
máo ɡèn kē
  • Ranunculaceae;buttercup family
  1. 这些含生物碱植物基本属于罂粟科,毛茛科和茄科植物。

    They occur mainly in the poppy family , the buttercup family , and the nightshade family of plants .

  2. 毛茛科铁线莲属植物为风行世界的园艺花卉品种;

    Plants belong to clematis genus of buttercup family are popular in the world .

  3. 黄连提取工艺的研究中药材黄连为毛茛科黄连属植物黄连Coptischinensisfranch。

    Study on the Extraction Process of Root of Chinese Goldthread ( Coptis chinensis ) Coptis chinensis Franch .

  4. 毛茛科白头翁属(Pulsatilla)分布于北温带,全世界约60余种,主产欧、亚两大洲,我国有11种。

    Pulsatilla is a large genus of c. 60 species , distributed mainly all over Europe and Asia . There are 11 species in our country .

  5. 升麻属(Cimicifuga)植物隶属毛茛科(Ranunculaceae),全世界有18种以上,分布北温带,国产近十种,产于东北到西南广大地区,产量大,资源丰富。

    There are more than 18 kinds of Cimicifuga species in the world , and they are distributed in the north temperate zone , ten of them are distributed in China and its resources are plentiful .

  6. 东北6种毛茛科植物的核型研究

    A karyotype study of 6 species in Ranunculaceae from Northeast China

  7. 5种毛茛科植物个体大小依赖的繁殖分配和性分配

    Size - dependent reproduction and sex allocation in five species of Ranunculaceae

  8. 三种毛茛科植物提取物及原白头翁素的活性研究

    Studies on the extracts of three Ranunculaceae species and protoanemonin for bioassays

  9. 湖北毛茛科校订

    A revision of the family buttercup ( ranunculaceae ) in Hubei Province

  10. 毛茛科植物交配系统的特征与花期资源分配对策

    Characteristics of the mating system and strategies for resource allocation in Ranunculaceae

  11. 云南毛茛科新分类群和一新记录变种

    New taxa and a newly recorded variety of Ranunculaceae from yunnan , China

  12. 毛茛科杀虫植物&乌头

    Aconitum carmichaeli , a pesticide plant of Ranunculaceae

  13. 黔北毛茛科药用植物的种类与分布

    Species and distribution of medicinal plants of Ranunculaceae in north area of Guizhou Province

  14. 的根和根茎,4份为毛茛科植物棉团铁线莲C。

    And 4 samples come from ranunculaceous plant C.

  15. 湖北省毛茛科地理分布新记录

    Some new records of Ranunculaceae in Hubei Province

  16. 气孔器都是“毛茛科”型;

    The stomata are " Ranunculaceous type " .

  17. 美国东部毛茛科的一种高草本植物,具有大的基生叶和白色花瓣的花。

    Tall perennial of the eastern United States having large basal leaves and white summer flowers .

  18. 中国毛茛科药用植物的研究Ⅱ.乌头属的药用植物

    Studies of the medicinal plants of the family Ranunculaceae in china & ⅱ . medicinal aconites

  19. 群落中含有种数最多的科为蔷薇科、毛茛科、忍冬科和菊科。

    Families contained the most species in the community were Rosaceae , Ranunculaceae , Caprifoliaceae and Compositae .

  20. 丹皮酚是毛茛科芍药属植物芍药、牡丹和萝摩科植物徐长卿的主要药效成分。

    Paeonol is the main effective components of peony from Paeonia in Ranunculaceae , and cynanchum paniculatum from Asclepiadaceae .

  21. 其初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明:子叶节区明显长于毛茛科植物幼苗,属顶枝伸长型。

    The anatomical structure of its primary vascular system was studied and its cotyledon node zone is longer than that of Ranonculaceae .

  22. 除了著名的玫瑰,被誉为“藤蔓皇后”的毛茛科植物铁线莲将会在中国的庭院越来越流行;

    In addition to the famous Rose , known as the " vine " Queen of Clematis Ranunculaceae garden will be more and more popular in China ;

  23. 同时探讨了不同类型管状分子在类叶升麻不同器官的分布与其生理功能和生态环境的关系,同时将该植物作为毛茛科的代表类群,与其它基部类群植物导管分子进行了比较。

    In addition , the paper discusses the distributions of different types of tracheary elements and the relations of their physiological functions with ecological environments , and compares the tracheids of other basal taxa using this plant as the representative of Ranunculaceae .

  24. 本文报道了浙江省毛茛科药用植物资源的概况,计13属,51种(含变种),并对本省毛茛科药用植物资源的保护及开发利用提出了建议。

    This paper reports the general situation on medicinal plant resources of Ranunculaceae in Zhejiang . There are 13 genera and 51 species ( including varieties ) . Suggestions have been made with regard to the preservation , development and utilization of the natural resources .

  25. 通过与其它具T-型染色体类群在花形态发生上的比较,认为黄连属表现出了某些原始的性状,这一结果与分子系统学研究认为黄连属为毛茛科的基部类群的结论一致。

    In comparing the floral morphogenesis with that of other genera with T-type chromosomes in the family , we considered that Coptis contains some primitive characters . The results are consistent with molecular systematic studies showing Coptis as one of the basal groups of Ranunculaceae .

  26. 通过对吉林省野生草本植物的抽样调查,筛选出具有较大园林应用价值的野生草本地被植物86种,分属于毛茛科、菊科、景天科等31个科;

    86 wild ground-cover herb species belonging to 31 families such as Compositae , crassulaceae and ranunculaceae et al were selected based on the investigation of the sampling and collecting specimens in Jilin province and they all had the application value in landscape garden architecture .