
zì diào
  • tones of Chinese characters
字调 [zì diào]
  • [tones of Chinese characters] 字音的高低升降

字调[zì diào]
  1. 因此,可以说字调对语调的影响并不明显。

    Therefore , we can say the tones of Chinese characters do not obviously affect intonation .

  2. 它与四声字调标示法之间又有着怎样的关系?

    What relationship between it and the method with the four tones ?

  3. 如果你将这几个字调换一下顺序,句子读起来会更通顺一些。

    If you switch the words over , the sentence reads smoother .

  4. 第二,两字调。

    Second , two word tone .

  5. 着重分析双字调。

    Analyzes the double tones emphatically .

  6. 汉语二字调图样分析及其在合成语言中的应用

    Some statistical patterns of Chinese tone for disyllable and its application on Synthesis of speech by rule

  7. 文章从两大方面进行了描述和分析,即单字调分析和双字调分析。

    There were described and analyzed through two aspects , it was mono-syllable tone analysis and double-word analysis .

  8. 两字组中韩国学生的错误较单字调明显增多。

    The amount of errors the Korean students made in the word group increased significantly than the single syllable .

  9. 该系统包括数据采集、字滤波、据转换、字调零和校准等模块。

    The system includes the modules of data acquiring , digital filtering , data conversion , digital zeroing and adjusting .

  10. 二者在节奏、旋律、反映方言字调的影响等方面体现了内在统一性和差异性。

    The differentiation and internal oneness can be seen in rhythm , tune , and the influence of dialect 's word pronunciation .

  11. 本文通过实验语音学的方法对周口方言的声调进行科学的实验分析,对周口方言的单字调及双字调的变调进行科学定位。

    The methods in experimental phonetics are employed in this thesis attempting to make a scientific analysis on the tone sandhi of Zhoukou dialect .

  12. 现代汉语的双音节词语连读变调以字调为书面标示形式,影响了学习者视觉认读与听觉接受的一致。

    Modern Chinese double - syllable word courses attempt to transfer marker for the written form , which influences the unanimity of learners ' visual reading and hearing .

  13. 从两字调的分析结果看,法国学生的主要问题是两个音节衔接的自然度不够。

    According to the analysis results of the disyllabic tones , the main problem faced by French students is that they show a lack of smooth transitions between two syllables .

  14. 主要讨论了钟山方言的音系,单字调和双字调的声学实验分析,依据性别分别讨论了单音节声调的发声模式和双音节声调的发声模式。

    Mainly discussed the Zhongshan dialect phonology , vocabulary and dual tone acoustic experimental analysis based on gender , respectively discuss the monosyllabic tone phonation mode and double syllable tone phonation model .

  15. 我们采用几种恰当的声调教学方法按单字调、两字调、短句顺序进行有针对性的训练,然后从他们的声调变化中考察哪种教学方法更有效果。

    We use several teaching methods appropriate tone tune by one word tone , two word tone , phrases targeted training sequence , then the tone changes from their study which teaching methods more effective .

  16. 建立了情感语音音节的五度字调模型。对每种情感语音的音节,利用多项式回归获得五度字调模型参数,对比分析了中性语音和情感语音的语音差别。

    The paper established five-degree tone model of expressive syllables by using polynomial regression , and then an analysis and comparison of the speech difference between neutral speech and emotion speech was made . 4 .