
zì fú chuàn
  • character string;alphabetic string
字符串[zì fú chuàn]
  1. 对字符串模式匹配KMP算法的探讨

    Probe into the Algorithm of Alphabetic String Model Matching KMP

  2. 对数组与指针、字符串与指针、函数与指针等在程序设计中的灵活运用作了探讨。

    A discussion of flexible application of the pointer in programming is carried out through analyzing its relationship with array , alphabetic string and function .

  3. 将大部分C++代码嵌入到字符串中是非常笨拙的。

    Embedding large portions of C + + code in string literals is very awkward .

  4. 字符串,对机器的操作系统,硬件,和内核属性进行隐意编码

    A string which opaquely encodes various aspects about a machine 's operating system , hardware , and kernel attributes .

  5. HIGH不能被应用到一个长字符串

    HIGH cannot be applied to a long string

  6. source:正则表达式所匹配的输入字符串。

    Source : The input string the regular expression is matched against .

  7. Parameters一般将字符串作为值。

    Parameters generally take strings as values .

  8. 如果没有,POST数据设为空字符串。

    If not , it sets the POST data to an empty string .

  9. 它读取XML文件内容并向调用者返回一个字符串。

    It reads the XML file contents and returns a string to the caller .

  10. 为了简化跟踪字符串规范,可使用跟踪组将常见WebSphereApplicationServer代码区域绑定到一起。

    To simplify trace string specification , trace groups bundle common WebSphere Application Server code areas together .

  11. 目前,这个方法仅返回字符串“ThisisCipherData”。

    Currently this method only returns the string " This is Cipher Data " .

  12. 在这种情况下,一种使用Findwhat字符串-的全局常规搜索应该很快挑选出他们。

    In this case , a global normal search using the Find what string of-should pick them out quite quickly .

  13. go()方法传递两个字符串,一个用于队列管理器,一个用于队列名。

    The go () method is passed two strings , one for the queue manager and one for the queue name .

  14. String数据类型代表字符串字面值。

    String data type is a representation of string literals .

  15. 每个Worker对象都为其构造函数获取了一个单一字符串。

    Each Worker object takes a single string for its constructor .

  16. 在响应路径上创建一个类似的映射,以将来自Web服务的响应字符串转换成二进制格式。

    Create a similar map on the response path to convert the response string from the Web service to binary format .

  17. 如果当前节点拥有那个字符串,则那就是基线条件(返回“true”)。

    If the current node has the string , that 's a base case ( returning " true ") .

  18. 若具有一个非空的XML字符串,可以解析它并到达其根元素。

    If you have a non-empty XML string , you parse it and get to its root element .

  19. 基类获取format,这是一个指定了要使用的数据格式的字符串。

    The base class takes format , a string that specifies the data format to use .

  20. 从上面的ElementID和消息键对列表中创建一个以逗号分隔的字符串。

    Create a comma-separated String from the above list of pairs ( Element ID and message key ) .

  21. 松散类型描述的一个例子就是将消息的实际内容编码为单个字符串的Web服务。

    One example of a loosely typed description is web service that encodes the actual content of a message as a single string .

  22. 这将XML文件作为单一字符串传递到下游步骤或进一步处理的阶段。

    This passes the XML file as a single string to a downstream step or stage for further processing .

  23. 此外,comment元素也是全局定义为字符串类型的。

    In addition , the comment element is also globally defined as a string type .

  24. 给定一个字符串,它对Match进行循环以试图找到相应的正则表达式。

    Given a string , it loops through the Match to try to find the appropriate regular expression .

  25. 在注释元素中预先定义SQL字符串,可以简化静态执行支持。

    Pre-defining the SQL string in an annotation element simplifies static execution support .

  26. 注意:该URL实际上是一个字符串。

    Note : This URL is actually a single string of characters .

  27. 还可以通过查找以下字符串查看转换原语前后的原始XML数据

    You can also view the raw XML data before and after a transformation primitive by looking for the following strings

  28. 您可以指定稳定性标志,将它添加到require字符串的末尾,并使用@。

    You specify a stability flag by adding it to the end of your require string with a @ .

  29. 在命令行中执行的时候,该程序将XML内容从文件读入一个字符串变量。

    When executed from a command line , the program reads the XML content from a file into a string variable .

  30. connect命令需要一个指示符字符串用于查找要连接的数据库。

    The connect command requires an indicator string to find the database to which it should connect .