
  • 网络morpheme
  1. 屈原(公元前340年~公元前270年),名平,字原,又自云名正则,字灵均。

    Qu Yuan ( 340 B.C. ~ 270 B. C. ) , whose real name was Ping ( Yuan was his courtesy name . He once called himself Zhengze with a courtesy name as Lingjun ) , is remembered as a patriotic poet in ancient China .

  2. 已把“他父亲的遗嘱”仍在火里去了。上校写的那几行字,原是他背熟了的,因此,他并无所失。

    He knew by heart the few lines which the colonel had written , and , consequently , nothing was lost .

  3. 大量形声字是在原字上加注意符而形成的,加注意符是为了分化原字的记词职能,提高汉字表义的区别度。

    A large number of phonograms are made of original Character with sentimental symbol for differentiating original Character 's sense and improving distinction of Character 's meaning .