
  • 网络value;Attribute Value;attribute
  1. 属性值的约简是RoughSet理论的核心内容之一。

    The value reduction is one of the highlight of Rough Set theory .

  2. 粗糙关系数据库的属性值分解及其应用研究

    The Research of Rough Relational Database Attribute Value Decomposition with Application

  3. 基于RoughSet理论的一种属性值约简算法

    A Value Reduction Algorithm Based on Rough Set Theory

  4. 该图显示了根据属性值city对查找到的所有文档进行分类的结果。

    This figure illustrates the categorizing result of all searched documents that have different values for the city property .

  5. 基于Rough集距离函数的属性值区间化及其应用

    The Interval Values of Attributes Based on Rough Operator and Its Application

  6. 另外两个方法是用于访问一个int属性值的get和set方法的代理。

    The other two methods are proxies for the get and set methods used to access an int property value .

  7. 由WebSpherePortal根据这些属性值在内部计算全局最大值。

    A global maximum value is calculated internally by WebSphere Portal based on these property values .

  8. 这样srtPropertytext变量从placeOrder对象那里获得了文本(PlaceOrder)的属性值。

    So the srtProperty_text variable gets the property value of the text ( Place Order ) from the placeOrder object .

  9. 它为HTML引入了XML语法约束:区分大小写、必须用引号括起来的属性值和成对的标签。

    It introduced the constraints of XML syntax into HTML : case-sensitivity , compulsory quoted attribute values , and balanced tags .

  10. 属性值标识包含目标DOM节点的小部件属性名。

    The property value identifies the widget property name where the target DOM node is stored .

  11. 下面的代码示例显示将客户端引用到当前应用程序的url的两个属性值。

    The following code example displays the value of two properties of the URL that referred the client to the current application .

  12. ClearQuest记录指定了请求的属性值并参考其他的支持性记录。

    The ClearQuest record specifies the property values of the request and references other supporting records .

  13. J2EE开发人员通常需要在关系数据库中存储XML文档以及从数据库中检索XML文档,以获得元素值和属性值。

    J2EE developers are commonly required to store an XML document in a relational database and retrieve an XML document from a database to obtain element and attribute values .

  14. 其中,QoS监控模型解决了服务提供者虚报QoS属性值问题;目标消费群模型解决了服务消费者评价标准个体差异性的问题。

    QoS monitoring model solved the problem of dishonest QoS provided by the service provider ; target consumer group model solved the problem in objective feedbacks .

  15. 该算法采用AHP求取各层次指标的权重,采用模糊方法确定各方案的属性值。

    The method adopts the weight of getting the indexes of every layer of AHP and Fuzzy method to identify attribute value of every program .

  16. 当Eclipse启动时会读取这个文件,并用来指定所有默认的属性值,而不是去使用插件本身定义的那些值。

    The file is read when Eclipse starts to identify any default preference values that should be used instead of those defined by the plug-ins themselves .

  17. 链接关系扩展包括创建新的link元素和rel属性值,标识新的链接关系类型。

    Link relation extensions involve the creation of a new link element rel attribute value that identifies a new type of link relation .

  18. 它作为一个POJO实现,带有获取和设置属性值的方法。

    It is implemented as a POJO with methods to get and set the attribute values .

  19. 但是,对于一项操作如果您想添加更多的FaultContract,那么您可以在CSharpMethod构造型的属性值中,输入故障合约描述字符串。

    However , if you want to add more Fault Contract for an operation , you can type the fault contract description string in the attributes property of the CSharp Method stereotype .

  20. 您最终的目标是生成一个连接数据集,即将这两个基于常用URI属性值的数据集联合起来。

    Your final goal is to produce a joint data set that joins these two data sets based on the common URI attribute value .

  21. 除了更改属性值以外,您还可以调用MBean上的方法。

    In addition to changing attribute values , you can also call methods on an MBean .

  22. 如果您将属性值添加到窗体及其控件的属性表,则VisualStudio会在幕后于一个已编译为非特定程序集的资源文件中维护它们。

    As you add property values into the property sheet for the form and its controls , Visual Studio maintains them in a resource file behind the scenes that is compiled into the neutral assembly .

  23. 有了给定的模板实例之后,将创建一个联合谓词,其中每个谓词都是模板实例的非null和非默认属性值。

    Given the template instance , a conjunction of predicates where each predicate is a comparison for a nonnull , nondefault attribute value of the template instance is created .

  24. DMS可以使用原来的属性值确保后端数据在此期间没有被别的人修改。

    The old value can be used by the DMS to make sure backend data hasn 't been modified by someone else in the meantime .

  25. 因此开发人员可以很容易地为各种UI要素(如易访问的名称和描述)定义适当的属性值,全部在SWT环境中。

    So developers can easily define appropriate attribute values for the various UI elements ( such as accessible name and description ), all within the SWT environment .

  26. 然后,我需要确保在实现WSDL中选择的服务包含一个端口,这个端口的binding属性值和接口WSDL绑定的name属性值相同。

    Then I need to make sure that the service chosen in the implementation WSDL contains a port which has a binding attribute value which is the same as the interface WSDL binding 's name attribute value .

  27. 发展了面向对象、面向Agent的软件度量,提出面向移动Agent的软件度量方法,针对不同属性值的定义进行数据收集,采用统计比较分析的方法进行推理和决策,开发新的度e量模型。

    In order to develop the objections-oriented and agent-oriented software metrics , it presents software metric methods of mobile agent-oriented , collects data according to definitions of different functions , uses statistics-comparison-analysis methods to infer and decide , and develops new metric model .

  28. 对于数据集中的异常样本值,本文提出了一种解决方案:先删除异常的属性值,然后再用遗传BP神经网络模型进行预测填补,通过实验证明这种方案的可行性。

    In this paper , we propose a scheme to solve the problem of outlier data patterns that the value of outlier data pattern is deleted first and then is predicted by the model of Genetic Algorithm and Neural Network .

  29. 为了获得服务URL,您可以分析返回的文件以找到oslcdisc:services元素的rdf:resource属性值

    To extract the services URL , you can parse the document returned to find the value of the oslc_disc : services element 's rdf : resource attribute

  30. 对于每一个用户操作,FlexMonkey会捕获一个UI事件,一个属性值对,用以标识事件的目标以及事件相关的参数。

    For each user action , FlexMonkey captures a UI Event , a property and value pair that identifies the target of the event , and event-specific arguments .