
zì fú
  • character
字符 [zì fú]
  • (1) [character]

  • (2) 一般以相连或相邻的笔画在空间排列成的图形形式来表示数据的基本标记,如字母或数字

  • (3) 相邻位的一个小集合,用以表示一段作为一个单元编址或处理数据,经常对应一数字或字母

字符[zì fú]
  1. 定制代码选项以绿色字符C作为图标。

    The custom code option is represented by the green character C icon .

  2. 检索字符O(logn)O(1)

    Retrieve character O ( log n ) O ( 1 )

  3. 你的名字有用连字符吗?

    Is your name hyphenated ?

  4. 它的设计适合只想打出和看到中规中矩的图形字符的患有电脑恐惧症的人使用。

    Its design makes it suitable for the computerphobe who just wants to type and see something come out looking right .

  5. 破折号比连字符稍长点。

    The dash is longer than the hyphen .

  6. 如果情节、字符或单词用法让你感到困惑,你很可能记不起你读过的东西。

    If the plot , characters , or word usage is confusing for you , you likely won 't be able to remember what you read .

  7. 人们要记住大约600个字符才能进行基本的阅读和写作。

    People have to memorize about 600 characters before they can do even basic reading and writing .

  8. 多年来,这个系统发展成了不同的形式,因为在那个时代,人们按照地理被划分开,产生了不同的方言和字符。

    Over the years , the system developed into different forms , as it was a time when people were divided geographically , leading to different dialects ( ) and characters .

  9. 将插字符移动到指定的位置。

    Move the caret to a specified position .

  10. 对不起,文本太长了,无法进行编辑。将其截断到255个字符吗?

    Sorry , the text is too long to edit.Truncate it to 255 characters ?

  11. 请仅使用拉丁文字符。

    Please use only Latin characters .

  12. “网络英语”即在网络上使用的英语(如缩写、首字母缩写、小写字母、不使用标点符号和连字符等)。

    Weblish is a form of English that is used on the web ( use of abbreviations , acronyms1 , small letters , absence of punctuation2 and hyphens etc. )

  13. value属性可以是文本字符、变量或变量外加一个定制的正则表达式。

    The value attribute may be literal characters , variables , or variables plus a customized regular expression .

  14. 由A、T、C、G四种字符组成的核苷酸序列本质上是生物分子的一种符号表示。

    Essentially the nucleotides sequence is a symbolic representation of biomolecular .

  15. VISUALBASIC6.0的字符对随机文件记录长度的影响

    The Effect of Characters on the Random File Length in Visual Basic 6.0

  16. 模式n:使点匹配任何字符,包括新行。

    Mode n : Make the dot match any character , including new lines .

  17. 如果这些实际字符被误用,则会出现诸如“404NotFound”之类的错误。

    If these actual characters are misused , errors such as a " 404 Not Found " can come up .

  18. 基本C字符类型是1字节数据类型,没有一位编程人员想到过要改变它。

    The basic C character type is a1-byte data type , and no programmer dreams of changing it .

  19. LINUX系统下的字符设备驱动程序的设计

    Design of a Byte Device of the Driving Program in LINUX System

  20. Java语言的字符编码问题探讨

    Discussion on character coding in Java

  21. 所有的Expect都称为对话,即它通过send发送的字符序列,以及它所期望(expect)的内容。

    All Expect knows are dialogues , sequences of characters it sends and others it expects .

  22. 要进行演示,请删除原始XML中的元素结尾处的>字符。

    To demonstrate , remove the > character at the end of the element in the raw XML .

  23. 磁带驱动器是顺序存取设备,会通过registerchrdevregion将自身注册为字符设备。

    The tape driver is a sequential access device and registers itself as a character device through register_chrdev_region .

  24. 字符0是零,用来代表th的声音。

    The0 is a zero , used to represent the th sound .

  25. 嵌入式应用系统中字符LCD模块软件的设计与实现

    Programming design of character LCD block in embedded application system

  26. 多数XML解析器都提供了操纵Unicode字符的例程。

    Most XML parsers provide routines for manipulating Unicode characters .

  27. v显示非打印字符,除了换行符和制表符,它们使用各自效果相当的“控制序列”。

    V displays non-printing characters , except line-feed and tab using their " control sequence " equivalents .

  28. n代表5个字符项,前两个字符是“ad”,最后一个字符是“n”。

    N stands for five-character entries , the first two being " ad " and the last being " n " .

  29. 单字符的语言键,例如,D,E,F,给当前的文本环境使用。

    Single-character language key , for example , D , E , F , for the current text environment .

  30. 如果应用程序为XML使用字符类型的变量,那么它就要在外部编码,即在应用程序代码页中编码。

    If your application uses character type variables for XML , then it is externally encoded , i.e.in the application code page .