
zì wèi
  • grapheme
  1. 从理论上说,任何一个语法单位都可以作为一个翻译单位。这些单位包括音位(字位),音节,词素,词语,短语或搭配,分句,句子。

    Theoretically , any length of language can be a unit of translation , including phoneme ( grapheme ), syllable , morpheme , word , phrase ( or collocation ), clause , sentence , and in very rare and special case , including the whole text or discourse .

  2. 作为一个实体的一组字符串或一组字位串。

    A character string or a bit string considered as an entity .

  3. 分析了像素的高位与低位的相关性,提出了对字位进行运算的无损压缩算法。

    The correlation of the pixel bits is analyzed .

  4. 区域状态字位组合格式

    Region status word bit pattern

  5. 构成一个数据单位的字位、字符或其它元素的一种组合(方法或表示式)。

    A combination of bits , characters , or other elements to form a unit of data .

  6. 本文结合文体学和体裁分析的方法,具体分析了硬新闻的交际特色,并以此为基础,在篇章结构,语义,语法,词汇,字位五个层次上进行分析,得出硬新闻的语言特色。

    Combining the stylistics and genre analyses , the thesis investigates the communicative characteristics and the linguistic features at the levels of textual structure , semantics , grammar , lexis and graphology .

  7. 通过引入搜索状态向量及字符-模式匹配向量,该技术将字符串匹配比较转化为简单的整数字位运算,通过对字符串方向相反的搜索有效地实现了多处理机对字符串的并行相似检索。

    By using searching state vector and char-pattern matching vector , this approach transforms comparisons for string matching into simple integer bit operations and , by searching string from the two ends to the middle , it implements efficiently the parallel approximate string searching on multiprocessors .

  8. 利用该模型讨论了存储单元与位线间距离(d1),字、位线宽度(w)及字、位线厚度(t)对存储单元自由层表面磁场分布的影响。

    The influences of the distance ( d_1 ) between the bit line and the element , the width ( w ) and the thickness ( t ) of the word and bit line on the distributions of the magnetic fields on the surface of the free layer are discussed .

  9. 制约用字短语和把字短语位序的原则有时序原则、语义制约原则、照应原则和凸显原则。

    Which order is used is decided by principles of temporal sequence , semantic constraints , anaphora and salience .

  10. CRC方法的原理如下:一个字的8位作为7次多项式的系数。

    The principle of a CRC technique is the following : the eight bits of the word are treated as coefficient of a polynomial of degree 7 .

  11. 自动字间减位:某因美观关系,字母间不需要的空位自动减少。

    Auto-kerning : The automatic reduction of unwanted white spaces between characters for aesthetic reasons .

  12. ГОСТ标准总线上传输的数据格式采用双极性归零码,数据字由32位组成。

    On the basis of this , data transmission format of standard ГОСТ bus made use of bipolar zero code , its data consisted of 32-bit .

  13. 本文针对所设计的寄存器文件进行了故障分析,特别对20端口字线、位线引起的复杂桥接故障和串扰导致的耦合故障进行了详尽论述。

    The thesis , focusing on the 20-port register file , makes a fault analysis , particularly in complex bridge fault and crosstalk coupling fault aroused by word-line and bit-line of 20-port .

  14. 论文采用字线分割/位线分级、三级静态CMOS译码、自定时等方法降低SRAM功耗,使SRAM功耗比常规SRAM降低25%以上。

    Some methods such as divided word line / multilevel bit-line , multilevel static CMOS decoding and self-timed are adopted to make the power more than 25 % lower than the normal .

  15. “军训是什么?练,就这一个字!”一位新生说道。

    A freshman said , " What 's military training ? Drill , just this word ! "

  16. 坑采充填接顶率与充填体承载效果关系探讨请务必填写正确的电邮地址,粗体字为必填栏位。

    Discussion about relation between the rate of supporting pit roof and supporting effect of backfilling mass Please enter a valid e-mail address . Fields in bold are required .

  17. 本发明公开一种设备,包括:多个字线和字线驱动器、多个位线和位线驱动器、以及耦合在各自的字线和位线之间的多个存储单元。

    The invention discloses an information storage method and a communication system and relevant devices , which are used for being convenient for a user to check an information record .

  18. 采用同时发送奇、偶控制字,伴以TS包中的奇、偶控制字标志位,使得控制字间的区别非常清晰;

    In present dissertation , by sending odd and even CWs simultaneously , along with then odd and even CW flag in TS packet header , the difference between adjacent CWs would be very clear .