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  • copybook;model of calligraphy for practice;rubbings from calligrapher's inscriptions
字帖 [zì tiè]
  • [copybook;rubbings from calligrapher's incriptions] 供学习书法的人临摹的范本

字帖[zì tiè]
  1. 这个模版是用EXCEL做成的,比较像中国的字帖。

    The model tool made by EXCEL , like chinese copybook .

  2. 书法教学并不是象一些人想象的那么简单,给学生一本字帖就万事大吉了。

    Teaching calligraphy is much more than giving the students a copybook .

  3. 他练书法时临摹的字帖都是繁体。

    He practiced writing original forms of characters from a copybook of calligraphy .

  4. 你已经在字帖上教过我了。

    Thou hast taught me in the hornbook .

  5. 练习簿[不论是否每页印有书法字帖]

    Exercise book [ whether of not having handwriting copy printed on each page ]

  6. 那是一个大写的A宇。你已经在字帖上教过我了。

    It is the great letter A. Thou hast taught me in the hornbook .

  7. 这些字帖卡片悬挂在我们课桌的金属杆上,就像许多小旗在教室里飘扬。

    They were like little flags , waving all about the class , hanging from the rods of our desks .

  8. 字帖儿最适合小学生用来模仿造句。

    The brief note is the most suitable material for primary school students to copy in order to make sentences .

  9. “知道的,妈妈,”那孩子说。“那是一个大写的A宇。你已经在字帖上教过我了。”

    " Yes , mother ," said the child . " It is the great letter A. Thou hast taught me in the horn-book . "

  10. 学这本字帖有四得:会写楷隶行三体三得,会写吉祥语书法作品一得。

    This study has four a copybook for calligraphy : Writing Junkai scribe line will be three body three will be appointed will Writing zero auspicious calligraphic works .

  11. 有时案前视线中放一本米芾的字帖,脑中浮想的是日本的俳句,写下的却是独字或无字了。

    Sometimes in front of the table displays the cursive script of Mi Fu , while in the head emerges Japanese Haiku , but what finally written down is just a single character or even none character .