
zì jié
  • byte;syllable
字节 [zì jié]
  • [byte] 一个二进制数字序列,在计算机中作为一个数字单元,一般比一个字短

  • 一个8比特的字节

字节[zì jié]
  1. XML解析器能够处理任何字节流。

    An XML parser can process any byte stream .

  2. 接下来是字节“B”,仍然原封未动,故而照原样解码。

    The next byte B , is literal also , so it is decoded as is .

  3. 这个系统内存256兆字节,可扩充到2千兆字节。

    The system has 256 MB RAM , expandable to 2GB .

  4. 为了将一个或另一个半字节分离出来,你可以使用一个八位屏蔽,并进行一次“与”运算。

    You could use an8-bit mask and an and operation in order to isolate one or the other numeric nibble .

  5. 在记忆体中,指令被存放在一个连续的字节序列中。

    In memory , instructions are stored in a sequence of successive bytes .

  6. 在总线传送操作期间,字节可以无限发送或接收。

    The bytes can be unlimitedly sent or received during the bus transfer operation .

  7. 而对应的英文字“forest”需要六个字节。

    However , the equivalent English word " forest " takes six .

  8. value是一个未解释的字节数组(Java™类型byte[])。

    Value is an uninterpreted array of bytes ( Java ™ type byte [ ] )

  9. n等于用户请求的字节数

    N equals number of bytes requested by the user

  10. Java字节码异常处理中信息流的分析

    Analysis of information flow in exception handling of Java bytecode

  11. 它与对单字节数据类型使用LENGTH函数类似。

    It is similar to the LENGTH function when used against a single-byte data type .

  12. 在设计和效果上,它和Java的字节解释过程很相似。

    It is closest to the Java byte-compilation process in design and effect .

  13. 如果使用双字节数据类型作为输入,它就会给出双倍的LENGTH函数值。

    It gives double the LENGTH function value if double-byte data type is used as input .

  14. 基本C字符类型是1字节数据类型,没有一位编程人员想到过要改变它。

    The basic C character type is a1-byte data type , and no programmer dreams of changing it .

  15. Java字节代码程序的部分计值

    Partial Evaluation of Java Byte Code Program

  16. 比如,读取或写入操作会因为操作返回读或写的字节数,而返回一个Future。

    For example , a read or write returns a Future because the operation returns the number of bytes read or written .

  17. 许多人认为造成Java速度慢的原因是它生成解释型字节码,而不是本机代码。

    Many people imagine Java is slow because it generates interpreted bytecode rather than native code .

  18. 内存管理在每个IP包头加上固定字节的包信息。

    A fix position is placed at the head of every IP packet in memory management .

  19. 在解析这些字节时,客户端需要有这个持久化Java类型的类定义。

    To interpret these bytes , a client requires the class definitions of the persistent Java types .

  20. BIOread将尝试从服务器读取一定数目的字节。

    BIO_read will attempt to read a certain number of bytes from the server .

  21. 接着将IV与真正的密码字节数组分离。

    The IV is then separated from the actual cipher byte array .

  22. 过去,Web服务器会缓存响应数据,仅在接受到足够的字节数或块数后才会发送出去。

    Traditionally , Web servers cache the response data and only send it after a sufficient number of bytes or chunk has been received .

  23. HTTP字节数据绑定:用于接收字节

    HTTP bytes data binding : Used to receive bytes

  24. AOP常常会要修改字节码,但又完全不需要理解class文件的格式。

    AOP make bytecode changes normal , without requiring understanding of the class file format .

  25. status:由SCSI标准定义的SCSI状态字节。

    Status : SCSI status byte as defined by the SCSI standard .

  26. 然后检查字节是否在a到z的范围内。

    It then checks to see if the byte is in the range a through z.

  27. 不管是哪种情况,新的字节码都作为类Java的源代码声明或者String中的块传递。

    Either way , the new bytecode is passed as a Java-like source code statement or block in a String .

  28. 然而,IDL确实提供几种整数类型,2字节(short)、4字节(long)和8字节(longlong)的整数类型。

    The IDL , then , really provides integer types in2-byte ( short ), 4-byte ( long ) and8-byte ( long long ) sizes .

  29. 服务器将以服务器端序列化字节的强类型Java对象发送分离对象图。

    The server sends the detached object graph as serialized bytes of strongly typed persistent Java objects defined on the server side .

  30. 通过Java的自定义类加载器执行保存在Web服务器上的字节码文件

    Pass the Java from the definition type to add to carry the machine performance conservancy in the byte code document on the server of Web