
zì huì
  • vocabulary;words;terms;lexicon;glossary;wordbook
字汇 [zì huì]
  • (1) [glossary;wordbook;lexicon]∶ 字典一类的工具书

  • (2) [vocabulary;words;terms]∶词汇;词语

字汇[zì huì]
  1. 明代梅膺祚的《字汇》,在汉语辞书史上占有非常重要的地位。

    Among the lexicons by Mei Yingzuo of Ming Dynasty ,《 Zihuil Lexicon 》 holds a very important place in the history of Chinese lexicographical works .

  2. 藉由已建立之中文基础,学习新的语法、掌握汉字的书写规则,加强日常对话之训练及字汇能力。

    Students enhance their speaking and lexicon ability and master the stroke orders in Chinese characters by learning intermediate grammar , syntax , and oral communication .

  3. 我国最早的一部粤方言词典《广东省土话字汇》,是19世纪初第一位来华的基督新教传教士RobertMorrison编纂的。

    The first Canton dialect dictionary in our country is 《 Vocabulary of Canton Dialect 》 . In the beginning of 19 century , Robert Morrison who was the first missionary came to China edited it .

  4. 第二部分是列出无锡方言同音字汇。

    The second part is Homophony Syllabary of Wuxi Dialect .

  5. 你是如何学习一些字汇和措辞呢?

    How do you go about learning words and expressions ?

  6. 本节介绍一些与网球有关的一些字汇。

    Here is some vocabulary about playing and scoring tennis .

  7. 对英语具有大量的字汇是很重要的。

    It is important to have a large English vocabulary .

  8. 这里有一些忠告来帮助你增强字汇能力。

    Here are some tips to help you boost your word power .

  9. 字汇学是在研究字汇的语意以及它在句子中的用法。

    Lexicology is the study of the meaning and use of words .

  10. 她在没有老师指导的情况下掌握了大量字汇。

    She acquired a large Vocabulary without the help of a teacher .

  11. 陕西平利洛河方言同音字汇

    The Homophony syllabary of Luohe Dialect in Pingli County , Shaanxi Province

  12. 本节介绍与机场和搭飞机有关的字汇。

    Here is some vocabulary about airports and air travel .

  13. 改善你的商业字汇和必备的写作技巧。

    Improve your business vocabulary and learn essential writing skills in English .

  14. 我们可以藉由看英文杂志来扩充字汇。

    We can expand our vocabulary by reading English magazines .

  15. 让上列字汇溶入日常生活中!

    Let the words listed above run into daily life !

  16. 本测验包含三部分:字汇,阅读,与写作。

    This test has three sections : vocabulary , reading , and writing .

  17. 凯文看字典来学习更多的字汇。

    Kevin reads the dictionary to learn more vocabulary .

  18. 《字汇》释字体例对现代字典的影响

    Influence of the Forms of Explaining Word Characters in Vocabulary on Modern Dictionary

  19. 然后我们把字汇加到声音上。

    Now we can take these sounds and build words out of it .

  20. 《字汇》的编纂目的和体例具有它的独特之处。

    《 Zihui 》 is unique in its editing purpose and editing style .

  21. 他的法语及英语字汇不如他的徵兆字汇多。

    His French and English vocabularies are not as large as his German .

  22. 《康熙字典》对《字汇》、《正字通》有着紧密的传承关系。

    KangxiZidian has close relationship with Zihui and Zhengzitong .

  23. 学习字汇最有效的方法是什麽?

    What is the best way to learn vocabulary ?

  24. 你的字汇程度就到只到此吗?

    Is this the extent of your vocabularies ?

  25. 河南平顶山方言同音字汇

    The Homonyms in Pingdingshan Dialect of Henan Province

  26. 富川县梧州话同音字汇

    Homophony Syllabary of Wuzhou Dialect in Fuchuan County

  27. 我会花更多时间好好地学习英语(例如:学习更多英文字汇、文法、句型)。

    I spend more time of my learning English on memorising vocabulary and grammar .

  28. 第五章制作孝顺方言的同音字汇表。

    The fifth chapter describes the homophone .

  29. 还是所说的字汇?

    Or maybe it 's the words .

  30. 然后把这些字投射到字汇空间里面

    for each book we take the words and we project them to the space ,