability database associated with space-data and attribute-data was established using the great data management function of GIS .

  27. GIS的一个难点是实现空间数据和属性数据的一体化存储和管理,本文采用Oraclespatial技术来解决这一问题。

    A difficulty point of GIS is implementing integrated storing and management of spatial data and attribute data . Oracle Spatial technology is adopted to solve this problem in this paper .

  28. 在基于GIS的土壤资源管理信息系统中,最基本的操作是对地图的操作、属性数据的查询和统计以及空间数据的查询。

    In the soil resource management information system based on GIS , the most basic operations are the operation of map , the attribute data inquiry and statistics and spatial data inquiry as well .

  29. 数字化燃气管网是GIS软件实现的核心,本文通过燃气设施设备的空间数据和属性数据相结合的方法得以实现。

    Digitizing the gas pipe network is the core to realize GIS software , it can be realized through the method of combine space data with attribution data of the gas facility and equipment .

  30. MicroStation中图形要素属性数据的处理

    Applying of the Attribute of Geographical Element in MicroStation