
  • 网络imitate the pronunciation
  1. 这里关键是要仔细听磁带或碟片并尽你所能模仿发音。

    The key issue here is to listen the TAPE / CD carefully and try your best to imitate the pronunciation .

  2. 本文探讨了小孩从模仿发音到语言形成的几个发展阶段。

    D.even after they have learnt to speak , children still enjoy imitating .

  3. 听录音,并且跟读,注意模仿磁带的发音。

    Homework : Listen to the tape and read after it .

  4. 大学生如何模仿美国英语发音之探讨

    Exploration on the imitation of American English in college English study

  5. 模仿是练习发音和说话方式的最好方法之一哟!

    Imitation is one of the best ways to learn pronunciation and speech patterns .

  6. 他是向老师模仿来学习发音的。

    He learn pronunciation by imitating the teacher .

  7. 当我在说话的时候,不管我再说什么,就算只是一场普通的谈话,我也很讨厌别人插嘴打断我然后去模仿我的发音。

    When I am speaking , really about anything , just in general conversation , I hate being interrupted so that someone can impersonate my accent to me .

  8. 这个你可以听出来,因为大多数英国人所模仿的汉语发音实际上是粤语&有时,土生土长的英国人听到普通话会很吃惊,因为跟粤语相差太远。

    You can tell , because when most British people try to imitate the sound of Chinese , they actually imitate the sound of Cantonese – hearing Mandarin Chinese is sometimes a shock to British people who have grown up thinking it sounds completely different !

  9. 这个你可以听出来,因为大多数英国人所模仿的汉语发音实际上是粤语——有时,土生土长的英国人听到普通话会很吃惊,因为跟粤语相差太远。

    You can tell , because when most British people try to imitate the sound of Chinese , they actually imitate the sound of * Cantonese - hearing * Mandarin Chinese is sometimes a shock to British people who have grown up thinking it sounds completely different !

  10. 模仿能力差、发音不准。

    Poor at imitation and pronunciation .

  11. 听一本配有音频书籍或者其他英文录音材料,多按停止健,努力理解所说的内容,并且努力模仿朗读者的发音。

    Listen to an audio book or other recording in English , stopping it frequently , trying to understand what is being said , and trying to imitate the speaker 's pronunciation .