
zì xíng
  • font;character pattern;picture
字形 [zì xíng]
  • [picture] 在COBOL语言中,按照关于数、字母数字(十进制)小数点位置和长度的特定规则对每一数据元或数据项目作的符号描述

字形[zì xíng]
  1. 汉字字形结构的几个统计特征

    Several statistic characteristics of Chinese character pattern and structure

  2. 尤其是不同于《说文》的字形分析,有的完全符合或非常接近汉字的本形本义,这是非常了不起的。

    Especially , much analysis of Zi Jian 's character pattern are similar to original pattern and original connotation of Chinese character extremely , which is extraordinary .

  3. 小路呈连续的之字形顺着山坡蜿蜒而下。

    The path descended the hill in a series of zigzags .

  4. 他们看见15名警察骑着摩托车排成V字形前行。

    They saw a squadron of fifteen motorcycle policemen driving in V-formation

  5. 他的车弯成V字形,撞进了反方向车道,车身挡住了所有的3个车道。

    His vehicle jack-knifed , and crashed across all three lanes of the opposite carriageway .

  6. 他们打着象征胜利的V字形手势。

    They were waving V-signs for victory .

  7. 道路呈U字形蜿蜒曲折。

    The roads twist round hairpin bends

  8. 教堂常常建成十字形。

    Churches are often built in the form / shape of a cross .

  9. 闪电在天空划出一道Z字形。

    The lightning made a zigzag in the sky .

  10. 所述的管正结构从侧面看形似“C”字形。

    The pipe correction structure is shaped like C from the side view .

  11. V字形开发模型由快速原型开发模型演变而来。

    V development model is evolved from rapid prototype development model .

  12. 耳朵呈V字形,小,但不能太薄。

    The ears are V-shaped , small , but not too thin .

  13. 只有少数几个人认为它将呈V字形;

    Very few people say , you know , V-shaped ;

  14. 黑色上衣领口低至胸部,有个若隐若现的v字形。

    The neckline sat low on her chest and had a subtle V-shape .

  15. 在山脊上有一个V字形的槽口,就像步枪的准星。

    In that ridge is a notch , a V like a rifle sight .

  16. 基于Fourier描述器的汉字字形生成及合成的改进算法

    An Improved Algorithm for Chinese Font Generation and Morphing Based on Fourier Descriptor

  17. 文章介绍了XServer的结构,详细描述了汉字字形文件处理器实现算法。

    This paper outlines the X Server architecture , presents in detail the implementation algorithm of Chinese font file renderer .

  18. 台湾台东外海V字形地震震源带问题刍议

    A discussion on the ' v-shaped ' focal zone beneath the outside sea of taidong , Taiwan

  19. 做装饰用的窄的Z字形的缎带。

    A narrow zigzag ribbon used as trimming .

  20. Web作者和设计者在创建网页时,通常会指定特殊的字体颜色和大小、字形及背景色。

    When Web authors and designers create Web pages , they often specify particular type ( font ) faces , colors , sizes , and background colors .

  21. 那是一座没有任何外部装饰的砖砌建筑,呈E字形,建于六十年代。

    It was housed in a plain brick building , shaped like an " E " and built in the 1960s .

  22. 摩阻材料的裂纹扩展以Z字形前进,在一定范围内具有自相似性;

    Frictional materials 's spreading crack advanced as Z shape and was self-similarity in certain extent ;

  23. 人字形切槽短圆棒断裂韧度试样及其BEM标定

    The chevron notched short rod fracture toughness specimen and its BEM calibration

  24. 一种将图字形驱动程序置入TurboPascal的实用技术

    Method of Setting Drivers into Turbo Pascal Graph Program

  25. 线路侧避雷器应布置在侵入波前沿,与架空进线呈V形或一字形连接的重要措施;

    The line lateral lightning arrestor should be installed at the flout of intrusive waves to form a V-shape or I-shape with incoming lines .

  26. 胡子会很时尚,但是男人最好不要留Z字形胡须。

    Facial hair can be fashionable , but it 's probably best for men not to rock the ZZ Top look .

  27. 设计了一组用V字形刀具横切工件的切削试验,以验证排屑速度干涉对切削力的影响。

    A series of experiments are designed of plunge cutting work-pieces with V-shaped cutters to investigate the impact of chip-ejection speed interference on cutting forces .

  28. 今年中国经济成V字形强劲复苏,随之而来的是关于许多城市房价疯涨的报道。

    The story of the strong V-shaped recovery of the Chinese economy this year was followed by reports of soaring housing prices in many cities .

  29. 对不同抽样方式进行比较,得出采用分行式抽样效果最佳,而用Z字形抽样效果最差。

    The sampling method of the split vertical is the best , however , that of the Z shape is the worst .

  30. 有20个管线进线口穿过连续墙。他连续以Z字形前进穿过密集的群众。

    Allow for 20 service openings through the diaphragm wall . He got through the dense crowd in a series of tacks .