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  • Calligraphy;characters written with a brush
  1. 练毛笔字,一笔是一笔,不要描。

    In practising Chinese calligraphy , write with a sure hand & don 't retouch .

  2. 我连忙摆手推迟:我的毛笔字不行,还是不献丑了。

    I hastened to my calligraphy : waving not postponed , or not a shortcoming .

  3. 你怎么突然想起练毛笔字来了呢?

    Why did you , all of a sudden , decide to practice writing with a brush ?

  4. 学习。充实,学习新的知识,多学点技能,为以后作,也可以后的娱乐消遣。如:驾驶技术、炒菜做饭、毛笔字等。

    Keep learning new knowledge , new skills to prepare for the future , like driving , cooking and calligraphy .

  5. 三笔字(指毛笔字、钢笔字和粉笔字)是师范生教学基本技能的主要内容。

    " The Three Kinds of Handwritings "( handwritings of brush pen , fountain pen and chalk ) are the basic skills of the normal school students .

  6. 上周五我出席了广东省外事办公室举办的招待会,会上他们让我写了我生平第一个中国毛笔字。

    Friday , I attended a very nice reception hosted by the Guangdong FAO , at which I was asked to make my first Chinese calligraphy ever .

  7. “中国北京,欢迎世界各地的朋友”采用了中国毛笔字汉字简体风格,设计独特。

    Chinese Peking , welcome the friend of the world-wide locations % 26quot ; adopted the Chinese Chinese brush-pen word Chinese characters simplified Chinese style , design special .

  8. 在这个春节,我初步学了点写毛笔字的技巧,真是比得了压岁钱还更高兴,还更实惠。

    In the Spring Festival , I learned a point writing brush calligraphy preliminary skill , is really than got lucky money still more happy , also more affordable .

  9. 范冬琳说:练毛笔字需要很多肌肉的力量和调控能力,它可以帮助你更好地自我调控,达到内心平衡。

    Using brushes to write Chinese characters requires a lot of muscle strength and control , which can help you control yourself and find inner peace , says Fan .

  10. 在学会了如何正确握笔之后的几个月里,我就能写上满满一页的有着自己风格的毛笔字了。

    After first learning how to hold a brush properly , in a few months I was able to write a full page of words in my own style .

  11. 我的感想:我记得上次我和我的同学(毛笔字班)一起去乡下玩,那里也有三到五个人准备杀猪。

    My thinking : I remember last time when I was went to the rural area with my classmate ( calligraphy class ) in China , there is about three to five men ready to kill a hog .

  12. 他用钢笔和用毛笔写的字一样漂亮。

    He writes equally well with pen and brush .