
jiànɡ rén
  • craftsman;artisan;fundi
匠人 [jiàng rén]
  • [journeyman] 旧称手艺工人

  1. 天才与匠人的思考&我们设计的城市与我们的自我设计

    Genius and craftsman : designed cities and planner 's self design

  2. 主要表现在技巧的过分程式化使其逐渐蜕变为纯技术的匠人作派。

    That is mainly showed on immoderately stylized artifice , which has transformed into pure-technique style of craftsman .

  3. 这个剧本充其量就是匠人之作。

    The script was workmanlike at best .

  4. 她从一位老匠人那儿学得其手艺。

    She learned her craft from an old master .

  5. 1.FANCHAIRS风扇�18世纪80年代,美国费城的乐器匠人约翰·克莱姆发明了一种巧妙的纳凉装置。

    Philadelphia-based musical instrument maker1 John Cram2 invented a clever cooling device in the 1780s .

  6. 宋元君听说这事后,让匠人给自己再表演一次。

    King Songyuanjun heard of this story , and asked the artisan to perform it again .

  7. 《36小时玩转清迈》传统上,千里迢迢前往泰国北部之星的游客们,寻找的是M.E.A.T.:市场(markets)、大象(elephants)、匠人(artisans)和寺庙(temples)。

    Traditionally , tourists have trekked to the star of Thailand 's north in search of M.E.A.T. : markets , elephants , artisans and temples .

  8. n.技工;精于一门工艺的匠人要盖一间房子,你必须请木工,泥水匠,水管工人,电工、还有许多其他专门的技工。

    craftsmen To build a house , you need the services of carpenters , bricklayers , plumbers , electricians , and several other craftsmen .

  9. 塾师以笔法谈作文,如匠人以规矩谈美术。

    Professors of composition talk about literature as carpenters talk about art .

  10. 什么匠人出什么活儿。

    As is the workman so is the work .

  11. 罗德、阿挪、匠人之谷。

    In LOD and ono , and in the valley of the craftsmen .

  12. 匠人几乎是无意识地被工具操控着。

    The work flowed from the tools almost unconsciously .

  13. 他从一位老匠人那儿学得他的手艺。

    He learned his craft from an old master .

  14. 我是个匠人,有把热胶枪

    I 'm a crafter , and I have a hot glue gun ,

  15. 耶和华又指四个匠人给我看。

    And the LORD shewed me four carpenters .

  16. 另外还有一些人则从事手工艺。2.匠人手艺差,总怨工具孬。

    Still others engage in artcrafts . 2 A bad workman quarrels with his tools .

  17. 说学写诗歌的人,永远只可以做匠人,而成不了艺术家。

    It surges only from the deepness of heart , and it can 't be learnt .

  18. 手艺精湛的匠人都说茶壶是愈用愈美之物

    The great artisans say the more the teapot is used the more beautiful it becomes .

  19. 手艺精湛的匠人都说茶壶是愈用愈美之物。

    The great artisans say the more the teapot is used , the more beautiful it becomes .

  20. 悯挪太生俄弗拉;西莱雅生革夏纳欣人之祖约押,他们都是匠人。

    And meonothai begot ophrah ; and Seraiah begot Joab the father of gerharashim , for they were craftsmen .

  21. 那匠人看了璞后对厉王说:“这是一块普通的石头。”

    The workman to look after our king said : " this is a piece of ordinary stones . "

  22. 有些匠人不做铁匠活而做金匠、银匠活。铺设或维修屋顶的工匠。

    Instead of iron , some smiths worked with gold or silver , a craftsman who lays or repairs roofs .

  23. 高技能人才的概念经历了从匠人、技师到知识工人的历史演变。

    The concept of high skilled talents has experienced the historical evolution of craftsman , technician to " knowledge worker " .

  24. 偶像是匠人制造,银匠用金包裹,为他铸造银链。

    The workman melteth a graven image , and the goldsmith spreadeth it over with gold , and casteth silver chains .

  25. 你有许多匠人,就是石匠,木匠,和一切能作各样工的巧匠

    You have many workmen : stonecutters , masons and carpenters , as well as men skilled in every kind of work

  26. “贾赦等督率匠人扎花灯烟火之类,至十四日,俱已停妥。”

    " Jia she superintended the craftsmen making ornamental lanterns and fireworks , and by the fourteenth everything was ready . "

  27. 巧克力匠人简·琳德塞-克拉克今年37岁,现居布莱顿,这一奇趣的甜点便出自其手,粉丝价50英镑。

    But the quirky sweet treat - created by Brighton-based chocolatier Jen Lindsey-Clark , 37 - will set admirers back £ 50 .

  28. 丹尼尔斯向一名匠人学习怎样制作表盒,通常是那种银质的背部和带有银质表座的金质表盒。

    He learned from a craftsman in Clerkenwell how to make cases , usually of gold with a silver back and bezels .

  29. 他是你们匠人所弃的石头,已成了房角的头块石头。

    This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders , which is become the head of the corner .

  30. 古代,建筑师和匠人以精湛的手工技艺(Hi-Skill)使经典建筑具有不朽的艺术价值。

    In ancient years , architects and artisans with their exquisite workmanship ( Hi-skill ) built classic architecture that has immortal artistic fame .
