
zì mí
  • Crossword puzzle;a riddle about a character or word;a riddle about a Chinese character
字谜 [zì mí]
  • [a riddle about a Chinese character] 用字做谜底的谜语

字谜[zì mí]
  1. 这份纵横字谜除横3竖10以外我都填完了。

    I 've finished the crossword apart from 3 across and 10 down .

  2. 你擅长填纵横字谜吗?

    Are you good at doing crosswords ?

  3. 她填纵横字谜很在行。

    She 's a whizz at crosswords .

  4. 她和3个兄弟玩看手势猜字谜。

    She and her three brothers played charades .

  5. 你喜欢字谜游戏吗?

    Do you enjoy word puzzles ?

  6. 如果你不能准时完成字谜就扣1分。

    You lose a point if you can 't complete the puzzle on time .

  7. 她是我们中间的填纵横字谜的游戏迷。

    She is our resident crossword fanatic .

  8. 做纵横字谜游戏能锻炼脑筋。

    Doing crosswords gives the mind some exercise .

  9. 别扔了昨天的报纸,我还没做字谜游戏呢。

    Don 't chuck yesterday 's paper out . I still haven 't done the crossword .

  10. 这种事在你身上时有发生:在会上和领导正说着一半话,正玩着《纽约时报》上的字谜游戏,写着毕业论文,甚至和你妈在讲电话时,却忽然忘记要说什么了……

    It happens to you all the time . You 're mid-sentence during a meeting with your boss , working on The New York Times ' crossword puzzle , typing up an essay for grad school , or even talking to your mom on the phone -- and the next word you 're looking for just doesn 't ... come .

  11. 由电子元、3d字谜器件组成的综合继电器不进行尽缘电阻的测定。

    No measure to insulation resistance comprehensive relay composed of electronic device .

  12. 我把这叫做字谜距离(puzzledistance)。

    I 'll call this the puzzle distance .

  13. 在这个示例里,ship和crow之间的字谜距离是4。

    In this example , the puzzle distance between ship and crow is4 .

  14. 既可以entertainoneself(自我娱乐),也是一种不错的智力训练。这不是游戏。这只是可以帮助我提高单词量的一种纵横字谜。

    It 's only a crossword puzzle that helps increase my vocabulary .

  15. 另一个原因就是经过一段时间的推广后,人们开始接受广告中出现的与纵横字谜有些相像的QR码。

    It also took time for people to realise why advertisements contained mutant crosswords .

  16. 作曲家、字谜狂人斯蒂芬•桑德海姆(StephenSondheim)曾经漂亮的指出全息电影系统是一种美国造字法。

    Composer and crossword geek Stephen Sondheim once noted , brilliantly , that Cinerama is an anagram of American .

  17. Jumble是在大多数报纸中可以找到的字谜,您有一些已经完全混合在一起的单词。

    The Jumble is that word puzzle found in most newspapers where you have a few words that have been all mixed up .

  18. 恐怕我的技能仅仅局限在纵横字谜上。

    I 'm afraid my skills are limited to crossword puzzles .

  19. 创建字谜和单词搜索拼图,用自己的话!

    Create crossword and word search puzzles using your own words !

  20. 他从十几岁就开始创作字谜游戏了。

    He started making crosswords when he was in his teens .

  21. 每个猜字谜的单词通常会属于一个类别。

    The words in each puzzle usually belong to a category .

  22. 就是在海豚仓猜哑剧字谜后那第一个夜晚。

    The first night after the charades . dolphin 's barn .

  23. 呃,在西门廊有猜字谜游戏。

    Uh , they 're having charades in the West lobby .

  24. 我在猜报纸上的字谜游戏。

    I ′ m doing a word puzzle in this newspaper .

  25. 并且我知道不管我做个什么样的字谜。

    And I know that whatever puzzle I throw out there .

  26. 写信人常常把成果写成密码或者搞成字谜。

    The writers often put their results in ciphers or anagrams .

  27. 我打是个孩子起就开始做字谜了。

    I 've been solving puzzles since I 'm a kid .

  28. 我正在猜这份报上的字谜。

    I / 'm doing a word puzzle in this newspaper .

  29. 字谜游戏对我来说或许是一种困扰。

    I 'd say crosswords to me are probably an obsession .

  30. 考虑把读物或字谜留到晚些时候来享用。

    Consider leaving the reading materials or crossword puzzle for later .