
  • 网络alphanumeric character;alphanumeric symbol;alphameric character
  1. 工程师C:噢,不要忘记机器控制单元能理解这些字母、数字和符号。

    Engineer C : Oh , don 't forget that machine-controlled units can understand the letters , numbers and symbols .

  2. 作为字符、字母、数字或符号识别

    Recognize as a Character , Letter , Number , or Symbol

  3. 包含混合在一起的大小写字母、数字和符号

    Contains a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters , numbers , and symbols

  4. 创建超强密码,最好把字母、数字和符号都用上。

    First , create a strong password consisting of letters , numbers and symbols .

  5. 目前,文字识别的对象主要有字母、数字、符号、汉字;

    The main objects of character recognition are letter , digit , symbol and Chinese character .

  6. 使用同时包含大小写字母、数字和符号的强密码。

    Use strong passwords that combine upper - and lowercase letters , numbers , and symbols .

  7. 选难以破解的字母、数字和符号的组合作为密码。

    Select a password that is a hard-to-figure-out combination of letters , numbers , and symbols .

  8. 参与者的表现非常好,他们认识到密码中间加入大写字母、数字和符号会更安全,同时要避免使用名字。

    Participants did reasonably well - identifying the benefits of capitals , digits and symbols in the middle of apassword , and avoiding names .

  9. 因为字母、数字、符号的数量是有限的,所以这样的显示方式并不需要大量的电脑代码或是很强的处理器性能。

    Since there were a limited number of letters , numerals , and symbols , it didn 't take a whole lot of computer code or processing power to accomplish this .

  10. 但如今便签纸也被否掉了,电脑又要求新密码必须是一个包含字母、数字和符号的复杂组合,且必须不断更换。

    But now Post-it notes are frowned on and the computer insists that my new password must contain a confusing mixture of cases , numbers and squiggles and be endlessly changed .

  11. 不过,皮尤研究中心也有一些好消息:绝大多数人都能正确识别出强大的密码,即随机的字母+数字+符号组合。

    There is some good news from Pew , however : A vast majority of people can correctly identify a strong password , which includes one with random letters , numbers , and symbols .

  12. 从技术角度而言,正则表达式是表示某种模式的字符串(也就是说,由字母、数字和符号组成的字符序列),用于定义零或更长的字符串。

    Technically speaking , a regular expression is a string ( that is , a sequence of characters composed of letters , numbers , and symbols ) that represents a pattern defining zero or more strings .

  13. 你完全知道自己应该怎么做:你所访问的每个网站,你都应该选择一个由字母、数字和符号组成的不同且复杂的序列,然后记住它。

    You know perfectly well what you ought to be doing : for each site you visit , you should be choosing a different , complex sequence of letters , numbers and symbols , and then memorising it .

  14. 请使用字母、数字和标点符号的组合作为您的密码。

    Use a combination of letters , numbers , and punctuation .

  15. 以点、横画、间隔的安排来代表字母、数字或标点符号的系统。

    A mark or dot used in printing or writing for punctuation , especially a period .

  16. 每个模板都可以调整注册情况和大小写字母,数字及特殊符号。

    Each template can be adjusted up situation and the uppercase and lowercase letters , numbers and special symbols .

  17. 通过键盘,可以将英文字母、数字、标点符号输入到计算机中,因而可以向计算机发出命令。

    Through a keyboard , English letters , numbers and punctuation can be inputted into the computer , so keyboards can say the words .

  18. 这些策略制定了密码的最小长度以及类的最少数量(比如字母、数字和特殊符号中的类的数量)。

    These policies mandate the minimum length of password and minimum number of classes ( as in alphabets , numerals , and special characters , etc ) .

  19. 暗示:使用大写字母和小写字母,数字,符号,如!

    Hint : Use upper and lower case characters , numbers and symbols like !