
zì fú biān mǎ
  • Character encoding;character code
  1. 蒙古文字符编码标准制定中的有关问题《蒙古语语法信息词典字符分库》的建立及意义

    Problems for Preparing Character Code Standard of Mongol Development and Meaning of " Character Bank of the Mongolian Grammatical Information Dictionary "

  2. 建立了拣选路径的数学模型,明确定义了其目标函数以及约束条件,通过对拣选路径优化问题的数学模型的分析,采用基于字符编码的混合遗传算法来求解。

    Furthermore under the analysis of such mathematic model of the sorting route optimum problem , that function is resolved by the application of the mix genetic arithmetic based on character code .

  3. Java网络传输中字符编码问题的研究

    Research of character encoding in Java net transfers

  4. 第一行是XML声明,指定了XML版本和使用的字符编码。

    The first line is the XML declaration that specifies the XML version and character encoding used .

  5. Java语言的字符编码问题探讨

    Discussion on character coding in Java

  6. 函数的作用是:转换HTML字符编码为字符。

    The html_entity_decode () function converts HTML entities to characters .

  7. 这些针对字符编码的解决方案的问题在于:对XML而言,一种编码(每个工作台一种)不能适应全部情况。

    The problem with these solutions to character encoding is that , for XML , one encoding ( per workbench ) does not fit all .

  8. 值LCCTYPE定义了字符编码,而LCCOLLATE定义了排序顺序。

    The LC_CTYPE value defines character encoding and LC_COLLATE defines the sorting order .

  9. 另一方面,民文信息处理过程中所使用的没有规范化的字符编码方案给民文信息资源的资源共享和Internet技术的普及带来了很大麻烦。

    On the other hand , non-standardized character encoding schemes used for minority-language information processing cause many problems hindering the sharing of minority information resources and slowing the penetration of the Internet .

  10. 它确实有些明显的不足,包括原始的数据类型化和缺乏字符编码支持(这对XML使用来说是个令人吃惊的缺陷)。

    It does have some notable weaknesses , including primitive data typing and lack of support for character encodings ( an astonishing flaw given its use of XML ) .

  11. 如果使用编码声明,必须紧接在xml声明的版本信息之后,并且必须包含代表现有字符编码的值。

    If used , the encoding declaration must appear immediately after the version information in the XML declaration , and must contain a value representing an existing character encoding .

  12. DNA图形编码相对于DNA的字符编码而言,具有直观、简明、形象和便于比较局部DNA序列的相似性等特点。

    But as compared to the DNA letter coding , the DNA graphic coding is more intuitive , direct visualizing and more convenient for searching and comparing the similarity of DNA seg-ments .

  13. Unicode通常用作涉及双字节字符编码方案的通用术语。

    Unicode is usually used as a generic term referring to a two-byte character-encoding scheme .

  14. 本文将分析最流行的格式―UTF-8字符编码系统。

    This article will examine the UTF-8 CCS , the most popular format .

  15. 在互联网上,HTML文档是以含有编码信息(在字符编码部分有详细描述)的字节序列方式传送的。

    HTML documents are sent over the Internet as a sequence of bytes accompanied by encoding information ( described in the section on character encodings ) .

  16. 第一行,您可以看到文件的编码是UTF-8字符编码。

    In the first line , you can see that the encoding of the file is UTF-8 character encoding .

  17. Unicode转换格式(UnicodeTransformationFormats,UTFs)是一种通过映射多字节编码中的值来支持Unicode的字符编码方案。

    Unicode Transformation Formats ( UTFs ) are CESs that support the use of Unicode by mapping a value in a multi-byte code .

  18. 其次,就监控软件涉及到的相关知识加以介绍,其中包括网络编程、MFC、套接字、多线程和字符编码等有关内容。

    Secondly , some correlative knowledge to the monitoring software is presented , including network programming , MFC , socket , multi-thread and character encoding .

  19. 有关这些类型的数据的详细信息,可以阅读UNIX中nm的man页面,其中按照该命令输出中的字符编码分别对每种类型进行了描述。

    For detailed information on all of these types of data , consider reading the UNIX man page on nm , where each type is described by the character codes shown in the output of the command .

  20. 如果考虑到替换对,UTF-16是一种变长字符编码。

    UTF-16 is a variable-width character encoding , once surrogate pairs are taken into account .

  21. 文档撰写工具(比如:文本编辑器)可以选择它们对HTML文档的字符编码方式,这种编码方式的选择很大程度上依赖于系统软件的默认约定。

    Authoring tools ( e.g. , text editors ) may encode HTML documents in the character encoding of their choice , and the choice largely depends on the conventions used by the system software .

  22. 但是对于多字节字符编码(如UTF-8),这些数值并不符合字符语义。

    However , these numeric values do not adhere to character semantics in the case of multi-byte character encodings , like UTF-8 .

  23. 同时也研究了如何采用Unicode编码来解决不同平台上字符编码不同所造成的中文出现乱码的问题。

    At the same time , the how to use the code to solve Unicode character encoding different platforms to differences in Chinese appear garbled .

  24. 您可以用命令localecharmap查询当前语言环境中字符编码的名称。

    You can query the name of the character encoding in your current locale with the command locale charmap .

  25. 所有的本地化翻译应该至少有一个UTF-8版本,但是可能会随意地在本地化翻译受欢迎的其它字符编码中添加版本。

    All localizations should have at least a UTF-8 version , but may optionally add versions in other character encodings popular for that locale .

  26. 程序统一字符编码为utf8。

    Procedures set character encoding is " utf8 " .

  27. Unicode用三种不同的大小定义字符编码UTF-8、UTF-16和UTF-32而传统的字符类型是8位的。

    Unicode defines character encodings in three distinct sizes UTF-8 , UTF-16 , and UTF-32 while the traditional character type is8 bits .

  28. 通常,XMLBuddy为字符编码提供两种解决方案:根据文件内容自动检测XML文档编码,或将其设置为缺省的编码。

    In general , XMLBuddy offers two solutions for character encoding : XML document encoding may be auto-detected based on file contents or set to a default encoding .

  29. Unicode字符编码标准是固定长度的字符,它为世界上的每一个字符都提供了一个惟一的代码点,无论平台、程序或语言如何。

    Unicode character encoding standard is a fixed-length character that provides a unique code point for every character in the world regardless of the platform , program , or the language .

  30. 例如,为了表述当前文档的字符编码为“EUC-JP”,文档内应该包含如下内容的META元素声明。

    For example , to specify that the character encoding of the current document is " EUC-JP ", a document should include the following META declaration .